Chameleon: My True Face

52 Ethernum Crystals Effects

"Fuck! Dongmei, the panther ate the crystal!" Wuxing called out as he ran towards her. They knew that the crystal attracted animals but also that they will die right after swallowing it. The fish shared the crystal, eating only a bit of it but the panther ate a whole piece. The outcome would be very obvious.

"What? Wait! I'm still putting on my clothes!" Dongmei saw him came up to her but she only managed to wear her dress and put her bra on without even hooking it.

Unfortunately, Wuxing didn't care and picked her up, lifting her by the legs, saying hurriedly, "You can wear it on the way!", before running in the direction the black panther left. Wuxing had to find her before she meets with her cubs and explodes them all. What he would do with the cubs later was not of Wuxing's concern for now.

He quickly spotted the panther as she didn't run far away from them and chased after her while hugging Dongmei's thighs. She, on the other hand, managed to grab the remaining of her clothes with her. Being high above the ground, she dodged the branches while trying to hook her bra before wearing her shirt on.

"You can put me down!" When she was ready, she called out while brushing through his hair and Wuxing quickly put her down, continuing to run. The panther acted sneakily, entering the bushes before turning directions but he could still track her with the marks on the ground.

"Why is she not exploding yet? It should be about time…" Dongmei suddenly asked as she felt that too much time already passed, compared to the time when the fish started dying.

"Roar!" Suddenly, just as Wuxing wanted to reply with his own theory, the black panther stopped, suddenly roaring into the sky just like the wolves do during the night. From the sound of it, Wuxing could tell that something was different than before as the growls that the black panther was letting out were completely off compared to before.

Wuxing pulled out the gun from the holster just to be sure they were safe, not wanting to risk by guessing what could happen as he didn't know what effects the Ethernum Crystal would have on bigger animals.

Just then, with the sound of the holster being opened, the black panther turned its head towards them, its eyes not longer of almond colour but rather crimson. Upon closer look, Wuxing noticed that the panther was much bigger than before, now resembling a black lion instead, having much more muscles.

"It changed…" Dongmei whispered just in case Wuxing didn't notice it to which Wuxing only shushed her by placing a finger on lips before pointing towards to distance. As she looked when he was pointing, Dongmei saw another black panther approaching them.

If there was a female panther with cubs, there should obviously be a male panther as well. Normally the male panther should be bigger and stronger than his partner but now this fellow would be met with a surprise when he sees his mate.

"Growl…" Just as Wuxing expected, the moment the male panther saw his partner, it growled on her to come and help him defeat the invading humans, turning back to glare at them, but then it returned with his gaze towards wifey, finding that something was different. Instead of focusing on two humans, it walked up to his wifey, trying to figure out what changed about her, smelling her.


Before he could react, he was hit by a strong paw, making him let out a whimper, surrendering right away. She didn't need a few seconds before she dominated her husband. When Dongmei saw that scene, she looked at Wuxing with a smirk, thinking of dominating him like that but then Wuxing slapped her butt lightly, warning her with a grin, "Don't even think about it."

"Hehe, let's leave them alone. I think the panther mama is ready to dominate her partner completely now." Dongmei laughed as she pulled Wuxing's hand seeing that the two panthers started licking each other's faces, deciding to give them so privacy.

At the same time, Dongmei wondered when it would be her time for that. She didn't know if she was ready already but one thing she knew for sure. The partner Dongmei wanted to be her first was definitely Wuxing.

Wuxing didn't mind that and went with her, commenting as they walked, "She didn't explode but the crystal strengthened her body structure just like that. Do you know what it means?"

Dongmei understood it well and contemplated deeper, "Yeah, this discovery can change everything. What if those crystals can really work on humans too? It worked on the panther so why not a human? If humans could strengthen their bodies with them, the value of each crystal with skyrocket even more compared to what it is now. It is already high just because of the energy inside of it which scientist tries to use in many ways possible."

"Yeah, but you are not going to try it first. Let's wait for the scientist to research on it first." Seeing Dongmei's look, Wuxing once again reminded her to not try the crystals. They just recently saw what could happen so the risks were too much. Instead, he asked while grabbing her hand in an intimate hold, "Does your family know anyone who does research about Ethernum Crystals? They would be happy with the information we gathered."

Dongmei acted as if she didn't notice his hold but still tightened her grasp around his hand and replied, "Actually, my family does research about Ethernum Crystals. I should call my father later to tell him about what we found. I think they still didn't do any tests on live animals. It would be strange if they thought about giving rocks for animals to eat. If they didn't, he would be really happy that we saved his team a lot of research time. Maybe he won't get mad when I introduce you to them…"

When she said the last sentence she leaned over and hugged onto his arm, not bothered that he only had some boxers on. With the conversation like that started, Wuxing decided to ask deeper, hoping to hear more of data about her origins, "So your parents have a company that research on Ethernum Crystals. What do they want to do with them? Create alternative energy for humanity or maybe some technical stuff like weapons?"

