Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 249: Are you not a man? 5

The end of his hair was wet, and it fell on his broad shoulders. The skin covered with moisture was covered with a thin layer of muscles, stretching forcefully.

Sexy, wild, full of masculine charm.

His figure is perfect, with broad shoulders, thin waist, narrow arms, well-defined texture, mermaid lines, vest lines, and there are many.

Ling Weifeng swallowed, and hurriedly retracted his gaze, afraid to look again.

Looking at all her reactions, Prince Xi smiled at the corners of his eyes.

What a cute little thing.

"Clothes, clothes, go change it quickly." Ling Weifeng handed over the pajamas, and then climbed onto the bed.

When she lifted the quilt, her eyes almost fell out!

The whole person was almost struck by lightning, staring at the man standing in front of the bed dumbfounded, he and he actually reached out in front of her, and started to pull the towel around his waist!

Prince Xi Gu put his hand on the towel, paused suddenly, and looked at her with a smile, "Are you sure you want to see? I don't mind..."

"Ah, rogue!"

Ling Weifeng screamed, plunged one end into the quilt, and covered himself to death. His heart thumped and thumped, his little cheek turned red into an apple.

Prince Xi smiled and shook his head, quickly changed his clothes, went to the other side to bed, and then tore the quilt away.

"Cover what to cover."


The smile on the corner of his mouth is even greater, "Why am I being a gangster? You look at it without turning your eyes. I also reminded you."

"you you you……"

Ling Weifeng's face was red and hot, and he didn't know if he was angry or ashamed.

She stammered and couldn't say a word, her tongue was knotted.

"What's wrong with me?" He stretched out his hand and fished her into his arms.

"Why, let go!" She struggled to push him away.

She is now ashamed and annoyed, what does he look like in a hug and hug.

"Don't move." Prince Xi Gu held her waist tightly, his voice was a little depressed, wondering if it is dangerous for a woman to twist in the arms of a man.

He is a man of normal mind and body, and has always longed for her, so he is teasing him like this, looking for death!

"You let me go."

Ling Weifeng was also anxious, with one hand on his chest and the other against his chest, trying to keep the two of them apart.

"I still have a wound in my hand, do you want to tear my wound open."

These words were almost like Dinghai Shenzhen, which instantly stopped her struggling.

Ling Weifeng looked at him warily with big watery eyes, "Let go."

Instead of letting go, he clasped his arms tighter. "Why did you run tonight."

Now I finally have time to settle the account after Autumn, anyway, I must first determine the name of my boyfriend.

He won't give her any chance to escape!

When thinking about the Huahai Hotel, Ling Weifeng's face turned redder, tender and embarrassed, his eyes wandered, and he did not dare to look directly into his eyes.

His gaze is like a whirlpool, which will draw the human soul in.

She was afraid, afraid that she would sink deeper and deeper, so that she could not extricate herself.

"Talk, why run."

Seeing that she wanted to escape, the prince Xi Gu pressed on!

"I... I'm afraid."

"afraid of what."

"I was scared by..."

Prince Xi Gu really lost to her, forget it, those are not important.

"Your answer."

"What answer?" She was puzzled.

He had the urge to split her head with a palm instantly!

"Associate with me."

Ling Weifeng's eyes widened suddenly, and her heart was about to jump out. She was flustered and at a loss, and once again had the urge to escape.

"answer me."

"I, I, I..." Ling Weifeng was forced into desperation by him, "We are not suitable."

"Why is it inappropriate?" He sullen his face, it is not appropriate, he has the final say!

"I'm not your favorite type."