Chameleon: My True Face

106 Second Escape

Wuxing smelled the crispy fish roll and couldn't help but be tempted by such an offer. In the end, it all depended on what Katherine wanted so he asked suspiciously, "What do you want to know? Do you want me to narrate the story once again?"

"Ah, no need." Katherine shook her head as she took a small bite of the fish roll and asked Anna, "Where did you two stop?" She pretended as if she didn't know anything yet.

"He was telling the reasoning behind him killing that one guy, Long something." Anna described as she continued to eat herself, gently stuffing herself with food. Her ability used a lot of energy as well so it wasn't a surprise she was hungry.

"Alright. Let's starts with the basics. Can you tell me the name of your girlfriend so we can confirm she is even real?" Katherine asked as she waved a fish roll in front of his face.

"I wanted to keep her out of this… This is all my mess, not hers." Wuxing said coldly after hearing the question and stared into Katherine's eyes without hesitation. This was meant to act as a warning to not investigate her but Katherine only shrugged and said, "Well, it's your choice. You can either tell us everything or we will send you back to headquarters and you will be judged for killing a fellow Seven Stars member. Also, before you get there, you will only drink water. How do you like that?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Anna felt bad for Wuxing but she didn't say anything, knowing that her role as a good cop was over. She wanted nothing more that happiness for both him and his girlfriend but she knew they would learn more if Katherine pressed him a little.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you are evil?" Wuxing asked casually out of curiosity but Katherine didn't mind that question and replied after taking another bite, "All the time." She wasn't a person who cared how others perceive her as long as she was satisfied with herself.

The silence filled the room for a moment until Wuxing finally said, knowing there was no other choice, "Guan Dongmei… That's her name." He knew they could easily check that if they wanted but he still didn't want others to know too much about her. Now that they knew her, the moment they see him in the Seven Stars Headquarters with Dongmei, they would find out he was an ability user.

To his surprise, Katherine wasn't surprised by the name like Anna was, almost spitting out her food and replied with a shrug, "I know."

Wuxing could only roll his eyes and asked speechlessly, "Then why would you even ask if you know the answer?"

Katherine took one of the smallest Fish rolls filled with some fresh salmon, avocado and cream cheese as she aimed it into his mouth while saying honestly, "I was just checking if you are truthful with us. Anyway, here is a reward."

Wuxing felt like a pet who was getting treats after performing a trick but he couldn't do anything about it, only pushing forward while hoping for the better, "Thank you. Is there anything else you want to know?"


For the next few minutes, Wuxing was replying to all random question that Katherine could think off while receiving various foods from her. Later on, it was Anna who took over that job as she felt jealous, finding that a good activity.

After Wuxing explained everything that happened up to the moment he landed on the beach, Katherine finally stood up and said, "Thank you for your cooperation. I will talk to Anna and we will decide what do we want to do with you."

Anna held her arguments for later and only cleaned Wuxing's face with a napkin before following after Katherine, saying sweetly, "We will be back soon."

"Wait…" Just as they took a few steps, Wuxing stopped them, asking seriously, "Can you girls promise me one thing?"

"What is it?" Katherine asked back after turning around.

He took a deep breath and pleaded, looking at their eyes, showing the importance to his words, "If you decide to let me go, can you mention in the report that I'm dead? I want to escape for a while and meet with Dongmei, away from everything. I don't want anyone to hunt for me. That's all I ask."

Katherine just looked at him for a moment and walked forward without saying anything. She took Anna by the hand and they went inside the bathroom on the other side of the apartment to discuss the matter. Katherine didn't forget to take her tablet inside with her so they could spy on Wuxing if necessary.

Right after the doors closed, Anna called out to Katherine as she pressed both of her hands into her chest, already decided what she wanted to do, "Let's leave him alone. He doesn't seem to be lying and it's easy to confirm his words. It would be bad to separate them from each other…" She was really moved by Wuxing story and wanted nothing else than their romance to bloom.

Katherine could only sigh when she heard Anna's pleas and pondered, "Sigh, I don't mind but what if someone investigates it? As he said before, he offended a lot of people and they will try to make sure that he is dead."

That wasn't a problem for Anna as she already had a solution for that, "Do you think they will fight you when you are the one to submit the mission? When you say he is dead, they will have to believe you. I'm still just a Major so those generals can make a move against me…"

"Hmm…" Even with that, it was still too little for Katherine to make such a decision as there were a lot of variables that could happen but Anna didn't give up, hugging Katherine as she begged on Wuxing's steed "Pleaseeee Kat… Do it for me. When he was under my influence, he told me how much he loves her. I believe him. Really. Let's not separate them. No one will learn a thing. We just need to make sure that he disappears and won't expose himself."

Only then did Katherine agree, not willing to upset Anna, "Alright… But you will be the one to settle everything related to him." She would only hear nagging for the next months so she tried to avoid it.

This made Anna really happy and she immediately agreed, "Done. I still think that his girlfriend will take care of those things. She should be Guan Family's only daughter right?"

