Chameleon: My True Face

71 Party Starting

Just as Shadow was about to go down to the balcony and test sneakily what is going on inside the room, he felt vibrations in his pocket. There was only Guan Dong who had the number for this phone so he quickly picked it up and heard a question from his boss right as Shadow put the phone up to his ear, "Shadow, did you witness the whole situation?"

Guan Dong sounded very excited as he just finished calling up to all of his influential friends, sending invites for his and Dongmei's birthday party. Today everything was working perfectly, each puzzle fitting the other which made him ecstatic. He already planned to make Dongmei's birthday grand but now he decided to make it even bigger, inviting all world-class celebrities and rich persona.

Shadow quickly recognized what Guan Dong was talking about and replied calmly, "Yes, at least to the part of it. I heard Mrs Guan calling to Miss but afterwards, Dongmei closed the balcony and I couldn't hear much anymore." Hearing the tone of his boss' joyful voice, it sounded like everything went well.

Just as he expected, Guan Dong laughed wholeheartedly and praised, "Hahaha! Good job Shadow. Everything is going perfectly. My daughter decided to split up with Wuxing and go back to being friends. He did a good job at swaying my daughter back. He is not that bad as I thought I guess. Anyway, make sure to take care of everything. Help the lawyer clear him of all charges and take him far away. Make sure no one will find the body."

Hearing the orders, Shadow was mostly nodding, knowing what to do but when it came down to the last one, he naturally frowned, not expecting it to be in the plan and asked confused, "Excuse me, Boss? What body? Wasn't he supposed to be free? He still belongs to the Seven Stars. They will definitely investigate it if I do anything..."

Guan Dong only snorted and asked while recalling his phone call with Dongmei, "You think that I would let him go this easily knowing that my daughter loves him this much? I could hear her weeping because of him and I don't want to risk them getting back together. Don't worry about Seven Stars. Just hire someone else to do it for you while watching from the sidelines."

"..." Shadow was momentarily speechless, not liking his orders at all and didn't mind declining, "I disagree. Even if I'm working for you because of my debt, I'm not going to do anything ridiculous. I'm sorry Boss." For Shadow, everyone should have principals in whatever they do and right now, Guan Dong's order was breaking most of them.

Not bothering to argue with him, Guan Dong answered back right away, finally deciding to use the leverage he has on him, "Do it yourself and I will cancel the remaining of your debt."

It quite triggered Shadow but when he thought of finally being able to get rid of the Guan Family shackles and return to working normally as a Seven Star's General, the selfish side of him quickly surfaced, turning control over his decisions.

"I want it on the paper or I'm not doing it." Shadow made sure to ask for the legal confirmation first but Guan Dong didn't have problems with that and agreed without hesitation, "Deal. I will send you the papers via email. I want a clean job. If my daughter learns about it, you are dead. Either make it look like an accident or just make him disappear. There is no one who would search for him anyway as he doesn't have any contact with his family."

Shadow was still unhappy even with such an outcome so he quickly cancelled the call after a short farewell message, "Fine. Will call after the job is done."

Guan Dong didn't mind that and the smile returned on his face. He knew that it was a taboo for one Seven Star's member to kill one another but money could solve everything in this world so he didn't worry about that.

Putting his phone back in his pocket, Guan Dong thought in his mind while shrugging, 'Ah, Wuxing… Your first and last mistake was landing your hand on my daughter. Don't curse me in heaven for that. Live is brutal." Thinking the day was going too well, he decided to pour himself some whiskey, making it a day off work before searching for his wife who went to another room.

While Guan Dong was celebrating, Shadow was staring at his phone, still wondering how he should do it all but even after some time, he couldn't find the right solution, other than doing exactly what Guan Dong planned. He was sure that Guan Dong would test his job and send someone else to check it. Trying to help Wuxing would only bring him even more trouble if they are found out.

'Sigh, at least I tried. I guess in the end, we are all selfish and focus on ourselves. Ah dude, you really had to mess with Guan Family…' Shadow shook his head with a sigh, having no choice but to act just like he was expected.


The next two days were pretty calm on Wuxing's and Dongmei's side as nothing happened between them. They returned to normal friendship and Wuxing didn't publically do anything with her. When they both went for a stroll, Wuxing was standing behind her together with the guards, behaving respectfully to her status even though Dongmei asked him to walk near her.

Dongmei was only sighing and the guards could see that their relationship was slipping. They no longer looked like normal friends and even in the apartment, Wuxing acted like a proper servant that she wanted to have from the start. Upon reporting, this made Guan Dong even happier, improving his mood these past two days by a lot.

He didn't know that there was one place that no one could and that was a bathroom or the closet where they both continued to let loose of their emotions. After a whole day of Wuxing's ignoring her, Dongmei needed some sincere apologies in the form of at least a thousand kisses.

They had to be careful during the day, but at night, when the curtains were closed, Wuxing wasn't letting Dongmei leave his embrace. After a few hours of pleasures each night, Dongmei would cuddle into his warm chest and quickly fall asleep. The only thing she hated was finding him gone in the morning when her eyes would open, laying on the sofa instead. In his place, there was a pillow which she already started hating cause of that.

Dongmei still wondered how did he escape from her embrace each time but upon asking, Wuxing would only sneakily kiss her back, not explaining much. Even if she wrapped her arms and legs around her, he would still find a way to escape. She wasn't such a heavy sleeper anyway so it made her puzzled.

"Today you have a meeting with the lawyer, right? The ship should have arrived by now. It's almost noon. It will be leaving in a few hours so you don't have a lot of time to talk with him. You should get ready and meet him." Dongmei looked at the time at informed him as she watched Wuxing putting hot omelette on the prepared plate right in front of her.

