Chameleon: My True Face

72 Great Escape - Part 1

"Good afternoon, Chief Warden, Counsellor. Thank you for coming." When Wuxing opened the door, he spotted Chief Warden who was just about to knock on the doors again and a handsome and slim middle-aged man who Wuxing guessed was the promised lawyer. Wuxing greeting them both with a firm handshake and smiled like a kind host.

"Did something happen? You were not opening the doors for so long." Chief nodded to him and asked, quite irritated for waiting this long but Wuxing simply smiled and blamed it on Dongmei, "I'm sorry, Miss Guan was still in her nightgown when you guys knocked so she had to first choose her clothes before locking herself in the bathroom. We all know how slow girls can be when picking clothes, am I right? Hehe."

Hearing Wuxing comment, it was the lawyer who laughed first and confirmed while showing off the ring of his finger, "Haha, true, true. No problem. I have been through that so many times. We didn't wait for that long anyway. Shall we enter?"

"Yeah, let's not waste any more time." Wuxing nodded with a calm smile and opened the doors further, looking like a proper gentleman, not some kind of prisoner. The lawyer naturally didn't mind, knowing he only had an hour of time before the ship will leave so he wanted to have this over as soon as possible and entered first, looking around the apartment.

Just as the Chief Warden wanted to enter too, Wuxing blocked his way and asked, "Chief Warden, will you wait outside? We just need to sign some papers. It won't take long. I don't want anyone other than my lawyer to know my details. Does Counsellor mind?"

The lawyer shook his head, not believing anything would happen to him, knowing that even Miss Guan was friends with Wuxing and said indifferently, "No, it's fine. I know the case so I believe I can trust Mr Li." He also looked towards the bathroom and heard the running water of the shower, meaning the mysterious miss from the Guan Family was really there. The lawyer didn't mind prolonging their stay just to see her.

Wuxing saw that but didn't say anything and commented with respect, "Naturally. My freedom depends on Counsellor efforts."

The counsellor grinned, knowing that Wuxing was just being polite and humbly shrugged, "I'm just here for formalities. I was already contacted by Guan Family. I know they have my back in this case so there shouldn't be any problems. Shall we start?"

As they both looked at the Chief Warden, waiting for his decision, he could only step back, knowing when he was welcomed and when he was not. If the lawyer was fine with that, he couldn't say anything to them and Chief Warden backed away, saying with a smile, "I will wait here then."

"Alright, it won't take long." Wuxing only nodded before closing the doors, locking them. The lawyer thought it was weird but when Wuxing walked forward with open arms, showing him around, he lowered his guard and following him.

As they walked past the bathroom, the lawyer looked, maybe hoping to spot something, but the matt glass doors didn't show him anything, knowing Dongmei was at the shower hidden from the door's view.

"Stop." Just as he was about to look back at Wuxing, he heard a cold order coming from the host and looked in front of him only to see a gun being pointed at him.

"If you start screaming, I will shot your head off. Don't worry, they won't hear you, this room is soundproof and I have a silencer as well." Wuxing face wasn't smiling anymore and was exchanged with a calm stone wall, showing no emotions.

The lawyer was surprisingly calm and asked what everyone would in this situation, "What do you want?" He already had a gun pointed at him before so it wasn't anything new. He knew that staying calm and collected is always the best solution in such situations.

"I won't kill you if you do everything I tell you." Wuxing assured him before asking with a grin, "Do you want to earn half a million today?" It was quite an unusual question from someone who was aiming his gun at you, but the lawyer understood that Wuxing wanted something so he nodded, asking back, "What do you want me to do?"

Hearing the agreement, Wuxing threw Dongmei's phone at him and commanded, "First input your account number on the receiver point. I will send you half a million right now so you behave nicely. Well, you don't have a choice. You can either work for me and earn money or work for me for free. I only need you for one day. What says you?"

The lawyer caught the phone, first looking at Wuxing and then at the phone, checking the contents on the screen, asking suspiciously, "Nothing illegal?" The terms Wuxing presented him were naturaly too hard to believe so the lawyer didn't act rashly because of money. Half a Million was a lot of money even for him but he wouldn't go crazy over it.

Wuxing still heard the shower running so he knew he had some spare time before Dongmei leaves so he replied calmly, "Nothing illegal. Actually, you will be the victim. You don't need to do anything, just stay here." The lawyer could feel that Wuxing was getting impatient so he quickly put his account number on the phone and threw it back to him which Wuxing caught skillfully. He had no choice so he might as well benefit from that.

Confirming that everything was alright, Wuxing sent the money and they both heard a beep in lawyer pocket signalling he got the money. Without letting him check it, Wuxing put the phone away and finally started moving on with his plan, "Smart choice, now listen to everything I say. Let's start with your clothes. Take off your suit, I will need it."

The lawyer gave Wuxing a weird look but seeing the calmness on his face, he trusted him and complied, somehow finding Wuxing trustworthy. He didn't need to pay him, but he did, making it more like a deal than a threatening.


At first, Dongmei wanted to quickly take a shower and then join Wuxing and his lawyer, listen to their chat but the more she stayed under the hot water, the more different thoughts started appearing in her mind. She was recalling Wuxing's behaviour today and found it really strange.