"Yes. This is partially the reason I agreed to it. If that was someone unknown, I would not allow that. Let's go inform him. He seems to be patiently waiting." Katherine said as she looked at the tablet with the video camera footage on it.

Just as he Katherine grabbed the handle of the doors, planning on leaving, Anna hugged her from behind and said softly, "Wait, he can wait a bit more. We already fed him so he should be alright. How about we take a bath together? There is such a nice jacuzzi here. It would be a shame not to use it before we leave."

Katherine glanced at the tablet again but Anna took it from her and placed on the sink cabinet as she assured her, "He won't escape anywhere. Don't worry."

She didn't wait for her to agree and dragged her by the hand towards the jacuzzi while calling out happily, "Come, let's enjoy ourselves for a while. If anything is happening, our spirits can be on a lookout for us."

"Fine… Just for a moment then." Katherine saw how eager Anna was and finally agreed but she didn't forget to mention in her mind, 'Sandra, keep watch on him. If there is anything, tell me immediately.'

Sandra didn't need to be asked twice as she replied back, 'Alright. I didn't notice anything suspicious so far. At first, I thought he is that bastard Devil Face's ability user but it seems I was wrong. No signs of him whatsoever.'

Inside her mind, she didn't keep her cold facade on and praised Wuxing honestly while putting her katanas away, 'That wouldn't be so bad. Anna doesn't have a choice in that matter and that guy seems to be somewhat decent and cares for his girlfriend. Too bad it's not him.'

'It's okay. When I meet Devil Face in the Spirit Realm, I will beat him up myself.' Sandra said hateful, still talking about the Devil Face which made Katherine roll her eyes as she asked while taking off her clothes, 'You still didn't forgive him after all those years?'

Sandra only raged more as she muttered angrily, 'Who asked him to peek on me while I was in the bath? Too bad I can't kill him else he would already be buried under the ground…'

'Haha,' Katherine laughed in her mind and didn't continue the conversation as she entered the bathtub after Anna. She was already calling up to her for a while. The moment warm water wrapped around her legs and body while bubbles tingled her everywhere, she found this idea not that bad after all, relaxing for a moment.

Back in the room, Wuxing was left to himself and his thoughts. The moment the girls disappeared in the bathroom, he immediately wondered what are the best routes to escape. He couldn't depend on the girl's decision when he could just escape when they were not looking.

As he ate plenty, his tank of energy was full so his fighting capabilities were even greater. The only thing left to do was bring back Devil Face so he could use his abilities once again. 'Devil Face, are you there?'

Momentarily, he felt some tingling on his chest as if something crawled on it out of nowhere and an invisible Chameleon tattoo appeared on its spot. Wuxing still wondered how could Devil Face just come and go as he wished but he already made a mental note to ask about it later.

'You called me? Devil Face called out but he naturally noticed the two girls in the jacuzzi and giggled, 'Oh hehe, what a good friend are you, calling me when there is such an action inside the bathroom. I knew you were my bro.'

Wuxing didn't have an x-ray vision like him so he had no idea what happened and asked, 'What action? They went inside to talk about my case. What are they doing right now?'

Devil Face was still in his pervert mood as he snickered and explained the situation, 'Hehe, I guess they already finished as they are currently playing around in a bath while squeezing their breaths, comparing their sizes. This Anna pretends to be innocent but then she can be so naughty... I like it!'

The moment Devil Face narrated what is going on, it would be strange if Wuxing didn't start imagining it. Even if he tried to chase those thoughts away, Devil Face wasn't selfish and sent him short clips of the action between the girls which forced Wuxing to cough, trying to stay calm.

'Won't you get caught by spying on them?' Wuxing asked curiously, the image of Anna's flushed face the moment Katherine counter-attacked still appearing in his mind.

'Who do you think I am? I'm the greatest spy one could meet. Only if they stay near you will they be able to feel my presence but on that distance, I'm perfectly safe.' Devil Face called out proudly but Wuxing went straight to the point as he asked, 'Does that mean we can escape now?'

'Sure but that bitch, Sandra, is also watching you so the moment you do anything suspicious, Katherine will be informed about it. You will have to burst out the ties, take the guns and run. I doubt they will chase after you naked or in the towels. Hope they do...' Devil Face pondered, actually imagining such scene, low-key looking forward to it.

Wuxing ignored his lewdness and didn't hesitate anymore, starting his second escape, 'Yeah, that was my plan as well. Let's do it.'


Not willing to prolong their fun, Katherine let go of Anna and declared, "Okay Anna, it's enough. Let's just wash properly and go back. We can't drag this case. We still didn't even accept the mission yet."

Anna was already waiting for this as she poured some body shampoo on her hand and proposed with a smile, "Alright, let me help you wash your back—" Unfortunately, just as she touched Katherine's back, her hand froze as they both looked at each other surprised.

"Wuxing is the ability user!" Both of them called out at the same time, relating their Spirit's message.