Chameleon: My True Face

74 Great Escape - part 3

About twenty minutes earlier.

When Wuxing put the lawyer in the closet, the victim didn't stay quiet, finding all that Wuxing was planning quite ridiculous, "What are you planning to do? Even if you wear my clothes, they will find out anywa— Mhmm!" To quickly shut him up, Wuxing picked the knee sock which was the only object on sight and plunged it inside of the lawyer's mouth.

With the trash talk gone, Wuxing smiled, enjoying the moment of peace before the action would start and replied, "You will not be the person to find out. I already paid you, just stay quiet and do as I told you. If you pass the wrong message, I will hunt you down, do you understand me?"

"Mhmm…" The lawyer couldn't do anything else but listen and nodded like a good boy. If Wuxing had the balls to run away from this high-security Prison then he was definitely brave enough to appear once again in his life to cause him troubles.

With that confirmed, it was time to leave, but just before he was about to close the door, he returned and glared into the lawyer's eyes so that he remembers very well, "One more thing. If you dare to ogle Miss Guan's body, I will kill you."

There was something in Wuxing's eyes telling him that he should definitely do as he says because he was not joking at all. The lawyer didn't need another reminder and quickly nodded his head, fully convinced to stay nice.

Closing the doors behind him, Wuxing planned to start his transformation when he heard the water stopped running in the bathroom, signalling that Dongmei was leaving. It was quite a shock for him as he already calculated his plan with her quickest shower time but now Dongmei was leaving after less than half of that time.

He had to go into the bathroom and figure what was going on, happening to meet Dongmei right when he opened the doors. Seeing her expression, Wuxing quickly reached out and rubbed her cheek as he pulled her into his embrace, despite her being all wet. He could see there was something wrong so he asked softly, putting a lot of care into his words, "Dongmei? Did something happen?"

Wuxing could see her changing expression really quickly and she returned the hug, replying as if that's what she intended to do from the start, "Nothing… I'm just glad to have you and I wanted to hug you…"


In the end, it wasn't Wuxing who calculated wrongly as Dongmei was just worried about him. She returned to finish her shower and Wuxing didn't waste any more time, walking up to the mirror and started his transformation.

He knew that Dongmei could be leaving any times soon so he didn't have time to dilly dally. Wuxing already ate a big breakfast which was supposed to give him a lot of energy for his transformation but looking at his and the lawyer body, he didn't think there would be such a need.

Wuxing already figured out how his ability worked and basically, the more cells he wanted to produce, the more energy he had to expend for it. That's actually how the basic biology worked as the cells needed the energy to grow but Wuxing also noticed that if his body already had enough cells which only needed to be reshaped and transported, he didn't need to spend so much energy.

During his first transformation, Dongmei's guard was quite buffed and he was bigger than Wuxing so there was a lot of muscle tissue that Wuxing had to produce a lot to match him. Later, Wuxing only needed to change back and dispose of the excess number of cells. Contrary to appearances, Wuxing still had to extend some energy for that, although, much less compared to the first time.

This time, it was Wuxing who had more muscles than the lawyer so there was no need to change too much. The only thing that needed work was the face as the lawyer had quite high cheekbones which forced Wuxing to reshape his skeleton as well.

Wuxing undressed, getting fully naked in front of the mirror and with just a thought, his body started to transform. Just as during the first time, Wuxing enjoyed looking at the changes as there was not much discomfort in the process. The whole body took less than a minute to transform and aside from his pride between his legs, everything else changed, looking exactly like the lawyer.

He was only supposed to impersonate the lawyer only for a while so he didn't waste any more time on watching the body, getting dressed into the prepared suit. Wuxing already copied Dongmei's parents' numbers from her phone, just in case he finds it possible to clear the second mission set by Devil Face before leaving.

He was fine with having only one arm during his escape but that would make it impossible for him to get his small revenge. There was one more person that really needed to die and it just happens he would be entering the same ship as him.

Taking one last look at the bathroom, Wuxing fixed his suit and walked out of the apartment with the black suitcase in his hands. Upon opening the doors, he saw Chief Warden talking on the phone a bit further while Dongmei's guards were standing like the usual on their places.

Wuxing didn't hesitate to close the doors behind him which made the Guards look weirdly at him. Wuxing didn't lead the lawyer back to the doors? It was after all the host custom to lead the guest in and out and now Wuxing was nowhere to be seen.

Wuxing fixed his tie and coughed, pointing back at the apartment's doors and explained with a wry smile, "Cough, Mr Li went into the bathroom to take a shower and I decided to leave first before Miss Guan left. I quite wanted to witness her beauty but I want to live too."

Still talking through the phone, Chief Warden smiled and called out, "Cheng, how was the talk with Mr Li?" It seemed like he had a nice conversation going on while Wuxing was away which put him back in a good mood.

"Everything is settled. I just need to visit the court and fine the case to revoke the previous sentence. I already contacted the judge in the higher court and knowing what was going on, he agreed to change the verdict. Guan Family's favour was too appealing for him to reject it." Wuxing naturally nodded, walking towards the Chief Warden, deciding to not talk to the guards anymore just as the normal Cheng would do.

