Chameleon: My True Face

67 Single Tear

"So you say they argued, but then they made up, doing something together?" Shadow asked to confirm, having listened to the whole report from Dongmei's guard. Just a moment ago he started listening to Wuxing's and Dongmei chat and he could feel that something happened which quickly forced him to investigate.

"Yes," The guard nodded, still quite bothered by the situation and proposed, "Maybe we should do something with it? I don't think it will end up well if we allow Wuxing to do what he wishes."

"Hmm… Did you notice any other traces or were there only the hickeys and the kiss marks? How did Wuxing act? How did Miss react to his behaviour?" Shadow didn't make any rash decisions but instead decided to gather more information, questioning them about the whole scene. He knew Wuxing will be preparing to end the relationship soon so he believed it was just his plan.

The guard thought for a moment and answered while shaking his head, "No, there were only those two. Miss didn't take that well, getting quite angry on Wuxing and even after leaving the room, she was quite upset with the whole situation even though they made up. She looked quite genuine in her feelings."

"I don't think we need to do anything yet. I believe Wuxing knows that Miss' feelings for him are too deep and the only way is to slowly remove them without hurting the fundamentals. With the way he acts, it shouldn't take too long for her to get annoyed at him and understand that he was a mistake. Let's not mind their touch. As long as it stays within the barrier of kisses or hugs we can allow that. He can't just go from a hundred to zero right away." The Shadow presented his thoughts based on how he imagined it all.

He believed that Wuxing was a smart guy after their conversations so there shouldn't be a lot of problems with their deal.

Getting the orders, the guard didn't complain and quickly bade his farewell, "Alright, I will get going then. They plan to leave the apartment soon after dinner and go for a walk so I should get going." Before they arrived in the apartment, Dongmei suddenly expressed her interest in going and didn't ask others of their opinions, saying she needs to clear her mind.

"I will be watching from the shadows then. I will decide further after I see his methods. Go." Shadow ordered and walked behind the building, disappearing from the guard's view. The guard had little to talk and could only listen to him, knowing his hierarchy in the Guan Family was much, much higher than him.


"This guy will be probably watching us so you should be extremely careful about how you act. Just behave normally and act just as you would without our plans. I will be very annoying so even without it, you would get angry at me." Wuxing checked if there is everyone outside at the balcony and closed the windows, continuing his explanation.

They had to perform everything perfectly else they would be busted. He was confident with his skills but he couldn't say the same about Dongmei with one hundred per cent certainty. This was also the reason why his plans were not that hard to act out.

"Don't worry… I can do it. Wasn't I good before? Don't be so anxious…" Seeing him like that, Dongmei rolled her eyes as she hit him on the shoulder wanting him to relax a bit, but Wuxing caught her hand and admitted, looking straight into her eyes, "Yes, I am anxious because I don't want to lose you. If I wanted I would escape from this prison without problems but having met you, I can't do that anymore. One wrong move and I can lose you forever."

Dongmei gasped hearing his thoughts on this, now realising how risky the plan was. After all, they were trying to trick her father and not a nobody. If he learnt of what they were doing then it would be a catastrophe.

"It's okay… I will be with you no matter what… Father can't stop me from that." Dongmei quickly hugged into Wuxing's chest and assured him softly, slowly starting to feel the same anxiousness. Of course, it was more like a boost for them so they could perform better.

"I know that. I already told you that I'm not letting you go and I plan on keeping this promise. Don't think you can escape." Wuxing hugged Dongmei tightly, kissing her on the forehead, showing that he would not let anyone take her away from him.

To Wuxing's satisfaction, Dongmei was also the same, calling out confidently, "I think its the opposite. You are not going to escape from me…" As if to seal her promise, she kissed his lips but then they heard a knock on the doors, forcing them to separate.

Wuxing reached out to his pocket, pulling out one of the dual gold Beretta and asked while swinging it on his finger, "Are you ready for some action?" Instead of a normal walk, they actually planned to pretend that they are having a shooting contest in the jungle but it would only lead to a big argument again. The only regret is that they wouldn't get to shoot any but they could always move that to the future.

They both liked guns so the topic worked for both of them perfectly. Before they even reached the door, Dongmei already started her act, just in case anyone was eavesdropping.

"Mhmm, let's get one more weapon on the way. I want to try something different too." Dongmei took the Beretta from his hands and played with it for the moment as they approached the doors before giving it back to him so he can hide it. They were planning on visiting the Armoury for some other props for their actions and she couldn't help but wonder how did Wuxing figure out the whole plan with so many details.

"Miss, are you ready? We can't wait anymore." The guard who came back not long ago for the meeting with the Shadow asked, knowing it would be getting late soon if they didn't leave now.

