Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 85: Can't go to the hospital, please

When Leng Yu rushed out, the elevator was already closed. After a while, the sound of a car starting from downstairs was heard, like a flying arrow from the string.

Prince Xi Gu's accelerator slammed directly to the end, and his car was about to fly on the empty road.

Neon lights flickered behind him, and the scenery kept receding.

Prince Xi Gu's eyes were red, and his feet on the accelerator continued to add strength. Don't have trouble, don't have trouble.

For half an hour, he drove abruptly for ten minutes. When he entered the apartment, he didn't have time to swipe his card, so he slammed the car brakes and got a long scratch on the super car.

Go straight to the elevator, almost knocking the bell!

The numbers above the elevator were constantly changing, and Prince Xi never felt that the elevator was really **** slow!

When he violently kicked the door open, the room was completely dark. When he turned on the light, he saw Ling Weifeng fainted in the kitchen at a glance.

His face was as pale as paper, and his body curled up into a ball, shivering.

Prince Xi Gu's whole heart grabbed and rushed over, "Xiao Feng."

As soon as the hand touched her body, she was shocked by the hot temperature.

At this moment, he regretted it very much, and his heart was pained densely as if he had been pricked by countless needles.

Endless remorse, almost lingering him!

Why should he anger with her, why should he leave with anger.

It was he who had feelings for her that he shouldn't have, he was greedy, and he deserved to be abused, and what was wrong with her.

Why did he put his pain on her.

The prince Xi couldn't wait to slap himself twice, he picked her up, so thin, so light, so distressed him.

"Xiao Feng, hold on again, I'll take you to the hospital immediately." He hugged her and strode towards the door.

The word hospital stimulated Ling Weifeng's nerves.

Playing as a boy all the year round, she is extremely sensitive to words that reveal her identity. Even if her whole head is almost out of consciousness, she can wake up conditioned reflexively.

"Can't go to the hospital." She opened her eyes suddenly and saw Prince Xi Gu's worried face.

He gripped his clothes tightly, leaned his head weakly in his arms, and murmured almost unconsciously, "Don't go to the hospital..."

"No, you have a fever and you must go to the hospital!" His tone couldn't hold his tongue.

"Don't go, can't go..."

Ling Weifeng said in a daze, almost exhausting his remaining strength, clutching Prince Xi Gu's clothes tightly.

Prince Xi Gu hugged her and continued walking out, and she began to struggle to get out of his arms.

"Good, obedient."

"Don't go... please..."

"Don't go...xi...the emperor...please...please..."

She struggled feebly, her body limp without any strength, but she still struggled stubbornly, with painful expression and tears from the corners of her eyes.

Prince Xi looked distressed, and when he waited for the elevator, he wiped the tears from the corner of her eye, "Why wouldn't you go to the hospital."

"Don't go to...medicine...hospital...please...please...please..."

The words were intermittent, but the tone was full of begging.

Prince Xi Gu had red eyes, gritted his teeth, and walked back holding her.

Put her on the bed, pull the quilt to help her cover, then turn around to find the medicine box.

Ling Weifeng tightened the quilt and wrapped her body tightly. Even if her head was too tight now, she would subconsciously protect herself from anyone discovering it.

Sixteen years of lie life, hiding herself, has become her instinct.