Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 350

He taught Fang Yan several times, but the photos he took were still as ugly as before. Finally, Gu Rong gave up and had to take the camera from his hand and take photos for him instead.

Fang Yan was at a loss. He was elated and didn't agree with him. He agreed quickly. His lover couldn't see enough. Gu Rong held the camera and wiped it. The photos he took took took up half of the memory.

The other half is Gu Rong's various ugly photos, all from the hands of Fang inkstone.

It's good that there is no comparison. After comparison, the ugliness of those photos becomes more obvious. Although Gu Rong is not a professional photographer, the beauty of the scenery here is also beautiful. The scenery photographed by the camera is highly saturated, which is even more beautiful than that taken by the mobile phone. As long as you focus, you can find a beautiful picture at any angle. With such a normal picture for comparison, Fang Yan's photos are particularly Ugly.

Gu Rong flipped through the camera, and his heart became more and more broken. He wondered whether he should accept more interviews or go to the studio to leave some hard photos. Otherwise, when he is old, he will flip through the photo album. Fang Yan is a handsome young man, and he is a fuzzy youth.

Send the camera back to charge when it is out of power. Xiaobai, the universal housekeeper, is called in again. He runs around busily.

After seeing the sea, Fang Yan and Gu Rong went on. They called the horse back and walked along the seaside. After passing the mountain, they went to a new place.

After many places, Xiaobai, the omnipotent space manager, also runs around in the cabin. From time to time, he is called in to do housework, or listen to his master imagine where to build a new villa in the space. When Fang Yan and Gu Rong's date are over, Xiaobai feels that he has lost a big circle in the short ten hours of real time.

The days in the space are too leisurely. When Xiaobai reminds them that they can be ready to go out, Fang Yan and Gu Rong still have some problems.

"So fast?"

"It's already light outside, master." "I haven't closed my eyes all night," Xiaobai lamented

"Hard work for you." Fang Yan coughed and said, "I'll open an extra can for you today."

Xiaobai is satisfied.

Two people reluctantly left the space, until their feet on the floor of the home, suddenly had a sense of separation.

Obviously, the time on the calendar has only passed one day, but they have really spent more than ten days. They have lived far away from modernization. They are only two of each other. Now, if you look at the furniture and electrical appliances at home, whether it is Fang Yan or Gu Rong, they are all unfamiliar with each other.

Gu Rong rubbed his forehead and said, "maybe I'll go to work today. I have to think about something I didn't deal with yesterday."

Fang Yan also nodded with the same feeling.

He just came back after dealing with the affair of Lvyuan. Now, the affair of Lvyuan has not come to an end, but after so long, he has no impression at all.

Fang Yan scratched his head, and Gu Rong looked at each other and changed clothes.

Anyway, the work still has to go.

Just waiting for Fang Ke to call and ask about Lvyuan, Fang Yan still stopped for a long time, and finally thought of it.

"It's all done. What's the matter? Big brother

"It's nothing. Before the accident happened in Lvyuan, you solved it by yourself. Mom and dad are worried. Since you have come back, you might as well go home and tell us." Fangke stopped and said, "you have been out for five days."

Fang Yan couldn't laugh and cry: "it's not going out for five days, it's going home for five days."

"Only where you and Gu Rong are can be regarded as home, right?" Fang Ke sighed and then said, "when did you start school?"

Fang Yan looked at the calendar, thought about it, and then said, "report tomorrow."

Then there's no reason for my brother to come back.

Fang Ke sighed and had to say, "pay attention to yourself. If you need help from Lvyuan, please tell me not to carry it by yourself."

"I know, big brother."

Fang Ke was silent for a moment, and then said, "you have done well."

Fang Yan was stunned and quickly reacted to it. He said something about Lvyuan, and then he laughed again: "I know, big brother."

Fang que just hung up.

Because Xiaobai reminded them that they had just had a meal before the morning, so they were not hungry, so they went to the morning exercise together. After running back in the morning, Gu Rong went out to work, and Fang Yan watched the news of Jiangshi.

The news channel of Jiangshi did indeed report the events of those fresh brands. Among them, they expressed deep disappointment at the replacement of seeds made by local fresh brands. At the same time, they objectively said what happened during this period, and did not forget to describe the high-quality quality quality of green source fresh food.

Fang Yan can expect that after this incident, the sales volume of Lvyuan will rise greatly.He bowed his head and pondered over the next development path of Lvyuan. He called the person in charge of Lvyuan and explained some things. Then he took out the key and went out.

There is green source's lesson, let him also can't help to go to green field to have a look.

When he went there, it was not the rush hour for shopping, so there were not many customers in LVYE, which was just convenient for Fang Yan to inspect. He walked around it, focused on the vegetable area for a while, and was relieved to make sure that none of the vegetables had green problems.

Green field is the base camp. If even Greenfield has problems, he must really doubt his ability.

"Fang Yan?"

Hearing someone call himself, Fang Yan immediately raised his head and looked in the past.

Ji Lijun stood not far away with a basket in his hand. There were also some vegetables in the basket. Obviously, he came to buy vegetables. Ji Lijun saw him, immediately a face of surprise, quickly walked toward him: "I can finally see you."


Fang Yan stepped back politely and asked, "Mr. Ji, are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I've always wanted to come to you since the green source incident happened." Ji Lijun excitedly said: "I originally wanted to ask for your contact information from your mother, but your mother didn't want to give me your contact information. I asked for a round, but I couldn't find you, so I had to buy vegetables and try my luck."

Try your luck by buying vegetables?

Fang Yanwei is not very clear about his logic.

They met once in the Greenfield fresh food shop, but it doesn't mean they can see it all back. Fang Yan really doesn't understand where the logic of Mr. Ji is.

"Is it working time now?" "Mr. Ji, is it OK for you to run out like this?" he said

"It's OK. It's OK." Ji Lijun waved his hand indifferently, and even said, "don't hurry. Wait for me for a moment. I have something to tell you."

He said that he was afraid that Fang Yan would leave immediately, and that he could not afford to buy half of his vegetables, so he immediately took his basket to the cashier's desk to check out.

Although Fang Yan was curious, he thought of Fang Honghua and followed him.

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