Chameleon: My True Face

80 Guan Dong's Rage


"Fuck! He and I can no longer live together on this planet anymore!" Guan Dong cursed once again as he smashed an expensive vase against the wall, his face all red from anger as Wuxing increased his blood pressure with his words.

All he wanted to do now was smash things to vent his fury but before he could continue, with another object, the doors opened abruptly and Guan Mei entered into the room to see what is going on. When she saw her favourite vase smashed, she couldn't help but yell at him, "Are you out of your mind!? Calm down!" She could see the anger on his face but she wasn't scared to confront him, getting her whip ready with some scolding.

Knowing he couldn't smash anything anymore, he only banged his hand on the office desk while cursing again, "Fuck!" He knew it was made from the solid wood so nothing could happen with it.

Seeing him not stopping, she walked to the desk and grabbed his ear, twisting it before asking, "I told you to calm down, didn't I? Don't make too much noise! I have two world-class designers downstairs and you are making chaos. What happened to you?!" This method was always the best in her arsenal and the pain made Guan Dong quickly change the focus.

"Au, Au, Au," His wife didn't have mercy on him, always twisting his ear until he stopped raging so he could only beg for forgiveness even if he was mad, "I'm sorry! I'm calm now!" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

Guan Mei finally let go of him and scolded right away with her voice raised, "No matter what happens, in my house, you are NOT going to smash things! Do you understand me?" Maybe her husband had power outside, but in the family house, no one dared to argue with her. This was her kingdom and either he submits or he doesn't need to come back home.

Many would wonder how Guan Dong became successful while having such anger issues but the insiders knew that behind him stood even someone bigger with a whip to control him. Without Guan Mei, there would be no Guan Dong but not many knew about it.

Having no choice, Guan Dong could only give in and reply, "Yes… I'm calm already…" He didn't plan to enter into a cold war with his wife once again.

"Good. Now tell me what happened. Is this about Dongmei?" Guan Mei naturally questioned his husband, looking at him with her sharp gaze which made him sweat, knowing he could never lie to his wife.

She always knew everything he thought of but still asked questions, trying to trap him into lying so she has leverage on him later. Just like always, she hit the mark with just one question and he couldn't stay quiet about it.

He decided it would be best to just tell what happened and Guan Dong explained with anger which came back the more he thought about Wuxing's words, "It's that bastard Wuxing! He slept with our daughter already! He just called me and admitted it! What's more, he plans to do it again!"

Guan Mei now understood why he was fuming but she didn't find the information surprising. She already expected Wuxing and Dongmei pretending all along and this just confirmed it. The lack of shock expression from his wife made Guan Dong even more frustrated.

"Why are you not worried at all? He is using our daughter and she is doing what he wants. The deal was also fake. Can't you see it all?!" Guan Dong asked confused as he held onto his wife's arms, but she replied simply, "I already saw through them before. The way Dongmei acted made me suspicious but I guess I was right."

Guan Dong was obviously stunned when he heard her and dropped to the chair behind him, asking in disbelief, "You knew and you didn't tell me…?"

Guan Dong actually felt betrayed for a second but then he had to admit her next words made sense, "I didn't tell you cause you would start raging the same way you do now and because I wasn't entirely sure. It was just my instinct. You need to understand that Dongmei is going to be twenty-five years old soon and she is already mature enough to make her own decisions. What are you going to do to stop her? Kidnap her and lock her up in a room? All we can do is advise her when we think she's making a mistake but we definitely shouldn't force her."

Even though Guan Dong knew she was right, when he recalled the way Wuxing talked to him over the phone, only anger was filling his mind. He couldn't help but call out in response to that, "They have not been dating for more than a week and they are already doing it! We waited for almost a year! How can you be this calm when she is clearly ruining her life??"

Guan Mei sighed when she heard him, clearly thinking how come she made Guan Dong her husband and explained, "Times have changed. Life is not the same as when we were young. Dongmei is responsible and she wouldn't give her heart to Wuxing if he wasn't special. I believe in her judgement. If she really did it with him and it wasn't just him bluffing, you should start considering him as your future son-in-law."

When Guan Dong heard her last words, he couldn't help by shiver, not liking such turn of events at all. Before he could argue more, Guan Mei advised him sternly, "Leave those two alone. If they are already this deep into their relationship, breaking them apart will only hurt our daughter, not help her. Be more sensible."

Ring, Ring.

Just then, an office phone started calling, breaking their talk and Guan Dong reached out on instinct and clicked on speaker button, before replying, "Who is it?" He didn't know what to reply to his wife so he took the call to clear his mind.

