Chameleon: My True Face

148 I Can'st Wait...

"You can lay her down on one of the bigger seats. I think she still wants to sleep." Katherine called out just after they entered the plane before entering the pilot cockpit. "We can take off right away."

"Yes, Ma'am." The pilot replied and the plane moved towards the path on the runway. It has already started and the engines were warmed up so they could safely set off.

Anna didn't sit anywhere, waiting for Wuxing to find his seat first so she could spend the whole flight together with him. Meanwhile, Wuxing gently placed Scarlet on one the seats, thinking there wouldn't be many problems but he was wrong.

Scarlet didn't want to let go of his neck, tightly hugging onto him no matter what he did.

"Mhmm… No..." Scarlet frowned and hugged him stronger, calling out in her sleep then moment Wuxing tried to slowly take her arm. He momentarily felt helpless.

"Do you need help?" Anna asked, happy to help and approached without waiting for his reply. Even though she wasn't together with Wuxing yet, she still felt slightly jealous of Scarlet. There was nothing she could do about it.

Wuxing couldn't imagine flying like that so he wanted to nod when Scarlet suddenly moved on her own and rubbed her cheek against his in a natural manner.

"Wuxing… Don't leave me… I miss you…" Scarlet whispered loudly enough for everyone to hear her and pulled Wuxing closer to herself before going back to steady sleep.

"Does she know?" Katherine asked curiously, wondering if she should treat Scarlet as a potential threat. After all, she faked the results of her mission to help Wuxing disappear so if it was leaked that he is still alive, she would be big trouble.

"No. I'm Chameleon." Wuxing swiftly denied, knowing the complications. "She must be dreaming about him…"

He especially didn't say, 'Me' in case Scarlet heard them which made Katherine relax a bit. She wouldn't hesitate to kill and get rid of any possible sources which could expose her.

"What will you do then? How about waking her up?" Anna proposed, not knowing what he might do. There was one outcome she did not want and it worried her as it was the most probable one.

Unfortunately, her worries turned out to be true.

"Nah, that won't do." Wuxing rejected her plan and picked Scarlet up while explaining her circumstances. "She didn't sleep last night so she should at least have a few hours of peace. She separated with her brother which was a huge deal for her. I will just comply with her wishes."

They were ready to take off so he had to be quick in his decisions. As he lifted her up, Wuxing sat down on her place before placing her on his lap, letting her travel in his arms.

As if she felt the change, Scarlet found a comfortable sleeping position and returned to her dreamland. Her head was laying gently in between his chest and shoulder with one hand hugging him and the other grasping on his chest. One half of her ample bosom was tightly pressed against his own while the second one hovered right in front of him, easy to grasp if only he wanted to.

"It seems she likes it," Wuxing commented with a smile as he embraced Scarlet to keep her safe during the launch but that only made Anna pout even more.

"Ma'am, we are ready to take-off." Just then, the pilot called out from the front which made everyone glance at Anna who was the only one who didn't sit down yet.

"Anna, how about you sit down? I know you wanted to chat but we can do that after we land, what do you think? We still have a full day before the selection starts even after we land. It's just a couple hours flight." Wuxing suggested, knowing what Anna's gaze meant.

"Mhmm… Sure…" Anna could only agree helplessly as she sat in the seat behind them, rethinking what she did wrong.

'Why am I getting so jealous… Am I such a loser? He is not even doing anything to her… I will also have my own chances in the future, right…?' Anna thought dejectedly, buckling herself up in the seat.

She was lost of what to do but when the plane left the ground, her confidence returned as she glanced at the back of Wuxing's seat.

'If I don't, I can create them myself! This is war... Yes, war. Everything is allowed. Scarlet, you won the first battle but that's the last fight you came out victorious. From now on, I will fight seriously.' Anna declared in her mind.

As if to make it official, right after the flight stabilized, reaching the desired altitude, Anna stood up from her seat and sneaked behind Wuxing. Getting to the side of the seat, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek without hesitation, producing a faint sound of a kiss.

"What was that for?" Wuxing asked, not expecting her to attack him so suddenly.

"I am just happy that you fly with us. It's my thank you kiss." Anna replied with a naughty smile before returning to her seat, leaving Wuxing with a troubled face.

'Sigh… Dongmei, where are you…? If you don't show up, they will continue to pick on me. I guess I will bring you a lot of headaches when we meet again…' Wuxing exhaled deeply and lamented in his mind while imagining his Dongmei who he missed a lot.

Having her by his side made every day more joyful and he couldn't wait for those days to come back.


As Wuxing imagined the love of his life, Dongmei was doing the same, looking at Wuxing's picture as she sat down in her own jet, flying straight to Agos. His appearance was different so she wanted to get used to the new him.

It wasn't easy for her.

Even though she could find some similarities with his old self, Dongmei still felt as if she dated someone else. What they had to do was starting from the very beginning. She knew that Wuxing would make her fall in love once again but it would require some time.

There were both excitement as well as anxiety in her mind. Dongmei was worried that she might not like the new him as her heart was still within the old Wuxing. Those were the challenges they had to overcome to once again live happily together.

She recalled her mother's advice who learned about her troubles.

'You know he is your Wuxing. Only your eyes play tricks with you. If you can't get used to his new face, close your eyes and experience him once again. Smell him, taste him, touch him all around, listen to his voice before finally glancing once again at his new face. Keep the similarities you spotted and replace the differences with his new skills and looks. He is yours. Make him yours again.'

"I will try mom. I won't give up easily… He is the love of my life… My Wuxing… No one can steal him from me…" Dongmei muttered happily under her nose as she gently skimmed with her fingers on the picture before closing her eyes while imaging him once again.

'I can't wait to meet you once again…' She thought.