Chameleon: My True Face

147 Chase

She shouted a bit too loudly which gathered everyone's attention but she didn't care, running up to Wuxing without hesitation. Her white summer dress danced in the air, exposing her graceful legs before falling down to her knees when she finally stopped right in front of him.

It was the first time she saw Wuxing's new appearance in real life so she took a moment to check him out before nodding with satisfaction. He was naturally handsome, different than before, but she could still feel this cool vibe coming from him and the intriguing look in his eyes.

Even when Anna shouted and there was a small commotion within the crowd, Scarlet was still sleeping soundly, enjoying Wuxing's embrace. Anna wanted to hug him yet she couldn't, making her slightly upset. Wuxing was her chosen man so she had to use every opportunity to seduce him.

Nodding to Anna as a greeting, Wuxing asked calmly, "Are you girls ready? Scarlet is sleeping so I want to place her into some more comfortable position."

Anna finally had an opportunity to talk with him but just as she opened her mouth, they heard Katherine response, "Mhmm, we were only waiting for you guys. Let's go. The plane is already waiting."

When Katherine stood up, the cafe turned more silent, naturally being the main attraction for the men who gathered around them. Anna was more like an innocent princess type but Katherine was cold and had a killer vibe around her with two katanas fastened to her waist.

For some reason, they couldn't stop taking glances at her. Knowing she was dangerous, it was naturally more thrilling and exciting. Just her sexy dress and the curvy body was enough to make them willingly miss their flight to watch her some more.

Wuxing smiled at them and let them pass while saying, "Sure. Lead the way." Katherine wasn't fazed that much, managing to keep her composure but Anna couldn't help but take another glimpse at his face, only awakening after they walked a few meters out of the cafe.

They knew it was better to talk when they were in private instead of out in the open but Anna still tried to strike a conversation as they walked side by side towards the check-in gates, "How was your week? You were not hurt during your mission earlier, right?" Normally it would be hard to become friendly to a person who looked completely different but it wasn't a problem for Anna. She knew it was her Wuxing.

Wuxing hugged Scarlet more tightly, pressing her into his chest when he felt she was slipping and replied, "I'm fine. Everything went smoothly. Thanks for finishing the job for me. I know you were there as well and cleaned the scene."

Anna stared at Scarlet, thinking that she would also love to be carried like that and replied, "Yeah… You are welcome…"

They didn't get to talk too much as they reached first check-in gates and immediately gained the attention from the guards. Katherine was walking with two katanas behind her back so naturally, they became the targets.

"Ma'am, weapons should be properly inspected and properly packaged before taking it inside the airplane." The guard from the V.I.P queue said as they tried to pass. "How about moving to the side we can help?" Katherine was a beauty so the male guard was biased while handling her case.

Unfortunately, Wuxing and girls didn't plan to waste time on the guards. Katherine quickly taped on her watch and a virtual hologram of her badge appeared above it as she called out, "We are from Seven Stars Special Forces. My private plane is already waiting for us."

The guard's attitude quickly changed and seeing the cold expression of Katherine, he thought he pissed her off which quickly made him apologize, "Oh… I'm sorry for being rude earlier… Please proceed to the check-out, I will lead the way…" One could quickly judge the person by their looks and Katherine definitely looked like someone people shouldn't mess around.

Only after they walked away did the other guards let out their held breaths, finally feeling safe. They quickly informed the other workers in case they planned to stop them as well to spare them from troubles.

"What, but isn't it the same guy that Miss Alice was searching for a few days ago?" One female guard suddenly mentioned after recalling the incident from the last time Wuxing came to the airport. "Maybe we should report it to her as well? She will definitely be happy."

"Sure!" The others immediately nodded and passed the message through the walkie-talkie.


Hearing the news, Alice abruptly stood up, her hair exploding in all directions as she questioned hurriedly, "What? He is here? Really?" She asked, thinking that she overheard the guard message.

"Yes, the white-haired men just entered the airport with his friends and passed through the checkout. They are all from Seven Stars and planning to travel in a private plane." The guard replied while adding more info. He waited for his boss response but he didn't hear any. "Miss Alice? Are you still there?"

He didn't receive any reply anymore as Alice was no longer within the room. She ran out of her office as soon as the guard finished his words before dashing towards the check-out gates. She knew that Wuxing would be going to the area of the private planes so she chose it as her destination.

Alice didn't know why, but her face was smiling as if she was going to meet with her lost lover. Looking all around her, in hope to catch the glimpse of him turned out to be ineffective as Wuxing was nowhere to be found.

"Did the handsome white-haired man already passed through here?" Alice asked the check-out ladies after reaching but unfortunately, the reply was positive, "Yes, just a moment ago."

She did not chit-chat anymore and sprinted towards the exit, already feeling slightly hot from all the running. There were small windows in the corridor she passed through and she suddenly noticed four people walking towards the ready private jet on the runway. She immediately recognized the men with white hair even from such distance.

"Damn it, can't you wait?! I just want to see you once again…" Alice cursed to herself and quickened her own pace. She hoped she could call for him and force him to stop, but just when the wind from the outside hit her face, it was already too late.

The doors of the jet closed and as if they were in a hurry, it began to circle towards the runway without wasting time. The privileges that Seven Star members had, were too much to write down on one piece of paper.

"Hu… Hu… I was late…" Alice breathed with trouble, feeling sad and disappointed. Alice thought that if only she run faster, she would still make it but she miscalculated.

The guard who was leading Wuxing and the girls spotted Alice as he walked back and asked curiously, "Miss Alice, what are you doing outside? It's dangerous to stay here."

She didn't have a good reply to this question so she ignored it and instead asked, "The Headquarters of Seven Stars is in Agos, right?"

"I think so, yes. The group I just led were flying to Agos too." The guard replied after scratching his bald head.

Getting her answer, Alice began thinking about something and quickly got into one conclusion as she smiled, 'One has to always pass through Agos Airport to get there…'