Unfortunately, it didn't turn out to be an office call as he immediately heard Shadow's voice, calling out urgently, "Boss! Miss ran away with Wuxing! Everything was a big scheme of theirs! They planned the escape and fooled us all! Right now they are both on the ship sailing back towards the mainland!"


When Guan Dong heard the news, he instantaneously banged his hand on the desk and called out to his wife while pointing out at the phone, "You hear what I was talking about?! I knew this exact situation would happen. He is changing her to the point that she even wants to run away with him!"


Naturally, Guan Mei wouldn't back down from the confrontation and also banged her hand against the desk and fought back, "And that's because you forced her to! If you didn't meddle in their relationship from the start, nothing would happen and they could develop normally. It's all your fault that she is running away."

Before Guan Dong could reply to her, the forgotten Shadow tried to break through their fight and shouted, "Boss! Mrs Guan! We also heard gunshots on the ship! There is a need for an immediate backup! We don't know what is going on but we will try to reach the ship if we are able to get a boat from the Chief Warden and protect Miss."

"Fuck! He is nothing but trouble! I'm done with him!" Guan Dong finally exploded, not listening to his wife anymore and ended the call with Shadow, not wasting time to ask how did Dongmei escape from them as right now it was useless to him. He would be punishing them later when Dongmei was found safe.

Guan Mei didn't speak, also being a little surprised as she didn't expect Dongmei would be in any danger right away and looked at her husband whose call just connected, saying out loud before the other person spoke, "Connect me with the Admiral of the closest Navy base to the Badu Island! You have one minute!"


"No! This plan is too dangerous! I don't want you to risk your life!" Dongmei shouted right away when she learnt of Wuxing's plans and hit his shoulder to show her disapproval. She didn't want to separate from Wuxing for too long but risking getting hurt was too much for her to accept.

When Dongmei asked him what plans he had, Wuxing told her everything, having no problems with her involvement as she was also part of that plan and already expected such a reaction from her.

Wuxing accepted all of her beatings until she calmed down, looking angrily at his eyes while waiting for his explanation. Wuxing already knew there was no other option left for them so he asked her back, "Then what would you do then? You know your father best. You know he won't stop chasing after me until he knows I'm dead. If you don't want to separate for too long then this is the fastest way to reunite."

As he asked Dongmei to come up with her own plan, she suddenly turned absent-minded, thinking of the way to help them and Wuxing's didn't disturb her, returning to distracting her with his lips by kissing her neck and breasts seductively. If there was something he missed, he would admit his mistake but he doubted Dongmei would think of anything better.

"Ah…" As Wuxing teased her all over, she began getting hotter with each minute, moaning softly but she didn't stop thinking, imagining the whole scenario that Wuxing planned before trying to improve or change it. Each time she thought of something, there was this one puzzle that didn't fit which made her frustrated.

Wuxing gave her time but seeing there was nothing coming out of her mouth, he returned to kissing her lips and assured her, "Don't worry about it. Trust me, nothing will happen to me. Before they find out what happened, I would already be far away in hiding. I need to travel to a different country and reach the Seven Stars headquarters so that I can take part in the selection. To achieve all that I need time. You can use my death as an excuse to hire yourself in the Seven Stars and take part in the selection as a Doctor."

Dongmei naturally knew all that and wanted to trust him but there was still this part of her that was anxious as if something unexpected could happen to him. The old her wouldn't worry at all if it was anyone else other than Wuxing but if it was him, the situation was completely different. Losing him to a stupid mistake was the last thing she wanted right now.

In the end, staring at the confidence she could see in his eyes, Dongmei nodded and kissed him softly to assure she will follow his plan this way before whispering, "I understand… Let's do it your way…"

Having this issue settled, Wuxing focused on what was in front of him and reached down on her belly towards her lower mouth, teasing it just as his fingers entered into her panties.

"Aaah…" As Dongmei moaned from his attack, Wuxing commented playfully, "I think the Captain won't believe we are just drinking tea." To his surprise, Dongmei also reached out with her hand, sliding into his pants and replied back, "I don't care. Before we separate, I want to have you one more time," before whispering as she bit on his ear, "I want to feel satisfied until I meet you again… I don't mind if you go rough like you used to before…"

She didn't know how much a man liked to hear such words but Wuxing still warned her, "We don't have much time. We can only go once."

Dongmei giggled and kissed him for that before saying with a lewd smile as her hand wrapped around a hard object in his pants, squeezing it tightly, "Then you can be rougher…"