Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 83

After Fang's mother came back from the culinary training class, the sales situation on the first day had been reported to her.

When she calculated the account, Fang Yan had been lying on her stomach waiting for convenience. As soon as she worked out the total number, he immediately came to her.

Fang's mother subtracted the cost from the first day's income to get a total profit figure, and then showed it to him.

Under the 30% discount, the profit is poor.

"That's it?" Fang inkstone face dew disappointment, "I thought there would be more."

The number on the paper must have been an unimaginable astronomical number for him in the past, but now Fang Yan's appetite has been raised. He can get a huge income just by setting up a stall in one day. Vegetables are produced in his space, so there is no need to spend money on renting houses, water and electricity, and staff wages. It can be said that income is equal to profit.

But the fresh food shop is not the same, because it is responsible for delivering the vegetables ordered by everyone from the vegetable orchard to the customer's home, which requires a lot of delivery personnel, and the salary of the staff is a huge expense.

"Inkstone fans." Fang's mother said with a smile, "it's only the first day. I thought I would lose money on the first day."

I didn't expect that their little son's fresh food shop was so powerful that he didn't lose money and even had a profit.

Listen to her say so, the expression on Fang Yan's face is more surprised: "lose money?"

"Yes." Fang mother said: "the first day did not lose money, inkstone can be really powerful."

Fang Yan's whole face wrinkled up: "if you want to lose money, why open a shop?"

Mother Fang was speechless for a moment.

This is a business marketing strategy. How can she explain it to her little son?

"The fresh food shop of inkstone is different from ordinary commodities. In addition to the regular customers in our community, many people have never heard how delicious the vegetables are." But when the inkstone stall started, it was just like the inkstone vendor who took care of the inkstone stall? It's because they have eaten the vegetables of inkstone and think it's delicious that they come to buy it again. It's the same thing to open a shop. The same vegetables can also be bought in the vegetable market. Why buy inkstone vegetables? That's because your vegetables are cheaper than other vegetables, so people choose your vegetables. "

Fang Yan suddenly realized and nodded.

After all of us have tasted his vegetables and know that the vegetables he sells are delicious, they will visit his fresh food shop like the grandparents in the community!

Compared with ordinary vegetables, the price of vegetables in Fangjia fresh food shop is still more expensive. Because of the quality, the prices of all vegetables are not cheap. Fang's family didn't plan to expand the business scope of the fresh food store too much at the beginning. On the one hand, it was for the high-end line. On the other hand, it was also because it was the business of the youngest son. Fang Yan needed to grow up and take charge of his own business, instead of having to sell everything before he could run his own business independently Everything was settled and he would just lie down and make money.

When the fangs cultivate their children, they will deliberately guide their independent ability. After all, there is only one who can inherit the family property. The other two must find another way out, either develop their own business or become nothing. Parents naturally want their children to become useful.

Therefore, although the fresh food store is temporarily managed by Fang's mother, she still has to return it to Fang Yan in the future. At first, Fang's mother did not dare to extend her hand too far. She just wanted to take it slowly, so that when her little son took over the fresh food store, she would not be too flustered.

At present, she only plans to upgrade the fresh stores to the upper class. On the one hand, she can afford to consume their vegetables. On the other hand, she wants less customers and less busy. As for the fresh food store, although it is retail, most of it is still the customer service center of the fresh brand.

However, although the customer base is small, but the profit is still a lot.

Brochures recording all the goods and prices of fresh food shops were sent to the household mailbox of every high-grade residential area. Along with the brochures, there were also promotional leaflets with 30% discount and free distribution. Looking at the opening activity with 30% discount and free distribution fee, there were still many people who tried to call the back of the pamphlet Then, he tried to make a phone order.

The distributor starts from the vegetable orchard and delivers the fresh ingredients to each household.

After the next day, the order was increased in a blowout!

For delicious food, everyone will not be stingy with his recommendation. After tasting the cooked vegetables, all the people are surprised to stare and give thumbs up to the people in the family.

"Mom / wife, your cooking skills have soared today. Where did you learn new methods?"

In this regard, all the people in charge gave the same answer: "it's the same as before. How can today's food taste better?"

It was soon discovered that the ingredients were different.

When women get together, there is always a lot of gossip. When they say that, they start to talk about the new fresh food store. Soon, those who have not called the order number, also under the recommendation of other friends, try to make a phone order.On the night after the opening, Fang's mother was shocked even though she had been prepared.

Seeing her stop, Fang Yan, who had been waiting for a long time, could not wait to say: "how about it? Mother

"Inkstone, you wait." Fang's mother blinked and knocked on the computer again: "mom made a mistake. Wait for mom to do it again."

But when she did the second calculation, the number was still very amazing.

Fang's mother blinked, and the whole person was in a daze.


"Inkstone." Fang's mother took a deep breath and solemnly said, "you should be prepared mentally."

"What?" Fang Yan is at a loss.

"Say it, you may be scared..." Fang mother told him the final total profit.

Fang Yan was stunned.

After a long time, he took a breath of cold air, and repeatedly asked, "is it true?"

"It's true." Mother Fang said.

Fang inkstone took another breath.

Compared with the poor number of the previous day, the next day's figure can be said to be a huge sum of money!

He turned happily and was struck speechless by the great happiness. He was dizzy even when he walked.

Fang's mother watched him turn left and right and left the room. She turned around and recorded the profits in a separate account book. Before she finished writing, she heard a bang outside the door.

Fang's mother immediately stood up and ran out in a panic.


Before she got out of the room, she heard her little son's excited voice.

"Dad big brother second brother" -

the voice spread further and further. At the same time, it was also obvious that the younger son was running down the stairs.

"Grandfather --"

"grandma --"

Mother Fang shook her head with a smile, and returned to her seat and continued to remember the account.

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