Chameleon: My True Face

47 Black Panther

"Watch out!" Wuxing pulled Dongmei by the hand back into his arms, backing away a few steps, only to see a black shadow drop right at the spot where Dongmei would be if not for Wuxing's pull.

"Raawr!" A two meters long panther growled at them as she stared at them with her almond coloured eyes. As they walked around in the jungle, they realised they were not the only existence in here as there were many animals there together with them.

Not only normal animals but there were also many predatory ones which they had to be careful of. This panther was their second encounter with such creatures, where in the first one they, fortunately, happened to scare the hungry cat away.

The higher they climbed on the main mountain of the island, the more animals they expected to see. They probably sensed a lot of human activity by one of the coasts so they didn't approach the prison area.

"Don't worry, stay behind me. I will take care of it." Wuxing quickly assured her as he pulled her behind him and focused his eyes on the black panther which didn't give up on her prey, preparing to attack once again. They entered her territory so they had to pay the price for it.

He noticed it was a female panther, so he guessed that they invaded her lair.

Just as Wuxing thought of how to deal with her, he felt his shirt being pulled up and the gun holder got unstrapped, with one of the Berettas being drawn out.

"No! Don't shoot it!" Wuxing shouted, reaching out to lower the barrel of the pistol which Dongmei already aimed at the panther. At the same time as Wuxing got distracted by her, the panther roared and launched an attack, jumping onto Wuxing the moment his eyes turned away from her.

"Fuck!" Wuxing couldn't help but let out a curse as he swiftly pushed Dongmei to the side while diving towards the black panther before she could land on him with her whole weight. It wasn't a very advantageous position that he was in, but he did not have any other choice, needing to make a sacrifice to save them.

One of the panther's paws was aimed at his head while the other planned to cut his shoulder. The sharp fangs which stood confidently out of her open jaw were heading straight towards his neck. Wuxing's only choice was to counter at least two of those attacks and he, of course, chose to protect his neck and head, leaving his shoulder unprotected.

With both of his hands, he hit one of the paws heading for his head while moving his head to the side. Dongmei was right behind him so he had to pull the panther away from her else she would be unintentionally pulled into the battle.

He totally expected the panther to move her body mid-air so he countered that by attacking her head on, crushing with all of his strength. The black panther power came from her momentum and weight but he could use it by shifting his body to the side before pushing her to the side.

"Roar!" The black panther roared once again, not expecting that her attack would miss, but there was nothing she could do aside from continuing her last strike with her free paw. Her sharp claws easily sunk in Wuxing's back, ripping his muscles to shreds but he still advanced despite the pain.

As they crushed together to the ground, Wuxing quickly set up a choke hold around panther's head and squeezed with all of his strength. The panther tried to get rid of him and began swinging with her massive paws, spilling Wuxing's blood each time her claws connected with his flesh but he didn't stop choking on her, holding her firmly.

Dongmei wanted to help, disregarding Wuxing's call and shoot the panther to stop her from hurting him, but with him so close to the panther, she didn't want to risk it. She could see the calm expression on Wuxing's face despite being covered with blood all around his body, so she stayed put, waiting for the right moment.

Just when the panther's movements slowed down a bit as she clearly started losing her strength, they heard two scared whines from the side. When the panther heard the two sounds coming from the nearby bushes, the will to fight appeared on her eyes and her struggling intensified.

Knowing he wouldn't be able to hold her anymore, Wuxing threw her to the side before rolling away himself and standing up to defend himself from another attack. Fortunately, the panther didn't continue her assault and instead looked worried towards the bushes where the sounds came from.

Just then, two cubs came out and run up to their mother worried about her. With her cubs in the scene, she definitely didn't want to fight with Wuxing anymore. She quickly pushed her cubs behind her and growled at Wuxing, wanting him to back away.

Wuxing didn't move his gaze away from panther eyes and called out, "Dongmei, it's okay. The fight is over. Don't do anything. We should just back away." He slowly backed away, pulling Dongmei with his bloodied hand onto a safe distance and only then did the panther took her cubs away, running into the bushes.

"Uff, that was tiring…" Wuxing sat down on the ground and breathed in relief that it was over before looking at Dongmei, smiling warmly, but he didn't see Dongmei smile in return. There was an angry expression on her face and he knew why, but he had no other choice.

Despite being mad at him, she quickly crouched next to him and began checking his injuries. The more wounds she spotted, the angrier she became.

"I know why you did it… But I don't like it anyway! Let's go back. I don't have anything I can clean your wounds with…" Dongmei commented furiously. She didn't want to see Wuxing getting hurt like that, even if it was for the good cause.

Wuxing smiled, assuring her before explaining his actions, "It's okay… My wounds already started healing itself. I couldn't just kill her. It was our fault for entering into her territory and she was just protecting her cubs. If I did, they wouldn't even survive one day alone. Sometimes one needs to look at the bigger picture, sacrificing a little."

