Inhuman Tests and Genome Altered Men


Was he ugly?

Earlier, I saw Old Chou appearing at Wen Chao's house and standing behind Li Fengyun, but Li Fengyun didn't know anything about him. After I arrived here, there was only Li Fengyun in the room, but I didn't see Old Chou.

But in such a short time, Old Ugly must have not gone far.

Maybe he took advantage of the time when I went in to chat with Li Fengyun, wrote the word "enlightened" and left.

What did these two words mean?

Enlightenment, literally, is the development of the meaning of obscurity. Of course, it is also possible that this term has a deeper meaning, such as the European Enlightenment of Enlightenment, or something else.

The meaning of 'well-deserved' in Romu's words was very clear. It meant that Romu had done too many bad things in his life, causing so many innocent people to become zombies; however, the meaning of 'Enlightenment' seemed to be less clear. At our current stage, the word 'Enlightenment' makes it impossible for us to figure out the meaning of the other party's words.

However, the two words must have had their own reasons for doing so.

Li Fengyun put away the paper and said, "Shu Jing, I have yet to figure out what these two words mean. The fact that the other side was able to find this place and leave these two words means that they have control over our actions, but they are not against us. I think the person who left these words is not our enemy, but he wants to use these two words to warn us."

I agree with Li Fengyun.

Right now, the most important thing was to tell Yuan Kun what he went to do.

After this delay, Zhou Yuankun was no longer in sight after we went downstairs. After walking in the direction he went, Li Fengyun patted me on the shoulder and said, "Look over there."

Following the direction he was pointing towards, he saw a small restaurant on the other side of the road. Through the window of the restaurant, he saw Zhou Yuankun sitting alone at a small table in the corner.

So it was here.

It seems that we are really fated to meet in this small restaurant.

Even before the dishes were served, Zhou Yuankun unscrewed the cap and drank a few mouthfuls from the bottle. By the time he put the bottle down, the wine had already been reduced by a third.

It seems a bit strange. Zhou Yuankun was drinking alone here. Was he waiting for his accomplices to arrive? If so, why did he drink so boldly? It was easy to get drunk if you didn't eat the light and drink too much.

He looked at Li Fengyun with a puzzled face and softly said, "Let's observe here for now."

It was just as I said, we didn't have much light outside, he was very bright in the house, we couldn't see him clearly, but we could see him very clearly.

When the plate was brought up, there was less than half of Zhou Yuankun's bottle of white wine left. This little brat drank so fast.

When the plate of shredded pepper was served, he had less than a third of the wine in his bottle.

This didn't seem like he was waiting for someone, but more like he was getting drunk.

Zhou Yuankun became more and more confused. With a worried look on his face, he started to drink alone. He ordered a plate of shredded peppers with a cucumber. No one drank with him, so he drank very quickly.

There were a few other tables in the restaurant besides his, and I examined the guests closely, but I saw no sign of suspicion.

At this moment, Zhou Yuankun had finished drinking a bottle of Erguotou. He seemed to have a problem and was just using the wine to get rid of it.

Soon, he called for another bottle of white wine.

If you keep drinking like this, it won't take long before you get drunk.

Zhou Yuankun took out a cigarette and lit it up, slowing down the speed of drinking.

At a table not far from him sat a man and a woman, presumably lovers. The man had his back to me and I couldn't see his face.

At the other table, there were a few men who had drunk a lot of wine.

After watching Li Fengyun drink for a while, Zhou Yuankun was still drinking by himself. Although the speed of drinking had slowed down, one could still tell that he was a bit drunk.

One of the men who had drunk quite a bit stood up and said a few words to the couple's table. Then, the entire table burst into laughter.

I couldn't hear their laughter, but I saw that the sweet girl had a sullen look on her face, and the man opposite her was trembling slightly …

Was it the table who had drunk too much to tease the girl?

The girl picked up her backpack from her seat, put her arm around the man across from her, and was about to leave the restaurant.

The man on the table who had just stood up to speak stepped forward to block the couple's path. The man who had drunk too much looked lustfully at the pretty girl and reached out his hand to touch her face.

She immediately retreated, and the man who was standing with his face turned towards us reached out his hand to stop the drunken man, and gave him a push …

The man was furious and slapped the man in the face. The man staggered back a few steps and almost fell down. The girl immediately went to help her boyfriend. The men who had too much to drink stood up from the table, ready to hit him.

The man covered his face with one hand and pulled the girl behind him with the other. He used his body to protect the girl, but this man's body was thin and weak, it was impossible for him to deal with so many big men.

At that moment, I saw the man's face clearly.

It was actually him.

I've seen him, talked to him, given him a smoke break.

This young fellow is the worker who previously came to our shop to deliver water. I asked him about Lao Xiao and he told me about the car which weighed several hundred pounds when he picked it up and crossed the threshold.

