The CEO's Office Boy is a Girl

47 Chapter 47 'sWork Work Work's


Nan Shen catched Tan Hua hand and began to helped her tying the handkerchief. His palm was basically on top of Tan Hua's palm.

"Here. It's like this" Nan Shen patiently guide Tan Hua with his own hand.

Aishh his doggo is really stupid isn't he? It can't be helped then....he had to help him. His doggo was wounded...he is a good boss afterall so it was normal to help his employee.


Once again...Tan Hua felt her heart beat faster. Now her body even felt slightly hot! Everytime Nan Shen was in close distance with her she didn't know why...she would felt hot!

This was weird!

"T-thank you boss!" Tan Hua quickly retracted her hand as she felt nervous. This won't do. She couldn't get close to Nan Shen okay!

"Hm? Fine then" Nan Shen was a bit confused when Tan Hua suddenly retracted her hand and finished tying the handkerchief by herself.

That boy was acting weird huh. Did he ate something wrong?