Chameleon: My True Face

107 Sadistic Love Obsession

Both Anna and Katherine jumped out of the bathtub on instinct, wanting to act but just as they walked two steps, they heard a message from their Spirits, 'Wuxing is gone already. Are you planning to run outside naked?'

They looked at each other's naked bodies and grabbed their towels first, wrapping them around their chest before walking outside. Unfortunately, they only confirmed that Wuxing was gone, together with both of his guns, making their expressions gloomy.

Just then, Katherine heard Sandra's curse, her voice sounding dejected, 'Damn… To think that it was really this bastard's ability user… I knew I felt something before…'

Sandra felt something familiar coming from Wuxing but it was only for a moment. Even when Katherine touched him later, there was nothing so she decided to let it go. Who would have thought that she was right?

'So you mean that Wuxing is the next Chameleon?' Katherine asked as she pulled Anna by the hand, back into the bathroom. Anna was much more lost compared to her as she slowly started realising what she just lost.

'That's right. Even though he is not that bad of a person, he still carries Devil Face's sins.' Sandra said angrily, not giving her own matter go to rest.

Katherine ignored that completely and asked seriously, 'Do you think I should chase after him? I can still catch up to him if I hurry.' With her ability that increased her movements, he was as slow as a turtle for her.

Sandra advised against as she said, 'There is no need to. You have already decided to let him go earlier anyway. He doesn't seem like a person who likes to give others power about his own life so when he saw the chance to escape so he took it, being the master of his fate. Seeing at how he is, he will definitely change his appearance and come back to have his revenge on the people that framed him. We know the name of his girlfriend so if we want to find him in the future, we can track her down. I don't think he lied about that.'Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

'Alright.' Katherine nodded, also thinking this was the best option and asked one last question as she hugged Anna into her arms, 'Do you think there is a high chance of Anna finding another regeneration type user who can help her any time soon?'

Katherine already knew about Anna's troubles from Sandra and she supported her fully. It was always better to have one faithful husband instead of many others and in her case, she didn't have any other choice.

Knowing their abilities could improve the more they used them, it was only natural the best way to improve for her was through intimacy with another man. It was quite unfortunate but that was the quickest method for her.

'I doubt it. Unless she finds him in the next month, it will be almost impossible and let me tell you, those types are rare. We are not that close with each other in the Spirit Realm so we can't help anyway. There is only competition here. Even though improving with one man is possible, its definitely more time consuming than the normal form.' Sandra explained before adding, "Anyway, you should talk to her. It seems like she already decided what she wants to do.'

Katherine turned to Anna and asked her to confirm first, "Anna, do you know everything?" If Sandra knew about it then Maya definitely knew as well so this was just a formality.

Anna lifted her chin and said while nodding with a sad expression, "Mhmm… He is the man I have been searching for, the one that could help me change my path but I let him escape. Chameleon, right?"

Katherine nodded while cheering her up, "Don't worry. He will come back. He still needs to take his revenge so he will return to Seven Stars any time soon. I think he should be aiming at the selection that is happening in around a week and a half. We should be able to find him there. The question is, have you already decide you want to go after him?"

Anna was silent for a moment after hearing the question and finally asked, "Can I see the footage to confirm?" She already had an idea of what her heart was telling her but she still wanted to see what happened for her own eyes.

"Sure. I also wanted to have a look." Katherine replied as she picked up her tablet and rewound the footage back a few minutes before clicking play.

On the video, Wuxing momentarily made his hands smaller as if that of a baby before reverting them back to their normal size the moment he pulled them out of the ties. He didn't waste any time and quickly jumped out of the bed, grabbing his guns that were laying on one of the chairs before leaving. The whole scene took no longer than ten seconds before he was gone.

The moment the doors closed behind him, it was more or less ten seconds before Katherine and Anna appeared on the video, looking around the room. If Katherine wanted, she would be able to catch up to him but it wasn't worth to exhaust her body this much for him. What's more, now that he was full of energy, to stop him, she would have to kill him else he would be able to heal most of his injuries and they knew that wasn't an option.

Watching up till this point, Anna stopped the video and asked seriously, "Kat, will you support me with whatever I decide?"

"I will." Katherine naturally agreed and guessed, "You want it to be him, right?"

It wasn't a surprise for Anna as she and Katherine knew each other for a long time already. She simply acknowledged it with a soft smile, "Mhmm… I decided that I want him. I tried not to be selfish but I can't anymore…"

"You know you will have to compete with Guan Family's lady who has already found her place in his heart?" Katherine asked to make sure Anna knew exactly at what waters she was swimming.

