Chameleon: My True Face

108 Dummy chapter Wed- will edit it soon.

'Oof! I found something! It seems it might be their room. There are three rooms in total but all the bags are in one room. It seems like they didn't unpack yet and just went out first.' Devil Face finally replied after a minute after painstakingly looking at all the rooms in the hotel. There were more than a thousand of them so it took him a lot of time.

'I sensed as if I lost some energy as you went for a search… Does that mean you feed on me?' Wuxing asked curiously, feeling as if he just ran a kilometre without break the moment Devil Face came back.

Devil Face only snickered as he asked back, 'What do you think? I had to scan the whole building. I need to use a lot of mental energy during such tasks so I can only take some from you to fill the gap. I don't need much if that's just around you but that's not sufficient for such distances.'

Wuxing thought that was a reasonable reply and said, not wasting any more time, 'Fair enough. You can lead me to their room.' He didn't want to get caught by anyone and create problems for himself.

Devil Face did not dilly dally and explained, 'You need to go up the stairs to the fifth floor and find room five hundred and ten. It's locked so you have to first steal the cleaner's card. He is currently on the floor above you.'

Wuxing didn't ask questions and quickly moved upstairs. He didn't bother with change his appearance as the cameras already recorded it. He believed that the girls will later clean the videotapes from the surveillance room. This was after all one of their first rules inside the Seven Stars Special Forces, to destroy all evidence. There was a reason why all hotels that hosted the members of the Seven Stars would lose their camera footage from the days of their stay.

His lack of outfit looks so ridiculous that every normal person would think that he is seriously cosplaying some characters. Unfortunately, the cleaner didn't think so. Wuxing was a bit unlucky as the moment he ran up the stairs, the cleaner turned around and froze, his card hovering near the door scanner.

Wuxing did not plan to actually sneak up on him, finding it a waste of time and simply walked up to the man with a kind smile as if he was actually the hotel's patron before taking his card from his hand. The cleaner didn't resist at all, trying to stay calm as he asked, "Those are real guns right?"

Wuxing opened the doors for the man and nodded, "Yes. I need this card for a few minutes. I will come back and return it. You don't mind it?" He already realised that the man had knowledge about the guns as he wasn't scared of them like everyone would be.

Surprisingly, the cleaner pulled out another card, similar to the same one and he admitted, "Actually, I have a second card so Sir doesn't need to return it but we have a problem… I will have to report it to my management right away else I will lose my job so can Sir punch me in the stomach? I should have trouble moving for enough time so Sir can finish his job."

"Huh?" Wuxing didn't expect such answer and couldn't help but ask, seeing how prepared the cleaner was, "Does this happen often?"

The cleaner only shrugged with his shoulders and replied as if that was his everyday life, "I would say about once or twice a month. Too bad management can't do anything as each time the tapes suddenly disappear so they already accepted it. They still can't ignore it when that happens so they increased the number of guards this month. I suggest doing it fas— Ugh!"

Hearing up till this point, Wuxing didn't have any other choice but to punch the cleaner in the liver which momentarily stunned him, his legs losing strength completely. It would be unnatural if they just stood there talking. Wuxing calculated his strength not to do any long term harm to the cleaner but still enough to knock him out. Knowing there were many new guards watching, he had to hurry.

He didn't wait for the guards to come and ran down the stairs while leaving some cheering words, "Thanks for the info. Keep up the good work." Unfortunately, the cleaner couldn't reply as he was already laying on the floor while groaning.


About two minutes after that fact, in the surveillance room, the group of guards were having their lunch when suddenly one camera switched her angle from the stairs to the hall, showing the long cleaning chart as well as one person laying on the ground as if knocked out.

Even though they were eating, they still watched the many cameras in their small room and one happened to see the camera screen from the third floor. He almost choked when he saw the same scene once again and immediately tapped the screen, putting it on the big screen.

"Fuck! Someone beat him up again! The third floor, now!" Another guard cursed when he saw the big screen, the surprise in his voice gone. The same scenario happened about a week ago so they already knew what they should do.

They threw the food to the side as the five of them quickly run out of the surveillance room while the Leading Guard called out to the one that stayed behind, "Rewind the tape and tell us where is the suspect! One of you, go check on that cleaner, the rest follow me."

The operating guard acted swiftly and already played the video from about a minute ago, finding a man in his boxers talking with the cleaner. At that very moment, the man punched the cleaner in the abdomen and run away downstairs. The guard stopped the tape and took a closer look at the suspect, only then seeing the guns in the holsters around his chest.

