Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 103

Although he asked Du hang to help him with his tutoring, he was not free every day. His mother enrolled him in a lot of remedial classes. Only in his spare time could Du hang have time to help him make up his lessons.

However, with Du Hang's help, Fang Yan's performance has improved a lot, at least now he can no longer fail, but he is still far from excellent. The gap between failing to pass and full mark is not something Du hang can easily make up for. Even Du hang may not be able to get full marks.

But before he got here, Fang Yan's score was quite good. In their primary school, he could get the first place in every exam. Every time he got a certificate, Fang Honghua was very proud of him and would give him two eggs to reward him.

It's been half a year since she left Hua's mother. Fang Yan doesn't want her to look disappointed when she sees his report card again.

But the final exam is coming. It is a big problem to get full marks again.

After listening to his worries, Fang Huai immediately chuckled: "isn't it the final exam? If you send your previous report card together, your adoptive mother will know how much progress you have made, so she won't feel disappointed. Yes, she will be proud of you

Although he couldn't imagine how much he had learned to be a bully before his brother, he also went to the place where Fang Yan lived before. It was very remote, and all the facilities were backward, let alone education. He could not teach anything too abstruse even though he thought about it. He couldn't compare it with the school now.

In addition to the contents of the textbooks, Fang Yan's school also attaches great importance to education outside the textbooks. Therefore, some of the extra-curricular knowledge involved are simple and some profound. Even ordinary adults may be baffled. Fang Yan is only a ten-year-old child who has never learned before. He wants to catch up with other children as quickly as possible Big problem.

Fang Huai thought of course, but Fang Yan looked at him fiercely. Every hair seemed to be saying that he had a bad idea.

"Don't be afraid of inkstone. We'll give you a tutorial." Fang Ke touched his head and said.

Fang Yan immediately hesitated: "but the elder brother and the second brother are very busy..."

"Yes, I still have classes, but also practice guitar, which time can give inkstone tutorial ah."

Fang Ke glanced at him and said, "I'll make it up."

"But you don't want to..." Fang Huai's words haven't finished, touch the line of sight that Fang Ke cast to come over, again chat up the mouth.

As the successor of the Fang family, he has been taken to study by his father. Fang Ke is undoubtedly the busiest of the three. Fang Huai originally wanted to stop him, but since he insisted, he had to let him go.

It's not him who works hard, and the third grade course is not difficult.

Fang Yan's cramming practice soon began.

In the study, his position on the edge of Fangke, from his home, there is a more table there, now just convenient for him. Therefore, when Fang Ke is busy, he is doing the exercises assigned by his brother obediently. When the exercises are finished, he asks Fang Ke to correct them and explain the correct way to him.

Fang Ke's teaching is much better than Du hang's. There were some things he didn't understand at first. After listening to Fang Ke's explanation, he immediately understood everything, and his progress can be said to be rapid.

Even Du hang was surprised at his progress. When he heard that he had changed a person to help tutoring, he was still reluctant. But later, seeing that his grades had really improved, he was really happy for him.

Even Gu Rong took time to come over a few times, and helped him with a few problems under the sharp vision of Fang Ke, which almost turned into substance.

When busy, time flies, and the final exam, which was only a date on the calendar, will soon arrive. The closer it is to the end of the term, even the temperature will drop a lot.

The temperature here is much lower than where Fang Yan used to stay, so he is also very afraid of the cold. In addition, people are small. Layers of clothes pass up from one layer to another. From a distance, it looks like a moving ball. Gu Rong laughs at him every time he sees it.

Fang Yan is very angry every time. When you get used to it, you should wear a hat, a scarf and gloves, and wrap yourself tightly.

On the contrary, the rest of the family improved their physique through Lingquan, but they were much healthier than before. All of them felt that they were stronger than before. Even when Fang Huai was still on a snowy day, he only wore short sleeves and went out of the door. He ran around the yard running after the old hen, and looked at Fang Yan in a daze.

In Fang Yan's trepidation, the final exam finally came.

As early as a few days ago, the other minor courses had already made achievements, and got a pile of winter vacation homework, and then began to have the winter vacation.

At the end of the last exam, Fang Yanchang breathed a sigh of relief and was worried for many days. Now he is finally relaxed.

As soon as he got out of the school gate, he was picked up by Fang Huai as soon as he got into the car.

"Second brother?"Fang Huai said happily, "but it's winter vacation. Where do you want to go this year?"

"Where to play?" Fang Yan's face was blank.

In the past, he had a lot of things to do after his winter vacation. For example, he had to go to the mountain to collect firewood and prepare to burn it in winter. All this would cost him a lot of energy. Finally, he had to pile the firewood as high as a hill. Then it is the new year, the new year is even busier, to cut the window with the flower mother, cleaning, there are a lot of things, busy to the end of the new year.

Fang Yan asked softly, "don't we celebrate the new year at home?"

"It's no fun to spend the Spring Festival at home." Fang Huai curled his lips: "usually stay at home a lot, just at the time of the Chinese new year, everyone has a holiday, we can hardly get together, just can go out to travel."


"Yes, it's so cold here. It's cold to get into the house soon after staying outside. It's better to go to Hawaii, where it's warm. Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

The air conditioner in the car was very good. After he got in, Fang Yan took off his hat, scarf and gloves.

He listened to Fang Huai say so, immediately yearned for: "Hawaii?"

"Yes, have you ever been to the seaside?"

Fang Yan shook his head honestly.

"Then I'll teach you how to swim, and then I'll take you to see the University Well, I'll show you my beautiful sister Fang Huai touched his nose awkwardly.

Fang Yan is not interested in the beautiful sister. His attention is attracted by the sea that Fang Huai said.

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