Chameleon: My True Face

177 Rules&Activities

Ash was still not done with her explanation so she continued.

"There will be many ways to earn points but it depends on each of you how you spend your time. From the morning till dinner time, you will have free time to do whatever you want and the evening will be reserved for the challenge. You can earn points by attending classes and training performed by the instructors or you can take part in individual activities.

One is more stable and save, giving you guaranteed points while the other is more risky. If you fail, you will lose points and fall down in the ranking, eventually leading to your elimination. I suggest everyone thinks twice before they choose what they want but don't drag it for too long. In every activity, places are limited.

Because of high demand, you might not be able to earn any points if you are too late, only leaving you with the worst and dangerous activities. Naturally, it can be a blessing as well. The harder the activity, the higher profits.

Even though the challenge gives the most points, it's best to use this time efficiently to get as many points as one can. It is your currency for the remaining time in the base so the more the better."

Ash paused, giving time for the information to sink into everyone minds before moving on.

"At the start of the selection, everyone will receive one thousand points. Top ten chosen by the management are not different so everyone has the chance to replace them if they work hard enough. Just as I mentioned before, by the end of the day, after the challenge is completed, we will check the rankings and eliminate one hundred people.

"We will also reward the top ten with special privileges. They will be able to skip all queues in every activity, live in a specially prepared beach houses and eat with instructors on the platform behind me. Take into account that all instructors are high ranked officials and mercenaries of Seven Stars. It's never bad to start building your connections earlier.

"Current top ten shouldn't relax as they can always be replaced the next day. There are many talented individuals in this month's selection."

When she mentioned it, many participants grinned to each other, already thinking of eyeing the top ten spots. They knew the first day would be crucial as the more time one spends in top ten, the harder it will be to surpass them.

There were too many of them so most activities would be filled before they know it. Having the ability to skip lines would be game changing.

Wuxing only smiled when he heard Ash words, knowing exactly what she wanted to achieve. By putting top ten on the same ground, everyone will work hard to become one from the start. It will also force the current top ten to work harder.

"I guess I will have to work hard to keep my spot," Wuxing commented with a smile and grabbed Dongmei's hand. "Let's do it together."

"Yes," Dongmei nodded, leaning on his shoulder. She looked at him with a loving gaze and if Ash didn't continue speaking, everyone would definitely comment how good of a pair their are.

Anna and Katherine couldn't help but gaze at them, each having their own thoughts and plans.

"Our staff will now proceed to distribute the Metal Cards. When you receive it, please put your thumb on the screen to activate the card," Ash announced, giving a signal to the staff in the distance. Each carried a cartoon filled to the brim with metal cards.

"The card contains all sort of information like activity types you can partake in, the number of people currently occupying them and the number of rules that I didn't mention. Everyone is required to read through the rules.

"If someone breaks any of them, they will be eliminated from the selection summarily and we don't give warnings. You are not excused from following the rules just because you didn't know they exist."

Wuxing and the rest received the cards first so he followed the instructions and activated it with his thumb. He was already familiar with the system, working with similar card the first time he joined Seven Stars.

It scanned his thumb with a new fingerprint pattern he created for himself and his profile popped up.


Name: Chameleon

Current Ranking: 1

Number of Points: 1000


It wasn't exactly the same as the real deal as many of the card functions seemed to be hidden. There were only a few tabs available with the rules being the second he tapped. He was sure many things changed.

As he started reading, Ash informed, "Many things are forbidden but I will highlight some of the main rules some of you might think of breaking.

"This selection is mainly focused on discovering talent so any forms of bullying, harassment or abuse are not acceptable. Anyone caught will be killed on the spot and their body thrown outside for the beast to eat. This is not a playground for kids.

"Everyone is supposed to battle with their own skills, not by using other people. If anyone tries to force others to buy them food, they will become the food yourself. There is no way to transfer points. Once you ran out, you get eliminated."

The warning was quite effective as a frown appeared on everyone's face, probably not expecting such rigorous rules would be used. Compared to what everyone heard, this is a first time one would be killed if the didn't follow the rules.

Wuxing, on the other hand, was quite happy with such scenario, knowing he won't need to worry about both Scarlet and Dongmei. He will be able to grind points and use them to help them if there was a need. With just a simple skim through the rules he noticed ways to abuse it.

You couldn't force others to use their points for you but if the person offer it on their own, there wouldn't be a problem. He wouldn't be surprised if many alliances and groups formed between participants, trying to survive together.

What's more, it was the instructors that were supposed to give out points and rewards. Once anyone became acquainted with any instructor, they could receive the highest reward each time. He just happened to be someone who knew a lot of instructors which made the situation quite safe for them.

"Babe, look at the activity category," Dongmei suggested suddenly, nudging him with her elbow.

"Okay." He gave in to her and skipped the lessons tab and tapped on the fourth, checking the activities. A long list displayed in front of his eyes, showing the amount of people occupying the activity, its description, points one could earn per day and its difficulty.


1. Shooting Range: 0/25

Description: Pay one point per bullet. Earn two for hitting the target.

Limit: 0/2000 points per day.

Difficulty: Easy

2. Obstacle Course: 0/25

Description: Pass the obstacle course in under three minutes to earn 100 points.

Limit: Unlimited tries; 0/2500 points per day.

Difficulty: Easy/Exhausting.

3. Running Track: 0/100

Description: Earn 50 points each time you complete a full track.

Limit: 0/1000 points per day.

Difficulty: Easy/Exhausting.


12. Fighting Challenge: 0/5

Description: Pay 100 to fight an instructor. Earn 1000 upon victory.

Limit: 0/5000 points per day.

Difficulty: Hard


25. Hunting

Description: Go out and hunt for beasts. Earn 2000 each successful kill.

Limit: 0/20000 points per day

Difficulty: Extremely Hard


There were many more activities and challenges, too many for Wuxing to read in one sitting. He was most interested in the list of challenges and record breaking. Each activity had a record one could beat to gain additional reward.

He was also curious about the hunting, seeing it could earn him the most points from all activities. Naturally, it was really dangerous, basically acting as if one received an elimination and willingly agreed to fight against beasts.

Wuxing believed that most of the top ten would take this route, trying to secure as much points as they could. If he wanted to compete with them over the top ten spots, this is where he needed to put his money on. The thing he was worried about were not beast but rather humans.

Outside of the base, no rules applied and one could kill as they wished, steal your loot and get the points instead of you. Killing the beast was the least of his problems.