The guard's eyes widened and he quickly called out through the walkie-talkie as he continued to track Wuxing's movements by rewinding each camera on multiple cameras, "The suspect is armed! Two guns! White male, around twenty years old, wearing only a pair of boxers… He went to the emergency staircase on the second floor! There are no cameras there, let me search other floors!"

The guard couldn't tell where Wuxing was going so he searched each camera on each floor and finally found him leaving on the fourth floor, walking towards one of the rooms. He immediately called out in the walkie-talkie to the other guys, "Fourth floor! Room number four hundred and twenty-five!"

He could see Wuxing opening the doors and closing it behind him and thought the search was done but then he saw Wuxing leaving the room and returning to the emergency staircase which dumbfounded him a bit. He still relayed the message to his partners, continuing his search, "He is no longer on the fourth floor! He returned to the staircase—" This time it didn't take long for him to find Wuxing and he cut his words, crying out, "I got him! He is on the second floor again! Room two hundred!" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

"Fuck, we were already on the fourth floor! Let's go down!" They guards cursed on him but didn't hesitate to return back down the stairs, reaching the room two hundred when suddenly the operating guard called out weakly, "H-he moved again! He left the room two minutes ago and went back to the emergency staircase!"

This time the leading guard cursed directly into the short-length radio, "Fuck! Are you playing with us?! Where is he now?! We are not going to run back and forth!" They first ran up the stairs from the base floor to the fourth and then back to the second. Now they had to go somewhere else which naturally pissed them off.

"It's not my fault… There is a two-minute delay…" The operating guard's forehead was drenched with sweat from the scolding and he put all floor's cameras footage onto the big screen to see much more. He momentarily froze when noticed that all the cameras on the fifth floor were not working and cried out as he quickly rewound it, "Wait! He must be on the fifth floor for sure! He smashed the cameras there! I don't know which room he is in!"

"Let's go! We will search for rooms one by one! Call everyone from the second wing!" The Leading Guard shouted as he rushed with others to the fifth floor.


'Hahaha, they are running around like monkeys! That was such a good plan. You have about two minutes until they reach you.' Devil Face laughed hard the moment he saw a bunch of guards running to the fourth floor before going back to the second one.

Wuxing was already inside the room he wanted, opening up the suitcases that were all unprotected one by one and said with a smirk, "I was worried that they might not have enough exercises so I had to do it. I did not expect they would react so fast else I would make their route more challenging."

Fortunately, the guys that offended them had similar height and body to him so he didn't need search for long, quickly finding himself some white shorts, a T-shirt and a white suit jacket. He also changed his underwear and socks to a new pair from one of the suitcases. He was a bit surprised that almost everything they had was new, still packed in the boxes. He also found a pair of brand new white snickers.

Sadly, he didn't have time to ponder about it as the next moment, Devil Face informed him, 'They are coming to the fifth floor already. Your two minutes delay is over.'

'Too bad there is no money in here. They must keep it on them.' Wuxing sighed, only finding a matching cowboy hat and a butterfly knife which he already pocketed into his shorts. He wanted some money to sustain himself for a while but it seemed like he had to find another method.

Just as he planned to leave through the balcony, knowing the guards were outside, Wuxing heard Devil Face's call, "Wait. There is something hidden at the bottom of that red suitcase. It seems like some white powder in small boxes."

"Huh?" Wuxing momentarily halted and grabbed the suitcase, cutting the bottom of it with the newly found knife. He only sliced once and a bunch of small packages dropped out. He didn't hesitate and stuffed them all into his suit pocket before leaving through the balcony.


At the very moment, he jumped down onto the balcony on the fourth floor, the doors of the room was opened with a bang. All guards had their guns pulled out and aimed forward knowing the suspect was armed. They already checked nice rooms but they didn't find anything aside from scaring a few patrons.

When they saw the opened suitcases with one of them cut open, they immediately got alerted and proceeded further, knowing their suspect could be in the room.

Unfortunately for them, Wuxing was already walking down the stairs in his stylish white outfit. On the third floor, he saw one guard taking care of the cleaner while talking with someone over the phone but Wuxing acted like he didn't see anything, his white cowboy hat covering his face.

He tried to pass unnoticed but then the guard finished the call and noticed him walking down. He called out hurriedly, "Wait, Sir!" There was a crazy guy walking around with a gun in the hotel so they had to ensure that the patrons were safe. This was their first priority.

Wuxing didn't mind that and turned around before asking cooly with a mature voice as he lifted his hat, "Is there a problem?"

The moment the guard saw him, his eyes brightened as he replied excitedly, "Captain! I didn't expect to see you here this early. There is some hoodlum in the hotel who is running around with guns so its best if I escort you to the exit."