Not only was he staring more at her, looking at her more tenderly than before but he caressed her more, gave her more hugs, pats or kisses. This could be said about his last unexpected kiss in front of the closet which she still felt on her lips. She couldn't stop feeling as if the kiss was a goodbye.

What also made her wonder were his words which also led to that standpoint. Telling her to remember this kiss and that they will meet after some time made her now wonder if he really meant it. Did he plan to leave her for a much longer time than he told her?

Testing all the data, Dongmei still shook her head, not believing in her own thoughts, 'No… He never lied to me. He said he loved me and that today I will learn everything. I will wait and see.'

Unfortunately, this thought didn't want to leave her head so she finally gave up, deciding to end earlier and peek from the bathroom. She wanted to see what is going on and that Wuxing was still there to calm her anxiousness. It never hurt her to just peek. He was just outside.

Turning off the shower, Dongmei wrapped her body with a long tower, tying it up above her chest and walked up to the doors with her black hair still wet. She was still not done with it as she still didn't shampoo her hair but she could do that after she sees Wuxing's calming face.

Just then, just as she was about to open the doors, they got unlocked from the outside and she saw Wuxing's face, exactly what she wanted to see.

Seeing her expression, Wuxing rubbed her cheek as he pulled her into his embrace, despite her being all wet, "Dongmei? Did something happen?"

Dongmei watched him getting worried over her which made her feel really dumb for suspecting him and she hugged him as an apology, dismissing his worries, "Nothing… I'm just glad to have you and I wanted to hug you…" She liked to act like a softie in front of him as she could always receive a tight hug in return and this time wasn't different.

Wuxing embraced her, kissing her deeply and he replied softly, "I'm glad I met you too. You changed me a lot and I like this change. I hope you can continue being my angel, alright?"

Hearing his praise, she had to kiss him again, wanting to steal that sweetness away from his lips. As he only held her waist, she took his hand and placed it on her bottom, letting him squeeze her butt as he wished. She was surprised that Wuxing only opted by one solid grasp before letting go, acting like not Wuxing at all.

Fortunately, Wuxing quickly scattered her thoughts away as he shrugged, "You still didn't finish showering. If we start, we are not going to end." She found that a reasonable cause so she let it go. He was right so she couldn't argue.

Trying to look past his shoulder, Dongmei asked curiously, "Why did you come in yourself? The lawyer already left, right?" Wuxing naturally wouldn't show her almost naked like that in front of the lawyer so he was bond to be away.

"They might still be around here so don't go out unless fully clothed. Chief Warden is still outside the doors. I will go talk to him in a moment." Wuxing answered with a gentle smile before admitting with a sad expression, "I also wanted to see you one last time before leaving…"

This made Dongmei laugh a bit as she kissed him playfully, pushing him out of the bathroom, "Hah, dummy. We will see each other in a bit. Now, go. I will finish my shower first." She thought he just couldn't separate from her for just a few minutes which she thought was cute of him.

"Alright. I got my dose of Dongmei for now. I should survive until next time. I love you." Wuxing also let go and gave Dongmei one last look all over, waving at her for the last time.

Dongmei also got much more natural with such affection and didn't hesitate to reply, closing the doors right after, "I love you too…" As she leaned over the doors, she couldn't stop smiling, finally having someone like Wuxing. She went to finish her shower, this time with all the bad thoughts away from her mind, replaced with happy memories of him.

Dongmei already started planning what they were to do in the next days before he would finally have to leave the prison. She wasn't worried about it as they would only separate for a few days and she would hire herself in the Seven Stars as a doctor, even if her parents said no.

It took her more than twenty minutes to finish showering by washing her hair, dry it a bit with her towel and only then wearing her dress. She preferred to dry her hair naturally instead of using a hairdryer but she had time so it wasn't a problem.

She left the bathroom and looking around, Dongmei found no one in the apartment. She knew that he might still be talking to the Chief Warden but just to be sure, she called out softly, "Wuxing? Are you here?"

Hearing no one inside, Dongmei decided to leave and check if he was talking at the doorstep, when suddenly she stopped, hearing some sounds coming from the apartment.

Mhmm! Mhmm!

After a second, she heard them again and this time determined it was coming from the closet. It sounded as if someone was calling for help while not being able to speak due to their lips being sealed. Thinking it might be Wuxing, she quickly dashed to the closet, opening it without hesitation.

What she saw made her dumbstruck, seeing a stranger naked man who only wore a pair of boxers, laying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back and a kneesock put into his mouth which prevented him from talking. Seeing the light from the outside, he saw Dongmei blocking the entrance and immediately called out excitedly, "Mhmm! Mhmm!"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

"Who are you!?" Dongmei shouted right away, this being her first reaction but as she watched the scene in front of her, she started to understand who he might be. There was only a lawyer inside their apartment and Wuxing. This could only be him and he was clearly tied up by Wuxing and stripped naked. But why?

"Mhmm!" Looking at Dongmei with begging eyes, the lawyer tried to tell her something but seeing she wasn't taking any actions, he started showing with his eyes and head towards his chest.

Only then did Dongmei notice something written on the lawyer chest with a ballpen and read it out loud, "Ungag me ~Wuxing." Confirming it was Wuxing's job, she pulled out the kneesock from lawyer's mouth and called out coldly, "What happened? Where is Wuxing?"