The young waterman dined with his girlfriend in a small restaurant. She was teased by people at other tables who had too much to drink, and he was beaten to protect his girlfriend, who now seemed to want to continue bullying him.

How preposterous!

Li Fengyun and I couldn't care less about hiding, we quickly rushed towards the small restaurant …

He rushed through the door and saw the big fellow holding the sailor's collar, punching him in the face, the attendant was not of the same level, his fist was powerlessly hitting the big man's chest, the big man beside him also came over, someone went over to pull the girl's hand, someone hit the attendant's body …


Before I could finish my words, Zhou Yuankun, who was sitting in the furthest corner, moved to the side of the leader and punched him in the face …

With a single punch, the big man immediately let go of the sailor and fell limply to the ground holding his head. He held his head in his hands in pain and cursed, "Beat him up! Beat him to death!"

Li Fengyun and I also came in. A few large men surrounded Zhou Yuankun, and one of them took a bottle of wine from the table and smashed it onto Zhou Yuankun's head. With a crisp sound, the bottle shattered into pieces.

Zhou Yuankun's punch and kick had fully displayed his extraordinary skills. The other big guys surrounded Zhou Yuankun but didn't dare to attack. Li Fengyun and I also rushed over and surrounded the other three men.

In fact, even if the two of us didn't fight, the three of them together wouldn't be a match for Zhou Yuankun.

Zhou Yuankun's head was smashed open by the wine bottle and blood flowed down his face. He casually touched the blood on his face and angrily looked at the three remaining men. He angrily said, "Come on, let's attack together …"

After looking at each other in dismay, they did not make a move. Instead, they went to help the two men who had been knocked down from the ground. Although these two men were not seriously injured, it seemed that Zhou Yuankun had shown mercy.

I carefully observed Zhou Yuankun. This kid is not very old; he looks to be under twenty-five years old. He can't be considered handsome, but he has a heroic air about him.

Zhou Yuankun took a step forward, and the men immediately backed away in fear. These people all glared at him angrily. They did not look like they would be easily provoked, but to put it bluntly, they were only bullying the weak and afraid of the strong. They did not even dare to utter a single word in the face of the abnormally agile Zhou Yuankun.

The leader finally understood what was going on and wiped the blood from his nose. He cupped his hands and greeted Zhou Yuankun and the couple, "Sorry about that. I drank too much earlier. "Boss, pay up!"

Zhou Yuankun's eyes were cold and silent. The couple didn't say anything either, but the young sailor recognized me, saw that I was here to help, and smiled in thanks.

The big man paid the bill and left with the others.

When they left, the boss hurried over to clean up the table. He looked at the murderous Zhou Yuankun and didn't even dare to say a word.

Just looking at Zhou Yuankun's punch and kick, even if Li Fengyun and I were to go all out, we wouldn't be able to get any advantage.

But right now I'm not afraid of him. I'm not afraid that he's a spy from the "yes" organization who infiltrated the police station.

On the contrary, I felt that he seemed very lonely, as if he had a lot on his mind.

The sailor pulled Zhou Yuankun's girlfriend over to thank her. Zhou Yuankun waved his hand and said, "It's nothing. It's just a small matter."

After that, the sailor thanked Li Fengyun and me as well, and said, "Brothers, let's go back first. She was frightened …"

"Mhmm, go back and rest early. Is your injury alright?"

"It's fine, it's fine. Bro, how should I address you? I'll treat you to a meal one day to thank you." The sailor asked Zhou Yuankun.

Zhou Yuankun didn't answer. I immediately said, "Alright, alright, let's go back quickly. Your girlfriend needs comfort. Please stay with her."

Only then did the waiter bring his girlfriend away. The restaurant was left with only Zhou Yuankun, me, Li Fengyun, the waiter, and the owner.

The waiter was busy clearing up the table, while Zhou Yuankun returned to his corner to continue drinking.

This bro, something must have happened.

After making eye contact with Li Fengyun, we ordered two bottles of Erguotou from the owner and sat next to Zhou Yuankun with some white wine in our hands.

If you want to chat with a drinker, you can't drink too much less than him.

The boss and I added two dishes. Before the dishes were served, I opened the bottle and touched the bottle with Zhou Yuankun. The slightly drunk Zhou Yuankun looked at me and Li Fengyun and smiled.

Looking at the wine left in our bottles, Zhou Yuankun revealed a satisfied smile and said, "Haha, it's boring to drink alone. Let's drink together. I'll treat you this time …"

In fact, the previous social brother had already paid the bill, adding two more dishes and two bottles of Erguotou, the boss probably didn't dare to take the money.

Zhou Yuankun's attitude towards us was pretty good. We didn't talk much and drank from the bottle for a while. After two-thirds of the liquor was drunk, we finally stopped smoking. It was time to talk.