Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 303

After the final exam, Fang Yan was completely relaxed.

After he went home, Gu Rong also went back to his home. However, Gu Rong still needed to get up early to go to work every day, but he didn't need to. Naturally, someone would send the documents to his home. He got up every morning to do morning exercises with Gu Rong Fangke, and then came back to have breakfast and deal with business affairs in the morning. At this time, Fang Huai got up and waited for lunch Later, they accompanied Fang's mother together.

At this time of the past year, Fang Huai was busy rehearsing for attending the Spring Festival Gala of those TV stations. Even after several years, he felt tired of it. This year, he specially promoted the invitation and planned to spend the new year with his family.

As the Chinese New Year approached, grandma Fang took out her own scissors and prepared to cut the window decorations. Naturally, Fang Yan also took a pair of scissors to help her cut them together.

Fang Huai was half lying on the sofa, watching TV with his mother. He was drowsy. His eyes were wrong. He glanced at the grandsons and grandsons who were devoted to cutting window decorations. Suddenly, he became curious. A carp jumped up from the sofa and got close to the two people.

Fang Huai curiously picked up a paper-cut villain. It was cut by Fang inkstone. From small to large, Fang's hand-made ability is very good. From the perspective of the paper-cut villain in his hand, the edge is smooth and there is no rough edge. The expression on the face of the paper-cut villain is vivid and exquisite. In contrast, grandma did not enough to see, no matter how many years, it is still very rough.

Fang Huai looked itchy, also picked up the side of the scissors, in front of a piece of paper to draw: "this how to cut?"

Fang Yan put down the villain who had cut half of it. He took out a new piece of paper and demonstrated it to him: "the first time you cut it, you have no experience. It's better to draw a pattern on it now. Fold it in half, fold it in half again, and cut it down along the pattern. It's a beautiful window cut."

Fang Yan folded the paper in half several times, drew a few strokes on it with a pencil, cut it down with scissors along the trace of the pencil, and then unfolded the paper to form a symmetrical and beautiful pattern.

Fang huaimu Lu was surprised. He also learned from him to fold in half and then fold again. Soon, a simple symmetrical pattern appeared in his hand.

Fang Huai cut several, and put them up with interest. After running back, he was curious about the paper-cut villain in Fang Yan's hand.

"How is this done?" He pointed at the paper and said, "is it easy?"

Fang Yan shook his head: "second brother, you are still the first time to do, don't try hard."

"What's the first time? Look at what I just did. What is it? It's all experience Fang Huai complacent way: "put in the game, my level has been rubbed up several levels, can learn intermediate paper-cut."

Fang Yan couldn't help crying or laughing at him. Seeing that he insisted, he had to take a piece of paper and draw a simple villain pattern on the paper and let Fang Huai cut it along the pattern.

He did not need to draw on the paper. He made a sketch in his mind, and the scissors rubbed across the paper. The villain quickly became a shape. He not only had fine facial features, but also cut out the details of his hair. Fang Huai was stunned.

Trying to cut the villain, Fang Huai can't even do the most basic edge smoothing, so he has to give up.

"It's too hard." He sighed: "inkstone, how do you practice this? I remember when you were a child, how long did you practice? When can I be as good as you

"The second brother will sing." Fang Yan said: "the second brother sings so much, I can't do anything."

"That's it." Fang Huai roared: "your brother, I can play 18 kinds of musical instruments. If you want to learn, please ask me well and call my brother a little more kindly. Maybe I will promise to teach you."

Fang Yan chuckled: "no more."

Lost an opportunity to set an example of a powerful brother in his brother's heart, Fang Huai was suddenly disappointed.

In addition to his love of music, Fang Huai did everything for three minutes. Soon, he was tired of paper cutting and ran to the yard to chase chickens.

Hearing the old hen's panic clucking outside, Fang Yan looked out. Through the window, he could only see Fang Huai's figure running quickly from the window. The chicken feathers were flying in disorder.

"Are the chickens and ducks still there?" Fang Yan was surprised.

He thought that when he moved out of the house, the chickens and ducks at home had not been taken care of, and had been stewed by the kitchen people.

"Yes." Granny Fang said kindly, "these chickens and ducks have been raised in the yard for so long, and everyone is used to it. After you leave, the Housekeeper will volunteer to raise them. If Xiaohuai didn't go home, they would be well raised."

Fang Yan cocked up his ears to listen. Sure enough, he heard the clucking outside and Fang Huai's ferocious spirit. The housekeeper's voice of panic was also mixed. It seemed that Fang Huai was making Fang Huai show mercy to the chickens and ducks he served carefully in his daily life.

He cut this year's zodiac pattern again, counted it again, and made sure that the window decorations on the table were enough to paste all the windows in the house, so he put down the scissors.Outside came the sound of "didi" car horn. Before long, Fang Honghua came in from the outside carrying things in large bags.

She said mildly, "I saw Fang Huai chasing chickens as soon as I came here. He is also very lively today."

"What's lively." Fang Mu Tucao: "that guy is just too busy to make complaints about how big the man is, and he chased chicken and ducks all day, just like a child."

"What's wrong? It's good for young people to be more active. " Fang Honghua put the things down with a smile, then took out a food box from the bag and handed it to Fang's mother: "here, you want me to bring it for you."

Fang's mother took it over and said thanks to her. After opening it, it turned out that it was a small plum blossom recently produced by LVYE: "the last time I asked Fang Ke to bring the inkstone back, I always thought, just this time you came, you brought it to me."

Fang Honghua smiles and takes out a gift box with exquisite packaging from the bag and hands it to Fang Yan.

"This is a gift for inkstone."

Fang Yan said thanks, just received the gift, her eyes suddenly attracted by the necklace around her neck.

It's a ruby necklace. On weekdays, saffron rarely wears such a bright color, but her skin is very white, but it is very beautiful set off by ruby. The ruby on this necklace is big and bright. It's worth a lot to see. What Fang Yan cares about most is this necklace, which he saw only yesterday.

In the jewelry store.

It was bought by a gentleman surnamed Ji.

That Mr. Ji wants to pursue his sweetheart with this ruby necklace.

His new job is a single mother with a son.

Just last night, Mr. Ji invited his sweetheart to dinner. He planned to send out the necklace and send her a request for intercourse.

And last night, Fang Honghua was temporarily busy and didn't come to have dinner with them

Between lights, stones and fire, Fang Yan felt that he understood something.

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