Chameleon: My True Face

51 Contrac

It was the first time in her life when Dongmei was clearly panicking at this point. She quickly swam downwards, rejecting any thoughts of Wuxing's death which started appearing inside of her mind. He couldn't die, he wouldn't leave her like that. Dongmei repeated that in her head and with only that thought driving her, she dived deeper quickly reaching the tunnel.


Just as she entered the tunnel, her forehead hit something hard and it hurt her really badly. She clutched her head immediately on instinct, rubbing her forehead to smooth the pain, but then she looked at what she hit and it was Wuxing she was so worried about.

As she looked at his face, the pain on her forehead quickly became a secondary thing as she reached out, pulling him into her embrace. Wuxing wasn't even halfway out of the tunnel but his head was already being squeezed by her, almost making he breathe out the air in his lungs. He was fine with long diving but if this continued, he wouldn't be able to dive ever again in this life.

Pulling himself out from the tunnel, Wuxing bounced himself from the edge while holding Dongmei by her waist and launched towards the surface. In addition, he was using his legs as a motor to push them upwards before they run out of oxygen. Dongmei didn't help him at all as she was more busy squeezing him tightly instead.

"Mhmm..." When they finally broke the surface, Wuxing could not even say anything to scold her as she quickly covered his lips and kissed him deeply, giving him no help in keeping their balance on top of the water.

At that point, Wuxing could only slowly reach the shore which was no far away as he somehow understood how she felt. When he saw the gaze she was giving him when she saw him, he couldn't help but feel touched.

Suddenly, when they regain their footing, Dongmei pulled away from him and said quietly as she hugged him tightly, "Promise that you will never leave me." It sounded more like an order, rather than a plea, but Dongmei didn't care.

The moment she realised that she couldn't be with her anymore, her heart didn't want to stop beating like a machine gun shooting its bullets. Dongmei didn't care that they didn't know each other for a long time and only thought about her feelings. When she imagined life without him, she felt like it wasn't what she wanted. What she wanted was him to stay by her side.

"Dongmei… Why so suddenly?" Wuxing asked as he rubbed her back. He kind of wanted to say yes, but couldn't. He didn't know what the Devil Face will demand him to do in the future and he doubted that he would leave him alone if he asked. Just from his previous answer that he gave him, Wuxing didn't think he would let her become his wife. At least for now until he stops playing around with him.

"I just want you to promise that you will stay by my side in the future... I realised that I don't want to lose you…" Dongmei whispered as she moved closer to his face but instead of looking into his eyes, she rubbed her nose against his and continued, "I kind of like you, okay? Can you promise me that won't leave me? Please..."

It was a word that rarely came out of Dongmei's mouth as she always preferred to get things her own way but this time she said it. What's more, she said it to another man which she never expected that she would do in her whole life. Normally, if she had to ask someone else to do something for her, Dongmei would rather not have it at that time and work harder to achieve it by her own in the future.

Hearing her plea, Wuxing couldn't get himself to go with his original plan anymore. He obviously wanted her very much, but at the same time, he didn't want to lie to her. If he is forced to do something in the future that would hurt her, he wouldn't forgive himself for that.

Just then, Devil Face broke his promise of not coming back once again and taunted Wuxing in his mind while giving him a solid laugh as an entry, 'Hah, are you regretting signing the contract now?'

'Yeah, I regret it now. If I knew I would meet her, I would rather not sign it.' Wuxing agreed right away, knowing how the contract with the mysterious Devil Face would affect his life. He wasn't the sole owner of his life anymore and now he had to listen to someone else's orders.

'Haha, too bad. Contract rules cannot be broken. Once you signed it, your soul will be bound under it. There is no going back.' Devil Face laughed once again as he explained the rules of the game. Wuxing could almost feel the smile on Devil Face as he listened to him.

Hearing about the contract, Wuxing quickly recalled the scene of their first meeting and suddenly smiled, realising something important, calling out to Devil Face right after, 'Actually, you are right. The rules cannot be broken. Tell me, you should also be bound by that contract right?'

'We are both bound with our souls but that doesn't change anything. You still have to listen to everything I say.' Devil Face confirmed, still happy about himself, but then Wuxing continued and his mood started dropping with each following word he said, 'If we are both bound with our souls, you also can't break your promises. You said you won't ask me to do anything that can hurt my loved ones. Dongmei matches in that category.'

With those words said, Wuxing didn't wait for Devil Face to reply to him and he returned with his focus to Dongmei who was waiting for his answer patiently, seeing hat he was thinking. Suddenly raising her chin and kissing her lips, Wuxing said exactly what she wanted to hear, "I promise I will not leave you."

Dongmei's eyes brightened while Devil Face's darkened. He didn't expect that Wuxing would figure out the rules of their contract this fast. Getting quite irritated, he called out, 'Don't forget about your current mission and don't think that you can limit me with that. It's hard to win against someone who set the rules himself.'

"Dongmei, it's getting late. We should go back." Wuxing ignored Devil Face statement and tried to pull Dongmei out of the water but she continued to hug him, asking curiously, "What about the cave? What happened there? How did you get out without any injuries? If that fish exploded right next to you inside the water, you would be bound to have your lungs destroyed."

Pulling out the second half of the Ethernum Crystal he kept on the side of his boxers while swimming, Wuxing replied honestly, watching the crystal in wonder, "This crystal is definitely not edible and we could see just how the fish reacted when they ate it. All of those fish which ate it exploded a moment later. We just happened to be lucky that the one that dropped into the tunnel after us didn't eat any."

"I'm happy. I don't know what I would do it something happened to you…" Dongmei breathed a sigh of relief as she finally learnt what happened.

"We can come back there tomorrow and see what's left. We should end this trip before your guards start searching for you. We can move shooting with the guns for tomorrow too. We are not in a hurry, okay?" Wuxing asked as he picked her up and placed outside of the pool.

Dongmei didn't mind that as long as she could spend time with him, but still looked at him with a playful warning, saying, "Alright but don't think I forgot about the dinner you are supposed to prepare. Now that you are mine, you need to take care of your girlfriend."

Hearing her like that Wuxing only slapped her butt replying with the same playfulness, "If you claim to be my girlfriend, you should perform girlfriend duties, right? I can't wait for tonight then."

Dongmei quickly blushed, not expecting Wuxing to go this far right away and let go of him before she called out embarrassed, "We will see how good of a boyfriend you are first…" Only Wuxing could make her act like this, but she didn't hate it if it was only for him. Worried that he will continue the discussion, Dongmei skipped towards the branch with her clothes and began putting them on to which Wuxing only laughed.

With no other messages from Devil Face, Wuxing assumed their conversation was over. Placing the Ethernum Crystal on the rock nearby, Wuxing picked his two gun holsters from the ground and wore it on his naked skin. He didn't have any wearable clothes as they were all in shreds after his battle with the black panther.

Suddenly, he heard the rustle from the bushes nearby and realised something was quickly approaching him. When he saw it was the black panther once again, he was prepared for another battle, but then noticed that her eyes were not focused at him but instead on the Ethernum Crystal that he left on the nearby rock.

"No!" Wuxing didn't hesitate to cry out and rush to stop her but he wasn't faster than the speeding panther. She swiftly reached the rock, swallowing the crystal in one move before running away without even looking at Wuxing.


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