Chameleon: My True Face

68 Break-up

'Interesting… He is really doing it. There is no way she could fake it like that.' Shadow commented in his mind as he watched his Miss run towards the hospital, back to her apartment and Wuxing who started chasing after her.

With the way they behaved, it was almost impossible to fake it so Shadow quickly believed that Wuxing was serious about their deal. His feelings for Dongmei should also be real as Wuxing's chase after her didn't look like an act.

Shadow even started thinking that Wuxing actually loved Dongmei, but knowing he couldn't be with her, he decided to take the offer and end his relationship with her. He knew it was for the better, but he couldn't handle Dongmei's crying, chasing after her.

Unfortunately, Shadow didn't have too much time to contemplate on that topic as he had to rush after them. He already cursed himself enough for not taking too many tools for this mission. If he only took some bugs and hearing station with him, he would be able to listen to everything they talked in the house without needing to eavesdrop on the roof.

After taking the suitcase with the rifle, the guards also followed after them all and soon everyone was rushing after each other. When Dongmei ran into the hospital, she looked down, covering her face with her hair as she quickly reached the elevator, and pushing the button to call for it without hesitation. It just happened that the elevator was already stationed at the bottom floor which allowed Dongmei to quickly enter, setting her destination to the top floor.

Before the elevator doors closed, Wuxing entered the building as well with two guards following him and he dashed towards it while shouting her name once again, "Dongmei!" When the guards saw her face, they noticed that there were a few new tear streams on her cheeks and they immediately felt anger, feeling like to beat Wuxing up.

He tried to reach the elevator before it closed but Wuxing was too late, missing it by less than a second. He hurriedly clicked at the button to call for the next elevator but it would take some time before it came. It would be long too late when he arrives at the top as Dongmei would already close herself in the apartment.

Wuxing was no longer acting according to the plan anymore but everything was spontaneous. The plan was to go to the jungle and shoot some targets before arguing once again over something. Their initial fight was supposed to just start everything but it led to the change of plans. Wuxing didn't know what Dongmei was thinking so he had to improvise.

"Let's use the stairs!" Seeing there was no other option, Wuxing dashed towards the staircase and planned to quickly rush towards the final floor in hope to see Dongmei again. He wanted some sign from her of what they were doing else they could easily mess this up.

Unfortunately, before he could even go up the stairs, he was caught by one of the guards who asked quietly, "Why are you chasing after her so hurriedly? Wouldn't it be harder to make her dislike you if you suddenly start chasing after her like that?" Wuxing's main goal was to break up with Dongmei so the way he acted right now was definitely somewhat suspicious.

Wuxing shrugged his hand off and explained in a whisper, "Obviously I know that. I am chasing after her so this scene doesn't leave a big impact in her mind. We don't want her to hate men because of me. You saw her just now. I didn't plan for any tears to fall. Dongmei is a strong woman. How hurt she has to be to shed a tear just because she fell?" They were still in the lobby so if they started shouting then the whole building would know and it would greatly ruin Dongmei's reputation.

Without waiting for their response, Wuxing dashed up the stairs and the guard without a suitcase followed after him while the other decided to take a lift. They couldn't just leave a rifle their Miss took on the ground and dragging it up to the last floor was not an option either.

When Wuxing reached the top, Dongmei just happened to be closing the doors of the apartment. He didn't wait and dashed forward with his heart beating madly from all the sprinting a moment ago. Before Dongmei could lock the doors, Wuxing opened it once again, only to have it blocked by the security chain on the other side which Dongmei managed to hook just as she entered.

'Smart…' Wuxing praised her in his mind for such a smart move but he didn't have time for that anymore so quickly called out apologetically while putting his shoe in between the doors and its frame, "Dongmei, I'm sorry. Let me in so we can talk." The guard also arrived at that time, standing closely behind Wuxing.

Dongmei who was leaning over the doors from the other side still had a bit painful expression but it wasn't because she was hurt by Wuxing's words but rather the fall which was quite painful. She could take Wuxing's slaps just fine and even liked it but such fall was just annoying. Since the moment she arrived in the apartment, she couldn't stop rubbing her butt cause of it, trying to ease the pain.

Hearing no response, Wuxing called out once again, trying to get some signal from her, "Dongmei, say something. Just talk to me."