"Perfect. I knew I could count on you." Chief Warden would also receive some special credits if everything went smoothly so he was happy there were no problems. Recalling that he was still on the phone, he gave it to Wuxing and said happily, "By the way, your wife called and we were just chatting, you can say hi to her."

Wuxing was only a little surprised as he suspected such a thing could happen and he took the phone without hesitation as they walked to the elevator doors, "Oh, I was about to call her. Hey honey, how are you?"

Wuxing expected a normal conversation about how the day was going but he didn't expect the roleplaying wife to talk dirty with him, "Hey my dangerous tiger~ Rawrr~ I'm doing fine… Miao~ I miss your sharp claws… When are you coming back to pet your kitty?"

Thinking of how to handle it, Wuxing decided to just stay calm and use Chief Warden presence to calm his 'wife' down if necessary, "Honey, I will be back later today or tomorrow morning. I still don't know how long I will have to wait to file the case. You will have to wait for me a bit."

Wuxing was expecting a normal answer this time but the lawyer's wife was too crazy, still talking weirdly as if she was a cat, "Miao~! Why are you not calling me your kitty! You always call me like that… Miao~ Do you want me to file off your claws when you arrive back home? Call me kitty or I won't have mercy on you when you come back!"

"I'm still with people around. I will call you in the evening when I am on my way back home. Bye honey." Wuxing naturally didn't have time for crazy roleplay so he decided to cut the conversation short, ending the call earlier. He could still hear the wife before it ended, pouting on the other side of the call, "Hmpf, let's see how I temper you when you come back! Prepare for the belt!"

When he heard the last sentence, Wuxing couldn't help but change his opinion of the serious lawyer, knowing it wasn't his real personality and called out to him in his mind, 'Oof dude. I hope the belt means something nice else… Have fun!' He was somehow sure that he definitely caused the lawyer Cheng to have quite adventurous activities planned now.

Wuxing put down the phone back into his pocket but then Chief Warden laughed, asking with a grin and a bit of surprise on his face, "Haha, you are still having this role playing game with your wife? Wow! I gave up with my wife quite early but you are still going."

Wuxing wanted to facepalm himself but only smiled wryly and shrugged, "What else can I do? My wife likes it so much that she forces me to pretend I'm a tiger and attack her every night as if I'm hunting for her. I already got used to it. Leave it."

"Hahaha, alright, let's go back to my office. You will sign some papers and you are free to go. We still need to keep it all legal." Chief Warden laughed even stronger when he heard the explanation before finally returning to his duties as the elevator arrived for them.

With them gone, the guards looked back towards the apartment, wondering if they should check or inform Shadow about Wuxing meeting Dongmei in the bathroom but decided to just leave it be, knowing there was too much drama already and everything was settled. Wuxing would be leaving very soon anyway and they would never meet again. They didn't believe their Miss would do anything with him after what happened.


They quickly passed all the gates under Chief Warden lead and reached his office before he signed everything he needed. The ship was already leaving soon after unloading all the cargo so, after the short exchange, they both walked back to the way they came here, deciding to arrive earlier in the docks.

It was then when Wuxing met Dongmei on the stairs but still acted normally to not expose himself to Chief Warden. For Dongmei on the other hand, he left some clues which she could use to connect the dots and learn of his secret. He didn't expect to meet her here but that small change of plans wouldn't impact the whole operation.

Dongmei wasn't dumb so Wuxing knew she would figure it out with just this much and the tape on the surveillance cameras. Seeing that she was still acting shocked, feeling quite overwhelmed after finding out the truth, Xuefeng recalled his hand which he reached out to her earlier and said with an embarrassed smile, "I think Miss Guan is shocked to see such a ugly man like me. Thank god I already have a wife so I don't need to worry about it."

This caused Chief Warden to laugh and he turned to Miss Guan to explain herself, "Haha, I bet Miss Guan wouldn't be like that, right?"

Wuxing's comment actually woke her up from her thoughts, making her realise what she has been doing and she quickly laughed softly as she shook her head, "Of course not. Wuxing told me the lawyer had a big mole on his forehead and I found it shocking how big it actually was."

"Haha, as expected of Miss Guan. Brutally honest as always. Chief Warden laughed as he patted Wuxing on the shoulder, trying to cheer him up before excusing them, "Anyway, we will be leaving now. Mr Cheng will be going back with the ship and it will be leaving the docks in less than half an hour."

"No problem. I also need to do something. Safe journey Mr Cheng. Make sure to call your wife when you arrive safely." Dongmei naturally didn't mind that and reminded the Wuxing indifferently before passing them and going upstairs.

Wuxing knew that Dongmei actually meant it for him and not the lawyer which made him smile gently as he looked at Dongmei's back. The guards who followed after her glared at him for ogling at her body but knowing that she didn't react to that, they didn't do anything either.

With her gone, he also continued walking and commented in a whisper like every man would, "Gosh, Miss Guan is hot… Too bad I have a wife…" Chief Warden couldn't disagree to that as he also thought the same but he still warned his friend, "Make sure to not say that in Miss Guan presence or your life will become miserable."

Wuxing nodded in understanding and joked on the way, "Yeah, I know. I will just stick to my wife. The chance on dying is still high but maybe I can survive a few more years."