She leaned back to not get burned by the hot pan but she knew he wouldn't let her get burned anyway. Dongmei was looking forward to all of his meals which were simply delicious so when he finished aligning them on her plate, she couldn't wait anymore and dived it to taste it.

"Ah. Hot…" Obviously, when Dongmei tried to eat a piece, her tongue got burned a bit even after she blew on it a few times to cool it down. She naturally got a warning glare from Wuxing and she stopped fooling around, properly cooling each piece before eating afterwards.

Wuxing already reminded her many times but she didn't listen so he tried to make her learn on her mistakes instead, which worked much better. Unfortunately, it still didn't work fully as his heart softened quickly and he passed her a glass of cold lemon water with some ice cubes inside. Fortunately, it was just a small burn which didn't disturb her anyone after feeling his care for her.

"The Chief Warden visited today when you were sleeping and I asked him to bring the lawyer here to the apartment instead, which he reluctantly accepted." Wuxing explained as he started eating his breakfast too before asking with a kind smile, "You don't mind that?"

"Oh, no, I don't. I will just get ready before he comes. I'm still in my nightgown after all." Dongmei shook her head as she finished chewing, not minding the lawyer coming at all, actually happy she would be able to listen to that and asked to be sure, "How much time till he comes?"

Hearing this question Wuxing ate a big chunk of his double omelette and replied with a smile, "In the noon. Can you get ready in five minutes?"

Dongmei who was drinking water after asking her question spat out all of it, almost choking, as she cried out, "Pffft! Five minutes!? How do you expect me to get ready in five minutes??? I need to finish eating, choose clothes, take a bath as I'm sweaty after the night, wash my hair, apply conditioner and everything else. Wuxing, why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

Wuxing only smiled and put another bite into his mouth, answering calmly while trying to soothe her with his compliments, "Well, I'm telling you now. You better hurry so they don't catch you like that. I don't want anyone to see my beautiful angel's body."

"Your compliments won't help you! You will see. I will kick your butt after the lawyer leaves." Dongmei glared at Wuxing, warning him with the finger before deciding to leave to get ready quickly but Wuxing caught her hand, placing her back on her seat and ordered sternly, "Finish eating. I didn't cook so it can go to waste."

Seeing his smile gone, Dongmei stopped revolting and finished the breakfast first, shovelling the food to eat faster but then she noticed Wuxing's glare, making her stop, eating normally instead. Only then did she receive a gentle pat on their head which made her calm down a bit.

"I only need to sign some papers with the lawyer so you are not going to lose much. Don't worry. You can take your shower in peace." Wuxing explained, knowing that she was still thinking about it to which she only nodded, planning on joining them anyway.

When they finally finished, it was already noon. Showing Wuxing the empty plate, Dongmei wiped her lips with a napkin and stood up, kissing Wuxing on the cheek, saying calmly, "Thank you for the meal. Can I get ready now?" She still planned to give him the punishment for telling her so late but now she behaved nicely to not waste any more time.

Wuxing also stood and agreed as he rubbed her cheek tenderly, "Mhmm, go get ready. Chief Warden should be coming soon." As Dongmei looked at his eyes, she noticed that there was something different about them today. Wuxing was looking at her more intensively as if he tried to save something into his memory for later.

She decided to ask about if after a shower and ran towards the closet first. Wuxing could only sigh, knowing it was finally time. He took the dishes back to the kitchen, cleaning them before pulling out his Beretta, testing it all just to make sure he was ready.

Knock, knock.

"Ah! They are here! Don't let them in! I still didn't pick the dress!" Hearing the knock, Dongmei shouted from the closet and Wuxing finally hid the pistol, walking towards her.

"Take the black one. You will look sexy in it." Wuxing leaned over the doorframe and helped her choose. She was wearing it for Wuxing anyway so she always trusted his choice, picking it without hesitation.

"Alright, I have everything. I will take a shower and get dressed in the bathroom." Checking if she has everything, Dongmei gave Wuxing a peck and rushed out of the closet.

She didn't expect that Wuxing would suddenly pull her into his arms and cover her lips strongly, kissing them deeply. Even when the knocking was over, he didn't stop kissing her until about twenty seconds later.

As their lips separated, Dongmei blinked confused at him. Wuxing was acting really weirdly today as if he wanted to eat her but couldn't, so she asked, not bothered then the knocking anymore, "...What was that for?"

Wuxing leaned over once again but this time he kissed her forehead and said with the gentlest smile she saw so far from him, "I love you. Hope you can remember it with this kiss."

Hearing his confession, Dongmei got goosebumps, realising Wuxing really meant it. She didn't spot any lie in his words which made her really warm in the chest. She dropped her clothes to the ground and wrapped her arms around Wuxing's neck and kissed him back, replying with watering eyes, "Me too… I love you…" Dongmei was really happy, finally able to find someone she could say she loved.

Knock, knock!

Another pair of knocking echoed in the apartment, this time a bit louder, maybe thinking that they didn't hear it.

Wuxing finally let go of her and picked up her clothes from the ground, pushing her towards the bathroom, "Go shower. We will see each other after some time." He didn't forget to wipe her tears of happiness away which only made her laugh softly.

Before she would begin crying, she nodded at him as she also wiped her eyes with her arm and ran up to the bathroom, wanting to get it over with fast so they could spend more time together.

His gaze followed her body and saw the doors closing which made him let out a happy sigh. Wuxing didn't expect to say those three words so soon while genuinely meaning what he said. The time he spent here was short, but he really liked her. She had great qualities and personality which worked best with his. Wuxing would be dumb if he didn't catch her when he had the chance.

Walking towards the doors, Wuxing fixed the double Berettas under his shirts as well as checking the ammo strips and finally opened the doors, happy that he could return to the action so soon, 'I guess its time to get the party started.'