The guard was just about to text Shadow so he could make help them in this situation when Dongmei finally answered with an upset voice, "I'm not talking to you… It hurts..."

Wuxing sighed in relief, finally understanding why their plan changed. The guards would think it's her feelings that got hurt but hearing her words, Wuxing understood that it was her butt after all.

Knowing what round he should take, Wuxing leaned over to the gap in the door and said, "Dongmei, listen to me. There is no need to be stubborn. Let's just talk."

"No… You are changing and I don't like it… You were much sweeter before and now all we do is argue. It's not how I imagined being with you… Sob..." Dongmei called out weakly, sniffing as if she was about to cry which made the guards quite upset too, but Wuxing continued speaking to her without break.

He looked quite upset at her words as well and asked unhappily, "What do you mean I'm changing? You said you want me to express myself and act natural. This is my real me. If you wanted a sweet boy, you should maybe start dating some silky pants in suits instead of a military man."

When the guards heard it, they gasped and Dongmei also stopped talking for a little while, not responding right away, clearly going through a lot right now. Wuxing also noticed that realising what he said and quickly tried to counter that, saying apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. You know I love—"

Unfortunately, he couldn't finish his sentence as Dongmei interrupted him and said, her voice no longer filled with sorrow, "Maybe you are right... Maybe I should do exactly that… At least they would care about me more..."

"Dongmei, I do care about you and you know that. It's just that men need space too..." Wuxing explained his thoughts, but then Dongmei replied with a bomb, "Fine. I will give you the space you need. Forever should be a nice time frame. Take your shoe away, I don't want to see you right now."

"Don't be like that…" Wuxing changed the tone of his voice to a much kinder one but Dongmei stopped him, repeating coldly, "Take your shoe away."

"Fine… I still want to talk though…" This time Wuxing didn't argue anymore and simply complied with her request, expressing his will to cooperate but all he heard was a slam of the doors together with them being locked for real now.

"Fuck…" Leaning on the doors, Wuxing cursed under his breath as he banged his forehead against it before turning towards the guards with an angry expression and asked annoyed, "Are you guys happy now? I did what you wanted. She hates me now."

"Oof…" Seeing Wuxing sliding on the floor while covering his face with his hands, the guards sucked a cold breath, feeling as if they were the one breaking two lovers apart. Weren't he just doing it for money? Why is Wuxing all hurt by the breakup?

After closing the doors, Dongmei didn't lose her character. She wiped her tear strains away and walked towards the balcony, planning on taking some fresh air. As she looked into the distance while leaning on the railings, she suddenly started crying to herself.

The Shadow who was watching from the roof, couldn't help but feel bad for her. He just got a text from one of the guards explaining what happened and couldn't help but sigh. He was also involved in this deal so he couldn't put the blame on someone else.

As Shadow watched Dongmei for the next fifteen or twenty minutes, he could recognize the few stages that happen after a breakup. At first, came denial. Dongmei didn't want to believe what just happened and even thought that it was just a mistake, muttering to herself, "Maybe I'm just overthinking… There is no way we could break up… We are great together…"

Later came anger. Dongmei banged at the wall, blaming at all on Wuxing, letting out all of her pent up emotions, "But it's all his fault! Why did he suddenly become like that… He was so great but now he acted like a completely different person… Didn't he say he will be the best man in the world for me?!"

After that came bargaining and short depression as Dongmei thought that maybe it's her fault in the end. Maybe she did something that made Wuxing behave like that. She didn't want to lose him in the end. She wanted old Wuxing back. Looking at the setting sun, Dongmei muttered, "Maybe we should just run away? Maybe he is like that because my father hates him? I already told him to not worry about that…"

At that point, Shadow was getting anxious, calling red alarm right away but it gladly passed as Dongmei entered the last stage of acceptance where she slowly started accepting the fact she and Wuxing could actually break up.

"Sigh… Maybe our worlds are really too different… I only wanted to have someone nice beside me…" Dongmei let out a final sigh, expressing her final thoughts before walking back inside. She pulled out her phone from the drawer and dialled her mom's number, clicking connect after some hesitation.

Dongmei didn't want her parents to see anything from her face so she opted for a normal call. It didn't take long for it to connect and she heard a familiar voice picking up the call, "Hello? What's up, sweetie?"