Chameleon: My True Face

146 Sleeping Beauty

Two days later, Wuxing was preparing to leave for the airport after he and Scarlet sent her brother with the academy officials that Wuxing contacted when Devil Face suddenly returned and called out, 'I'm back!'

Wuxing was taken aback and asked confused, 'Huh? You were absent for two days. What were you doing? I thought Sandra killed you and I'm not going to hear from you again.'

After not hearing from Devil Face for a while, Wuxing decided to just go on with his plan and settle both Scarlet and her brother the next day. He talked to him and he agreed to attend the school he chose for him. He was quite against separating from his sister but when he learned from Wuxing how big of an opportunity the job was for Scarlet and that she wanted to reject it just for him, he quickly complied.

With him gone, all that was left for them to do was shopping. Seeing how poorly equipped Scarlet was, having barely any clothes, Wuxing had to do some major shopping for her. He was also lacking stuff for himself so it was a good opportunity.

He also learned from her that she met Anna and Katherine which was perfect. Having their number, he immediately called them and without a surprise, they agreed to take the two of them. He could hear how excited Anna was.

'Nah, she wouldn't kill me. Unless you mean killing through hugs then that might happen. Hehe.' Devil Face giggled as he joked, seemingly in a good mood.

'I guess the date turned out well, hmm?' Wuxing questioned and Devil Face replied with a laugh, 'Haha, yes! Everything went according to plan. Even better than that.'

Putting the suitcases into the trunk of the taxi that just arrived, Wuxing sat with Scarlet at the back and asked in his mind, 'Oh, did you secure a second date then?' All of Wuxing's advice had a goal to succeed in getting a second and third date. He didn't accept any failures.

Devil Face snickered proudly and called out, 'Heh, better! She is now living together with me!'

Wuxing didn't believe him from the start and questioned, 'What? Really? How?' Based on Sandra personality, he didn't think she would do that.

'Instead of asking her for another date, I straight up invited her to live together with me. She was hesitant at first but with the help of Bella, I managed to convince her to stay. Though, she wanted to pay me for the rent in exchange. I couldn't do anything and accept. We already kissed multiple times so we are almost like a couple, she just doesn't want to admit it, hehe.' Devil Face explained with small details before adding, 'I was away for another day cause I was helping Sandra move all of her stuff from her apartment.'

After the dinner, they laid down on the grass, watching the stars and conversed about everything. He knew that at that point, he had to be shameless so he simply sat on top of her and pinning her to the ground, he proceeded to kiss her until she agrees to live with him.

Surprisingly, that method worked and after a few kisses, she didn't fight back anymore. He agreed to all of her conditions as he knew they wouldn't matter once she lives with him and successfully brought her home.

Wuxing was genuinely impressed, not expecting Devil Face would go so far on his own and wished him well, 'Wow. I guess that you don't need my help anymore. Congratulations. Hope you have a nice life together.'

Devil Face thanked and decided to repay the favours, proposing, 'Hehe, thanks. You did help a lot. Now I need to help you in exchange. Sandra said that if you want, she will whisper some good words on your behalf to Katherine. Having such a beauty would be great, don't you think so?'

Just as he was about to reply, Wuxing felt an added weight on his shoulder and realised it was Scarlet who suddenly fell asleep. She was worried about her brother the whole day which give her temporary insomnia, stealing away her sleep during the night.

Wuxing didn't wake her up and instead fixed the strands of hair that fell on her face, flipping them away. Seeing how innocent and cute she was while sleeping, he couldn't help himself but gently caress her cheek and move her head slightly to a more comfortable position.

Devil Face used this situation to tease him as he asked, 'Well if you want to add her as well, I don't mind it.'

To counter it, Wuxing only asked one thing, 'Do you think that Dongmei and Katherine would like to share their man with someone else?' He already knew Dongmei really well so he could figure out the answer to this question.

Devil Face thought for a moment and replied with a single word, 'No.' Hearing what he expected, Wuxing presented him with his view, 'Then you have an answer to your question. Dongmei is already my woman and I won't switch her to anyone else.'

His words created some new questions which Devil Face quickly asked curiously, 'Then what are you going to do with Anna and Katherine? It seems like Anna likes you. If Katherine starts to like you as well, there will be a big war between all of them…'

'Honestly, I have no idea…' Wuxing admitted truthfully before joking, 'How about I invite them all in one place and ask them to fight to the death to see who is the strongest?'

He thought it was obvious that he joked but Devil Face really started considering it, 'Hmm, I guess this could be a viable solution. If you don't care we can try. My Sandra's Katherine will win anyway, hehe.'

He was already siding with Katherine after his date with Sandra which made Wuxing roll his eyes and cry out, 'I was joking!'


Arriving at the airport, they quickly noticed the black SUV staying in the V.I.P parking and Wuxing asked the taxi driver to stop. Scarlet was still sleeping soundly but it was time to wake her up so he called out quickly, "Scarlet, we arrived…"

Being a heavy sleeper, Scarlet was deeply out, acting as if she didn't hear anything so Wuxing had to use some other methods. He reached out with his hand and caressed her cheek while saying louder, "Wakey, Wakey~"

This time he finally got a reaction from her but it wasn't one he wanted. Instead of waking up, she leaned on his palm and rubbed on it like a cat before continuing sleeping. He knew that she was awake whole night and only not got a few minutes of sleep which made him feel bad waking her up.

Seeing the opportunity, the taxi driver turned around and proposed, "Sir, how about you princess carry your girlfriend? She seems to want some more sleep. I can carry the luggage for an extra fifty bucks." He didn't mind waiting a bit to earn some more money.

Looking at Scarlet's sleeping face, Wuxing sighed and unbuckled her seatbelt before slowly taking her out of the car. It was akin to agreeing so the taxi driver smiled happily and also walked out, ready to take the luggage out.

Scarlet was really light so Wuxing didn't have problems in picking her up. Recalling her tendencies to react instinctively even in her sleep, he placed her arms on his shoulders and as if she heard his thoughts, Scarlet hugged him tightly around his neck.

Even though he wanted it, he still asked in his mind to confirm, 'Is she really sleeping?' Scarlet just acted like she was pretending the whole time.

'Yes. She must have been really tired. Poor girl.' Devil Face quickly assured him which made Wuxing go along with the plan.

He didn't see Anna and Katherine anywhere near the SUV so he decided to enter the airport with a taxi driver following him. He knew there would be a commotion wherever those ladies went so he searching for that.

Just as he expected, right after he entered, he spotted a noticeable crowd in one of the restaurants and confirming with Devil Face that they were inside, he walked without bothering at the people gazes. Not only he gathered females looks but other men cast glances at the sleeping beauty in his arms. Fortunately, one glare at them was enough to scare them away.

It was a relatively small cafe yet it was filled. Unfortunately, just as he was looking around, the targets of his visit spotted him and Anna swiftly stood up while calling out happily, "You came!"