"Yes, we are leaving. I need to get some fresh air." Dongmei nodded expressionlessly and reached out to Wuxing, grasping his palm. For a moment there was a bit of complication in her gaze but it was quickly replaced by a kind smile.

The guards spotted it right away but didn't comment on it, only internally cursing Wuxing for that.


"Miss… Is that really necessary? Weren't we supposed to go for a walk?" The guards asked confused, almost speechless the moment the saw Dongmei leaving the Armoury with a long silver suitcase, clearly carrying some type of a heavy rifle inside of it.

She didn't want them to enter inside for a reason and they learnt this reason now. It looked like their Miss planned to kill a and got on a killing spree instead of just peacefully walking. But honestly, they weren't surprised in the end, already used to Dongmei crazy ideas so this was just a bonus.

"Well, I just thought of shooting some targets while I am at it so I can let out the stress." Dongmei waved her hand with a few paper shooting targets that she took as well and her guards could only sigh in response, having no reason to stop her.

Feeling that the suitcase should be really heavy for Dongmei to carry, the guard planned to propose carrying it but Dongmei swiftly hopped to Wuxing's side and grabbed onto his hand, pulling him forward without mentioning the suitcase at all. They could see that she was struggling to carry it but she didn't complain, walking with a gentle smile.

They didn't need to be an expert to see Dongmei's plan as they quickly figured that out. With the way she was looking at him, Dongmei definitely wanted him to take over the metal suitcase from her but she wanted him to take the initiative as well. Knowing all this, the guard couldn't help but sigh, thinking, 'Sigh… I guess another fight is going to break out between them…'

Just as the guards expected it to happen, after Dongmei didn't get what she wanted, she muttered out load so that Wuxing would hear her, "This suitcase is so heavy… I wished there was someone who could help me…" There was still a slight smile on her face, a smile of hope that Wuxing just didn't think about it yet which was still forgivable.

Hearing her complains, Wuxing glanced at her as if she was the one to blame and asked confused, "Oh, why are you carrying it? You have two guards with you. Let them carry it instead." When Dongmei and the guards heard it, they both entered into a state of disbelief.

Dongmei's smile quickly disappeared only to be later replaced with an offended expression as she called out angrily, "Fine! I will carry it myself." The guards didn't mind to carry it but looking at the situation, they did not think that their Miss would let them do it now.

"Oh come on, what is your problem now? Can't they just carry it? Why would I do it if we have them? Where is the logic?" Wuxing asked annoyed, acting as if he did not know where was the problem but Dongmei disregarded his questions with a wave of her hand and called out completely indifferent, "Whatever. I don't care. I will carry it. I don't need you."

Recalling that she was still holding hands with him, Dongmei pulled it away as well, placing it on the suitcase handle and started carrying it with both of her arms to ease her arm a bit.

"Gosh, you are so stubborn…" Wuxing commented as he rolled his eyes at her behaviour before reaching out to help her while saying, "Give it to me, I will carry it."

Unfortunately, Dongmei only shrugged his hand away with her shoulder pushing him away and increased her walking pace, not saying anything to him as punishment.

The guards behind Wuxing wondered if they should interfere but then Wuxing suddenly turned around and gave them an 'okay' sign together with an assuring smile before he chased after Dongmei. Seeing him like that, they realised once again that it was all an act of his.

Before he reached her, Dongmei suddenly stopped, turning around and gave him a short glare before continuing to walk, no longer looking at him. Unfortunately, she couldn't walk for long as Wuxing reached out to catch her arm and asked, "Why are you behaving like a kid? I told you I can take it. Give it to me."

His other hand grabbed the suitcase handle, trying to pull it away from her, but Dongmei didn't plan to give up easily, using both hands to rip his hands to stop him while calling out angrily, "Let go! I'm not giving it back!"

"Fine! Do what you want." Wuxing didn't continue to struggle with her and let go just as she wanted, showing signs of deep frustration on his face. As he pulled away from her, Dongmei stumbled behind for a few steps and before she finally dropped to the ground, falling on her butt.

The ground was really hard so it wasn't a surprise that she let out a painful groan upon falling. Even without acting, Wuxing received a glare from her as tears uncontrollably gathered in the corner of Dongmei's eyes and she finally let go of the suitcase, pushing it away from her as if it was all its fault for them arguing.

"Dongmei… I'm sorry…" Wuxing muttered seeing the tears, walking up to her with an apologetic expression before trying to help her up but Dongmei slapped his hands away, standing up alone while rubbing her butt.

She didn't say much and just stared at him as disappointed expression started filling her face. It seemed as if she was thinking of what to do, already having something in mind but hesitating.

In the end, a single drop fell from her eye as she abruptly turned around and run back towards the hospital. There were no tears in his plan so when he saw the single tear falling down her cheek, Wuxing momentarily followed, running after her while calling out in worry, "Dongmei! Wait!"