Chameleon: My True Face

75 Secret Revealed

When Dongmei entered the surveillance room without any hesitation, the guards quickly stood up while acting eager to help, not expecting such a visit at all, "Ah! Miss Guan! How can we help you?" Everyone knew Dongmei could do anything she wanted in this prison so they didn't dare to reject her wishes.

She was still shaken by what just happened but decided to keep it cool until she confirms her crazy theory with some further investigation. Walking up to the two technicians, Dongmei pointed at the multiple consoles and screens, ordering them without wasting time, "Teach me how to search and play something that happened a few days ago.

They looked quite taken aback but they both quickly woke up and quickly responded while giving her the main chair, "Of course! Miss, please sit down first and we will teach you right away." Dongmei looked at the old chair but she naturally didn't mind that and sat down on the edge, looking at all the screens in front of her.

As a doctor, she was used to getting dirty so some dust wasn't scary to her. She wasn't raised as a princess with a golden spoon as her father was really strict on her, providing her with daily army training since young.

Taking over the mouse, the technician entered the files with all their data and explained, "Firstly, Miss has to find the day Miss wants to view in this folder before choosing the camera that interests you. Each day is stored in a different disc due to the huge space needed. They have all been named accordingly to the place in the record."

Clicking on the corridor camera video from yesterday, a new window opened on the screen and technician continued, "Here Miss has a nice programme to view the whole day recorded just outside this room. Miss can scroll on the timeline and pause wherever Miss wants. The whole process is really easy. Miss should quickly learn how to handle it."

The two technicians explained the basics really respectfully, quite worried they would offend her and just as they were about to explain further about other features of the programme, Dongmei stopped them, saying, "I got it now. I think I can handle it now. You are free to go."

Hearing about Dongmei's plans to kick her out, the two technicians scratched their heads, finding themselves in a tricky situation. One of them braced himself and pointed out the important rule, "Miss… We are not allowed to leave this room else we would be in real trouble… In case anything is deleted and destroyed, we will be the ones accountable…"

Naturally, Dongmei frowned when she heard it and called out, tapping the desk annoyed with her nails, "So you are saying I will only delete and destroy the recordings if you leave me alone?" The technicians couldn't help but pale hearing such accusations. They did think about that but they couldn't openly say it to Dongmei.

Before they figured out how to counter that, Dongmei glared at them and explained sternly, "If I were to delete and destroy the whole data in this room, no one will say anything. You don't have to worry about that. Get out before I call Chief Warden in here." She didn't have time to argue with the staff here so she played the cold Dongmei from the start, scaring them.

"Y-yes Miss… We will wait outside." The two of them quickly left, closing the door behind them, leaving only Dongmei and her guards inside. She didn't start her work right away and instead glanced at her guards, glaring at them too, asking in the same tone, "And what are you two waiting for? The applause? Get out and close the doors!"

The guards were quite surprised by Dongmei's sudden change of attitude but they didn't argue, knowing the results wouldn't change no matter what. With everyone gone, Dongmei quickly looked through the files and found the day she needed, the one Wuxing left the apartment to scout.

Her first camera was the one recording the hospital's entrance and Dongmei didn't hesitate to play the video from the moment she left the apartment. Putting it on eight times of the real speed, Dongmei slowly observed, slowing down each time she saw someone coming out of the hospital.

To her surprise, she spotted her own guard, wearing the same clothes Wuxing was wearing. It was the same guard that was left behind by her to stand in front of the apartment. Technically it was impossible for him to leave his the hospital at that moment. And clothes? Did he change to look just like Wuxing?

Dongmei closely observed the face of the guard as she paused the camera on his face and couldn't help but believe in her previous theory, thinking to herself, 'Wuxing… Is this the ability you were talking about? You… can actually change your appearance into that of other people?' When she thought about it, she knew how ridiculous it sounded but at the same time, that's exactly what she could see.

Not only with the guard but also with the lawyer, she could see the original people before but then there was an identical person standing a few minutes after in front of her. Unless the lawyer could teleport and the guard didn't listen to her order, her theory was correct.

Thinking of a quick way to confirm it, she switched to another camera in the hospital which was pointed towards her apartment, choosing exactly the same timestamp and clicked play. Just as she thought, the guard she left there was standing nicely, not moving from his spot at all.

'So it is true… He does have such an ability… There is no way he could make masks that match those people as even their build looks similar…' Dongmei thought as she looked at other recordings, following the tracks of Wuxing in the body of the guard.

She saw him heading into the armoury and picking the familiar Dual Berettas for himself, the same pair he showed her later on. If that wasn't the proof then she didn't know what could. Wuxing did say he has other secrets so she had to think about this one.

Imagining it up till this point, she compared it to her own power, 'Is this the same kind as my lie-detecting?' Dongmei didn't tell Wuxing exactly how her ability worked but it was definitely not a skill anyone can learn. Each time someone around her lied, a sentence inside of her mind would appear, correcting it into the truth instead.

If Wuxing didn't love her but said he did, her mind would correct it into how he really felt about her. If he didn't lie, nothing would happen. Dongmei suspected that she inherited this special ability from her mother but she never admitted to it. Now that Wuxing showed another type of ability like hers, the increased regeneration and this new one too, Dongmei actually believed there have to be more people just like her.