Hearing the question, Dongmei thought for a moment and answered honestly, "I don't know exactly, but they did plan for both the last time I talked with mother. They want to reach the point where everything will be powered by Ethernum Crystals, from the small dishwasher, through cars and up to weapons as you said. They only had six months so I think there should be some results in the near future."

"So that's why your family has so much influence inside of this prison. Does this mine belong to your family?" Wuxing continued, knowing she didn't hide much from him anymore.

"I can't say it to anymore… but actually, all mines should belong to my family as of now… It's still just the side business of my father which he decided to set up when he saw the potential in the Ethernum Crystals…" Dongmei explained, letting Wuxing know more than she should have but she didn't want to hide much from him anymore.

"And here I thought that an imperium business involving possibly the most expensive material in the future is already big enough." Wuxing said sarcastically and asked as he rubbed his thumb on the top of her hand, "What else are you hiding?"

"Do you know that all the information about me is top secret? You will find out everything in the future." Dongmei only smiled mysteriously, not telling anything anymore but Wuxing didn't give up as they still had some time before they reached back and said, "Wait, I thought that its Seven Stars who are buying all Ethernum Crystals Mines for themselves. How come is it your family that owns them? Don't tell me your family owns Seven Stars?"

Dongmei placed Wuxing's hand on her waist while she explained and hugged him, placing her head on his shoulder, "No, we don't, else I would already ask my father to fix your situation right away. My father just has a close relationship with the Seven Stars boss so we are using Seven Stars influence to buy them all. No country would go against them even if they create a monopoly in the Ethernum Crystal business. We pay the money while Seven Star's boss is putting the spotlight on himself while getting a nice percent of the future revenue from that. Business is business. My father likes working in the dark. That's why not many people know about my family… Don't ask more, I don't want you to be scared of me…"

"Why would I be scared? It's your family after all. If I want to be with you, I have to know more about you. What if your father is a mafia boss and you are the drug princess?" Wuxing asked as he joked, testing her reaction but he only got a hit into his ribs in exchange and a playful glare from her.

Feeling her pout, Wuxing only laughed and poked her noses, smoothing her mood, "Haha, I was joking, okay? Don't be mad at me. You can tell me in the future then. I hope you won't hide it from me until just before our first meeting. I want to know where I stand and what can or cannot talk about with them. You understand that?"

"Yeah, I will tell you everything before you meet them." Hearing his willingness to meet her parents, she couldn't help but smile again, feeling happy that he was this serious. Dongmei wasn't that young anymore. She expected her parents to arrange many single men for her 25th birthday, so if she wanted to choose a man herself before that, she had to act now.

Before he could respond, Dongmei suddenly pulled away from him and asked pointing at the ground, "Can you stop and squat for a second?"

"You want a piggyback ride? Sure." Wuxing did as she asked him, already expecting what she wanted and he allowed her to climb onto his back. He held her thighs as she hugged onto his naked back while holding tightly onto his neck.

After that, Dongmei didn't say anything anymore and just lay down on him, relaxing her body completely. She felt the inner peace being with him and wanted to keep such feelings for as long as she could before her parents would start involving themselves in her relationship.

Dongmei somehow expected that it would be a hard battle with them if she wanted to keep Wuxing by her side but that did not mean she would give up. Dongmei knew what she wanted and being stubborn like she was, she wouldn't surrender no matter what.

When they finally reached the gates of the prison, Wuxing placed her down before they entered and Dongmei already knew what he wanted as she said, "Let me bring you some clothes. You can't walk around naked like that."

"Wait…" Just as she wanted to walk away, Wuxing grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms before planting a sweet kiss on he lips, saying afterwards only after he satisfied himself, "Now you can go. I needed to give myself courage for the time I will be spending here alone without you."

Turning red from his words, she leaned over for one last peck kiss and called out embarrassedly before leaving hurriedly, "...Dummy!"


"Are you sure you want to announce it to everyone like that…? There will be a lot more rumours about us if we do that…" Dongmei asked as she saw the look the side gate guards were giving them. The guards were really surprised to the point where she had to glare at them to stop them from staring.

"Let's not care about that anymore. You said you want to be my girlfriend, then act like one. We are going to leave this prison any time soon so we shouldn't think too much of it. We just killed someone from gossiping about us. I doubt anyone would dare to spread rumours again." Wuxing replied, giving her more courage before tightening the grip on her hand, not letting it go as they entered the prison once again.


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