Chameleon: My True Face

48 Future Plans *

'Ah, fuck it… She already knows about it anyway…" Wuxing cursed in his mind seeing all of Dongmei's teasings and decided to stop waiting.

Earlier he didn't want to risk getting invections as he didn't know if his ability could fix it as well, but now he planned to heal himself completely and quickly join her. He knew that she wouldn't tell anyone about it, so he didn't worry about that. If she wanted, she could already report him right now.

The speed of his healing could be adjusted so the moment Dongmei looked away from him, his wounds suddenly started repairing itself until there was not even a mark left. Taking a deep breath, Wuxing then slowly dived underwater and swam towards her sneakily.

"Huh? Where did he go?" As Dongmei muttered checked the shore once again with a smile, trying to get a reaction from him, she noticed that he is gone. She quickly looked around the pond but she still didn't see him, her smile slowly disappearing.

Dongmei even looked around in the water but did not see him there either. She didn't expect that Wuxing would actually already be beneath her and suddenly something would pull her underwater. She instantly began struggling to free herself, but then she saw Wuxing's smiling face as he swam up to her level.

She stopped fighting, but that didn't mean she was less worried. The was a visible panic on her face as she swiftly caught him and tried to pull him out of the water. In confusion, she didn't notice that all of his injuries were gone already and tried to get him out of the water as soon as possible so that he wouldn't get an infection.

"Idiot! Get out of the water right now!" The moment they resurfaced, Dongmei shouted at him and tried to immediately pull him out on the shore when Wuxing stopped her as he called out with a laugh, amused by her reaction, "Haha, Dongmei, I'm fine. You don't need to panic."

"Dummy! What do you mean you are fine? Look at all your inju—" Dongmei instantly blasted him for being stupid and pointed at his shoulder to show him his biggest wound, but then choked on her words when she saw nothing there.

Dongmei quickly reached out towards his shoulder to flip him to the other side, but then looked in shock at his back, seeing not even a scar left on his skin. She could not help but ask in wonder, "Where are your wounds?"

"This really pains me as your boyfriend. To think my own girlfriend wants me to stay wounded. And here I thought—" Wuxing sighed pretending to be hurt by her question but before he could finish, Dongmei hit him at the back of his head and called out, "Stop talking nonsense. Tell me, was that your ability? It should be impossible…"

Knowing he couldn't prolong it anymore, Wuxing faced her and nodded happily, asking, "Isn't your boyfriend awesome?" As he asked, he slowly pushed her towards the shore which was not far away from them.

"You are… But how? Is that like a superpower? It hasn't been more than fifteen minutes since you got wounded…" The stood up on the white sand and Dongmei once again rubbed the place on his previous injuries asking in wonder.

Wuxing found her reaction just as he imagined and hugged her into his arms before answering, "I think it can't be considered as a superpower. Don't you think fifteen minutes is too long for a superhero whose ability is healing wounds?"

"Indeed, you can't be considered a superhero, but maybe you can be their lackey with such power, haha," Dongmei nodded, confirming his thoughts before teasing him with it while laughing gently. Now that she thought about it, Wuxing's ability wasn't overpowered but it was still wondrous.

Hearing her tease, Wuxing pretended to be angry and clutched her butt as he slid his hand into her lace panties, asking after a deep kiss, "Making fun of your boyfriend, do you want me to spank you?"

Dongmei didn't want to give him the satisfaction from the victory and kissed him as if she wasn't bothered, replying with a playful smile, "Yes please."

With how eager she looked, Wuxing gave up, admitting defeat. He was supposed to give her punishment so he suddenly lowered his body and caught her breast with his mouth, biting on her nipple gently which caused her to moan with little resistance, "Aah, don't bite on them…"

Seeing that he did not react to her plea, she held his head and let him do as he pleased, asking curiously, returning back to the previous topic, "I wonder, is fifteen minutes the minimum time you need or can you do it faster?" She didn't even think about exposing him in any way, only trying to understand what was going on with her potential future boyfriend.

Wuxing stopped sucking on her breast knowing that he wouldn't distract her this way and admitted, "Yes. I can do it faster, but it drains a lot of energy from me with each wound healed. If I was constantly being wounded by something, I wouldn't be able to sustain the healing which would lead to my death."

With how Dongmei was, she wouldn't do something that would bring her no benefits at all so there was no need in hiding what was already exposed.

He still planned to keep his other skills like shapeshifting a secret from anyone for as long as he could. Wuxing didn't want to turn into a monster in her eyes. His fast regeneration ability could be somehow justified but creating a shield out of his bones on top of his skin would be hard to explain.

"Mhmm, I understand… You know, you could tell me about it earlier… Why are you only telling me when I found out myself? You know I wouldn't tell anyone about it…" Finally understanding Wuxing's ability, Dongmei pouted a bit knowing that he was hiding something so important from her. She knew that they didn't know themselves for long, but seeing her actions, who wouldn't tell they don't look like a couple now.