'Then he really meant it when he said he will change his identity completely… Li Wuxing will be no more… He will join the Seven Stars once again and become a shining star, trying to impress my father with that…' Dongmei finally understood the full scope of his plans and cried out frustratedly in her mind, 'Wuxing, you dummy! You could just tell me earlier! I would understand!'

Looking at the time, she calculated she had only five minutes till the ship would set off. She didn't hesitate to select the whole folder with all the files from that day, deciding to delete it all. Just as she clicked the delete button, an alert popped up on the screen, saying:

[Do you wish to delete the files permanently? The User wouldn't be able to retrieve them afterwards. Confirm?] [Yes] [No]

She quickly clicked [Yes] before closing the programme, rushing towards the doors. Dongmei didn't need a lot of time to decide what to do now, planning to see him for the last time before leaving. Even if he was in another body, he was still her Wuxing.

When the doors swung open with her sudden push, the technicians jumped away in a scare. They planned to ask Dongmei if everything worked fine but she didn't even look at them, running towards the stairs. They guards naturally followed after her, finding her behaviour today really strange.

"Miss!" They called out after her but she didn't react to them either. Their only solution was to catch up with her and keep her safe as they always did. While running fast in her sandals, Dongmei lost them in the process, making them fly into the air behind her but she didn't stop to get them, deciding to run barefoot.

The prison staff on the way were giving her way the moment they saw who was running towards them. It would be hard to find anyone who would dare to block her way. After finally leaving the building, there was only a long stretch towards the docks left for her.


As Wuxing exchanged the last few words with the Chief Warden, the captain of the ship came up to him and invited him politely while checking his watch, "Mr Cheng, it's time to depart. Can you please enter the boat? Everyone going back is already on board."

Wuxing only nodded, having no problems with that and followed the captain after his last goodbyes. Wuxing planned to enter the ship last, wanting to know if Long Qing will arrive and just as he thought, he saw him boarding the ship a few minutes ago. It was both a pro and a con as now Wuxing had to choose, either to kill him and have troubles later or have a safe journey just as he planned.

Unfortunately, the desire to kill Long Qing was too high for him to resist it. He didn't want to have any mishaps with that so his only solution was to call a certain someone and clear the mission that Devil Face gave him. It was very annoying but there was nothing he could do other than cursing himself for taking such a deal. Obviously, Wuxing wasn't a person who would regret his deeds for long. One cannot change the past no matter how much he curses.

The ship transporting the cargo wasn't gigantic but there it could be classified to be as medium-sized, even though the board wasn't that far from the water. Just as Wuxing entered the ship he heard Devil Face reminding him once again, 'I give you five minutes to call else I'm going to disable one of your arms for you, hehe.'

Wuxing rolled his eyes hearing that and quickly replied, trying to buy time, 'I know already. I will do it in a moment. Let the ship sail first.' This way it would be much safer for him as before Guan Dong can catch him, he would already be gone.

To Wuxing's surprise, Devil Face didn't argue much and agreed, laughing in between, 'Fine, I will give you this leeway. It would be more fun watching Guan Dong cry, hahaha. I wish I could see his face when he learns that you already stole his daughter's first time.'

'Do you have a grudge with him or something?' Wuxing tried to get something from him in the process but just as he expected, Devil Face didn't reply to his question.

Standing at the stern, Wuxing looked back at the dock, feeling the desire to glance one more time at Dongmei but he knew it was very unlikely. By that time, she should be still looking at the videos, understanding his ability fully. He actually felt much lighter having someone else share his secret.

Just as the ship moved, slowly getting away from the shore, Wuxing also decided to go back to the action, when suddenly, he saw a person running in the dock, bringing his eyes' attention. When he recognized who it was, he couldn't help but smile wryly, having his desire satisfied.

It was Dongmei who came running to see him for the last time after she learnt his secret and he could do nothing but watch her from afar. Knowing the Chief Warden was still on the shore, Wuxing decided to take that risk and wave to her. Naturally, Chief Warden thought it was for him and waved back.

He saw Dongmei halting her movements, talking with the Chief Warden for a moment, giving time to the guards who caught up at the moment, breathing rigidly for a moment. They were not used to such long and intense runs since they became Dongmei's bodyguards.

Just as they thought it was over, Dongmei looked towards Wuxing's eyes and started running again, dashing on the pier which was positioned alongside the departing ship.

Only after she ran the half a distance, Wuxing realised what she planned to do, calling out in his mind, 'No… Dongmei don't…' Unfortunately, Dongmei didn't stop, increasing her pace, trying to catch up to the ship. It was still moving slowly so it wasn't hard but the pier next to it would be soon ending, allowing them to set off into the sea.

"What is this lady doing?" The sailor who was near him on the stern asked confused, watching Dongmei finally catch up to them. There were only less than ten meters of the pier but she was still running forward with full force.

"Miss! Stop!" The guards shouted behind her as they tried to keep up, but before they managed to, Dongmei suddenly jumped from the edge, launching herself in the air straight towards the ship.