Chameleon: My True Face

176 Selection Star

"Come on… It was just an accident, okay? I'm sorry for that. I couldn't handle this guy myself so I needed some help," the short brown-haired man called out apologetically, bowing sincerely to them but how could Wuxing forget what he did?

Because of him, Dongmei and Scarlet were put in danger which he would never forgive. The man was already a dead meat for him. When he glared at the man's face, he immediately saw a cunning side in him. His actions were also showing his character.

Just when he saw that they belong to top ten, he immediately came to apologize. If they were just like everyone else, he wouldn't even care about them.

"I'm sure I won't be punished if I push you off this platform and you break something. It will be just an accident after all," Wuxing commented, looking at the platform edge. It was a few meters high so his claim was quite believable.

The young man sighed and gave up, "Fine, you do you. I just wanted to apologize." As he was done with them, he walked away towards the other seven who watched from afar with interested.

"I don't like them…" Scarlet muttered, her body shivering the moment she looked at them. "They look like they enjoy killing…"

"That's why we are not going to become friends with them. We have each other," Wuxing decided, already predicting that. "It's best if we just talk with instructors. Remember to avoid talking with anyone from the selection. Everyone here would love to kill you to take your place."

"Mhmm…" Scarlet replied with a firm nod and hugged into Dongmei, no longer looking at the scary men.

"Excuse me, would you like to order something?"


In the next hour, they simply enjoyed themselves on the platform, chatting and eating freshly grilled meat or sipping on a drink. Wuxing spent this time to mostly explain what he remembered about the selection, telling them stories.

He didn't know how the selection would look like this time but it shouldn't be that far from old system. Only later would he find out how wrong he was.

After some time, instructors started to slowly gather on the platform, filling all the tables. Everyone treated it like a picnic instead of the selection but Wuxing knew it was just the calmness before the storm.

Anna and Katherine were in the last group to come, accompanying General Clark. When Anna saw them, she immediately brightened and rushed to him.

"Hey!" she cried out happily and hugged Wuxing's head which was the first in line. "I missed you…"

She showed her affection without caring about the difference in their status, causing everyone to look at her. Anna didn't pay attention to any of them and asked, "How are you?"

"I would be fine if you didn't try to suffocate me…" Wuxing replied, acting as if he had troubles breathing.

"Haha, Anna, spare him," General Clark laughed at the scene and sat down with them on the other side of the table. "We don't want such a talented individual die on the first day."

"Ah, he will be fine~" Anna muttered with a grin and switched her targets, hugging Dongmei instead. "I missed you too, big sis."

"No hugs for the little sis… okay..." Scarlet muttered, looking at Anna pitifully and only then did she receive one.

Katherine, on the other hand, took this opportunity and sat on one last seat next to Wuxing, filling the whole bench.

"Hey, you took my spot!" Anna complained right away, but Katherine only shrugged and placed her arm on Wuxing's shoulder, asking cooly, "How was the jungle?"

"We had a few battles but thankfully the girls didn't get hurt," Wuxing replied, his words having a double meaning only their group could understand.

Hearing that, both Anna and Katherine paused and looked him up and down as if checking if he had any injuries but they didn't comment. They knew about Wuxing's regeneration ability.

"It's good that you all survived. It would be a shame to lose two members of our top ten," General Clark commented with a nod, not suspecting anything. "Anyway, the selection will officially start now."

He pointed with his eyes at the entrance of the platform and they saw Ash standing on the stairs with a megaphone. Her gentle voice she had for his group was now replaced with a cold and domineering one.

"Ahem! Listen up!" Ash shouted, her words reaching everywhere around the plaza. "I will announce something important now and I won't repeat myself. You better listen up."

Everyone remembered the fierce instructor from before so the participants quickly ceased talking, turning in her direction.

"As you probably noticed, this selection will be special and much different from the usual format. The only thing that remains the same will be the quota to join our Special Forces. Only one hundred most skilled people will receive such privilege," Ash announced.

"You probably wonder what will happen with the rest of you who don't get such chance? Well, we prepared a special program that will possibly help us bring out the deepest potential from you all.

There are almost one thousand and five hundred of you here. Each day for the next two weeks, we will perform various challenges and trainings for which you will receive points. We will give you all a card that will count your points and display your ranking."

As ash spoke, she pulled out a metal card from her pocket and showed it to the public. It looked almost like a smartphone, with screen and buttons but it was much thinner. The display right now showed one thousand points.

"The points you receive are special as you can buy many things throughout the base with them like better food or even a night in a beach house. However, everyone needs to be careful how they spend their points," Ash warned and walked up to the chief behind the grill, swiping the card above a magnetic cash.

Right when she 'bought' something, the card turned red.

"Once you spent too many points and your ranking falls down to the last one hundred spots, your card will turn red. If your card stays red by the end of the day, you will be eliminated from the selection.

And no, don't worry. We won't kill you once that happens but we also won't help you get out of the island right away," Ash assured, seeing everyone turning pale.

Unfortunately, just as everyone sighed in relief, she added, "Once you become eliminated, you will be kicked out of the base and forced to spend the rest of the selection in the jungle. The number of beasts will be ten times bigger than this morning so it will be even deadlier. Only if you survive till the end will you be able to return to the base and fight the winners of the selection for their spot."


It was definitely some big news to swallow so Ash gave everyone some time. Some were quite upset with such setup but others took it calmly.

Wuxing belonged to the latter.

"It's a good method. People will learn how to use their points which basically work exactly like in Seven Stars," Wuxing praised, already used to this system.

"Yes, it will benefit everyone," General Clark nodded. "The selection will become more and more competitive with each day. Top ten doesn't receive much advantage aside from the initial placement and preferential treatment during challenges. You should still try to make the good use of it."

"We will, Sir."