"Dummy! Do you call that a little?! Your whole body is covered with wounds. We need to clean those fast and find some bandages to protect you from an infection." Dongmei scolded him as she took off his shirt so he would see exactly how much blood he lost before she pleaded worriedly, "Please, let's go back. Even if your blood stopped spilling, we still need to dress the wounds…"

Dongmei could see that the blood stopped flowing out but that only made her a little less worried. Just from looking at his bloodied back and ripped flesh, she felt like beating him up more for being this reckless. Even if he was doing it out of a good will, she wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice the panther as long as she could keep him safe.

"There is no need," Wuxing shook his head and stood up, showing that he was alright before explaining his idea, "If the panther made her lair nearby, there is bound to be some sort of water source somewhere close too. We just need to search for it and we will be fine."

Dongmei wanted to argue more but Wuxing picked her hand and led her forward, leaving the bloodied shirt on the ground, having no use for it anymore. Now he was happy that he ate a lot for breakfast as now he had to use all of this energy in healing himself.

Just as Wuxing said, they didn't need to wait long before they found a small pond of about twenty meters in diameter, probably created by the rain accumulated over the years. Seeing the deep pond, Wuxing looked at Dongmei and said smugly, "See? I knew there would be one nearby."

Dongmei rolled her eyes and pulled him towards the pond, saying hurriedly, "Don't say anything and let's clean you fast instead." She tested if the water was fresh and only then did she allow him to enter.

He earlier tore off the parts of his pants that could potentially directly stick to his wounds but some of his skin still got stuck as the blood dried up, making it difficult to take them off.

"Let me help you." Seeing him struggle Dongmei crouched in front of him on her knees, slowly ripping the dried blood from his skin so she doesn't hurt him. As she finally took them off completely, her face blushed, having his crotch right in front of her face.

Wuxing saw her reaction and couldn't help but comment with a grin on his face, "I think you will have to wait for that for after I clean myself…" Instead of replying, Dongmei decided to push him into the pond, but Wuxing caught her hands in the process and they both fell inside, sitting in water which reached up to their knees.

"Haha, I was joking, okay... You can do it right now if you want it…" Wuxing laughed as he watched Dongmei all wet and continued to tease her. That didn't end well as Dongmei pouted and hit him on the leg as punishment for his teasings.

"Aaah, my leg! Why do you want to kill your boyfriend… I was so good to you…" Of course, Wuxing couldn't lose this opportunity to pretend it he got hurt, but Dongmei could see through him as he forgot to hide his smile.

His playful acting didn't change the fact that he was still hurt, so Dongmei who already got wet anyway, started cleaning the wounds, glaring at him, "Stand still! I will clean you…"

"Mhmm…" Wuxing nodded and finally calmed down, letting her do her work. He already started to slowly stimulate the regeneration process by reverting his wounds back into the way they were before the fight, so Dongmei didn't have to do much seeing most wounds already began to close.

"Your regeneration is amazing…" Dongmei called out in amazement, adding, "I can almost see how it's closing itself with my naked eye. Truly wondrous." The only problem was the main injury on his back which had much loss of muscles as a lot was cut off by the panther.

Dongmei moved behind him and spent a lot of time scrapping the dried blood from around the wound, finally making it look passable. Glancing at the pond, Dongmei suddenly took off her shirt and threw off the guns that she took of from Wuxing earlier to the shore, deciding to use this opportunity to swim a bit.

"You can't swim with your wounds like that. But that doesnt mean I can't." Dongmei called out before she stuck her butt towards him, asking, "Can you help me take them off?"

"Don't you think it's reckless to bath in the unknown pond in the middle of a jungle?" Wuxing asked back, but his hands still landed on top on her firm butt, slowing pulling down her jeans.

"Why? I'm doing what you told me to. I'm just being adventurous." Dongmei smiled leaving the pond to throw her wet pants and shirt onto the nearby tree branch so they can dry before jumping back into the pond, swimming towards the centre of it with one dive.

The pond was weirdly constructed, having one two metre shore which was reaching up to their knees, before going deep into the ground. The water was very clear but they still couldn't see the bottom of it.

Wuxing had thought of healing his injuries faster so that he can join her, but then he would expose how fast his 'regeneration ability' was. He decided to wait a bit more, watching from the shore as she swam left in circles while throwing flirtatious glances at him to tease him more.

Just as he decided on that, Dongmei suddenly unhooked her bra before swimming up to him and throwing it gently to him. Leaving a playful smile behind, she kicked off the shore and swam on her back this time, showing her ample breasts as they stuck out of the water.

With such actions, she called out with a sigh, "Ah, it's such a shame you can't swim right now."


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