This naturally did not discourage Anna as she clenched her fists as she determinedly declared, "I know but I'm not afraid. According to him, they only knew each other for a week. I still have a chance. If that's the only way I can save myself from being a slut, I will fight for it."

Seeing such motivation from Anna's eyes, Katherine could only fully support her, increasing Anna's chances by a lot, "Alright. I will help you. Even if he changes his appearance, we can just track Dongmei and observe her for now." She wouldn't let her only friend suffer from any injustice.

Only then did Anna recall the issue concerning Wuxing's freedom and asked, "What's about the mission?"

Katherine only smiled to that and tapped on her watch before a list of pending missions appeared in the projected hologram. She quickly selected the newest one and clicked on the approve button. Almost at the same time, Anna's watch beeped, signalling that one of the pending missions was no longer available.

Anna's eyes brightened when she saw that and hugged Katherine, already knowing what she planned on doing. Katherine showed her rare smile and patted her on the head before finalizing the mission.

There were many methods to complete the mission but as she was always away from the headquarters, she preferred to just send a voice message which would be later reviewed. Clicking submits, she said in her cold and calm voice, "Target Long Qing and Li Wuxing are both dead. I investigated the issue and based on the evidence as well as suspects testimony, Li Wuxing killed Long Qing before dying due to gunfight on the ship that was coming back from Badu Island. Their bodies are at the bottom of the sea, impossible for recovery. Case closed."

She didn't hesitate and clicked the send button before switching off the hologram while asking, "Are you satisfied now?"

"Yes! I love you!" Anna couldn't be happier and she leaned over, kissing Katherine on the cheek as she teased her, "If I didn't have Wuxing on my radar, I would definitely chase after you now."

Beep, beep.

Just as Katherine was about to respond, she received a message on her watch. She quickly tapped her watch before opening the voice mail she received which played right away, saying, "Mission completion accepted. Reward sent. Thank you for your hard work."

Anna already knew this would happen as the same thing happened before and teased, "See? They always accept your missions without any proof. You are like their golden girl. They already trust you this much. You need to treat me with that money today."

Katherine didn't banter with her else there would be no end to it and kept it calm, replying, "Sure. I wanted to take another mission but I guess I will accompany you to headquarters next week."

This actually took Anna off guard as Katherine wasn't a person who would stay in the same place for too long but now she proposed it on her own and she asked excitedly, jumping a few times with happiness, "Really?! That's awesome!" She already imagined them going on a shopping spree together with the free week they had.

Katherine only shrugged as if that was her plan from the beginning and showed her support, "I can't really let another guy bully you, right? If he dares reject you, he will taste my katana."

Hearing her promise, Anna felt that Wuxing didn't have a chance against her anymore and her mood returned back to her cheerful self. She took off their towels while laughing and dragged Katherine back to the bathtub, "Haha, it's really awesome to have you as my friend! Come, let's finish our bath!"

Katherine could only smile bitterly and follow back into the bathtub, ignoring Syndra maniacal laugh in her mind, 'Hahaha! The moment I get you in my clutches, you are so done for! Dare to run away from me? I will find you and beat you until you beg for mercy!'

Katherine sometimes wondered if Sandra really hated Devil Face like she said she was. For her, this looked more like a sadistic love obsession but she didn't say anything.


'You don't need to hurry. They are not chasing after you. I guess they already decided to let you go earlier. We exposed ourselves for nothing.' Devil Face called out after Wuxing used the stairs to rush down the floors, trying to reach the entrance as soon as possible.

Hearing Devil Face's call, Wuxing stopped on the second floor, looking up at the floors he just crossed in less than a minute and breathed out a sigh of relief. Thanks to the food he ate, he wasn't even tired and felt great.

Checking if there is someone coming, he wore his gun holsters and replied, 'It's alright. I would rather escape now than leave my life in another person's hands. They will probably use Dongmei to locate me later but then I will be already prepared for everything.'

Looking back at the scene that just happened, Devil Face complimented, 'Sandra is really sharp. The moment you acted, she already informed that Katherine about you. If they wanted, they would definitely catch up to us. Fortunately, she was only wearing her towel so she hesitated.'

Wuxing only shrugged to that and patted his guns, saying, 'Well, if that happened, I wouldn't hesitate to fight back and she knows that.'

He happened to look in the mirror on the other side of the hall, seeing his outfit and couldn't help but adjust his plans, knowing he wasn't chased by the girls, 'Alright, let me find some clothes first. Can you locate the room of those guys from before? I can't show myself on the streets with the guys like that. They should still be in the hospital but they probably left their luggage in their rooms.'