"I wouldn't tell you anything if you didn't become my sweet girlfriend. You know that it's quite big of a secret that could put me into a lot of trouble if exposed, right?" Wuxing asked, making sure she understood his situation to which she hugged him while placing her head on his chest, saying with a sigh, "I know… We do look like a couple now, don't you think?"

"Are asking me to be your boyfriend right now? I thought I am already one?" Wuxing asked whole pretending to be in shock which only made Dongmei laugh and hug him tighter, rubbing on his chest while muttering under her breath, "I'm glad… You really made my everyday life brighter…"

Wuxing lifted Dongmei's head and said while looking at her eyes with a warm gaze, "Mhmm, I also never thought I would meet my girlfriend in prison. Now I'm not even mad that I got here because thanks to that I was able to meet with you…"

Any women who had a little bit of feelings for someone else would feel touched hearing such confession and Dongmei wasn't the exception. She quickly closed the distance between their lips and this time they didn't separate for a long time, soaking themselves with refreshing water while kissing within each other's embrace.

Dongmei wouldn't mind doing it for hours but after a few moments, she suddenly noticed that something was tickling her feet which caused her to quickly pull away and check out the water behind Wuxing's back.

"Ah! Fishes!" Seeing a bunch of colourful fishes in appearing in the pond she exclaimed before quickly diving underwater, chasing after them.

Seeing that, Wuxing laughed and planned to jumped after her when he suddenly heard a familiar voice inside of his mind, 'Yooo, what's up Wuxing! I see you already made her your girlfriend! To think you were such a fast player!'

'Didn't you say you will come back after five days? I am busy right now.' Wuxing still didn't forgive Devil Face for blackmailing him earlier so he wasn't very happy with how he popped out just now.

'Wow, I see you got some attitude since yesterday, not even greeting your best friend. Tsk, and here I thought I will come and check what is going on with my bro.' Devil Face snickered, pretending to be hurt by Wuxing's words, but he didn't fool anyone.

'What do you want?' Wuxing cut the talk short, wanting to join Dongmei without any distractions.

'What do you think about Dongmei? You seem to like her a lot.' Hearing Wuxing's tone, Devil Face also changed the subject, directing his attention towards Dongmei.

Wuxing glanced at Dongmei who just resurfaced to take another mouthful of air before diving underwater again and said calmly, 'She is a great woman. She has most of the attributes that a woman I like should have,' before confirming Devil Face's thoughts, 'Indeed, I do like her a lot.'

'Do you have any plans for her in the future? Do you want to marry her and live a happy life?' Devil Face continued to ask, delving deeper which Wuxing found weird but still answered, 'Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind having such wife. After getting revenge with my own hands, I wouldn't mind starting a family with her. I don't think it would hinder my career in Seven Stars.'

'Seven Stars betrayed you but you are still going to focus your career on it? I would be pissed on the guy who runs the Seven Stars for allowing such behaviour.' Devil Face argued, sounding like he didn't like Seven Stars but Wuxing defended it, 'It was meant to be like that from the start. It a group of mercenaries with all of them being successful killers. I never expected it to be a friendly space. Why do you ask?'

'I don't know, I just wanted to know your stance. Something will happen in the future, which will involve Seven Stars heavily. Can't tell you much. There is still more than half a year from that event so we don't talk about that. I actually came to you to inform you about something. Dongmei's father is investigating about you and he already got full information involving you. All of the data about your past, your missions in Seven Stars and even your previous partners is in his hands now.' Devil Face informed indifferently, sounding like he tried to help but couldn't do anything.

'How is that even possible? Only one place could have the access—' Wuxing squinted his eyes as he asked surprised, but then realised that he already knew the answer and asked to confirm his theory, 'Did he get them from the Seven Stars?'

'Yeah, all Generals Rank mercenaries have access to such information. He has someone at his call who is one of them. After what happened with that General Long, you shouldn't be surprised that they might be leaks.' Devil Face confirmed and asked right after, 'Are you not worried that her father is onto you now?'

'Nope. If I plan to be with her afterwards I would have to face him anyway. You didn't say anything about that so I guess you agree to it, right?' Wuxing only shrugged, not too much worried about that. He was more concerned about Dongmei's father connections and influence. The more power he had, the less agreeable he would be to accept him as a son-in-law.

Hearing Wuxing's question Devil Face laughed and said with his mood back in place, 'Haha, first you have to finish your mission and survive her father's initial wrath. When you are done with all of that we can talk about it again. I'm leaving, have fun.'


Just as Devil Face announced his departure, Dongmei who was underwater the whole time finally come onto the surface once again and cried out happily, "Wuxing! You won't believe what I found!"


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