Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1792: Prove that I am not old

Tang Fengyang turned off the computer and went to the balcony to blow a drier to make himself sober.

Such absurd ideas are simply ridiculous.

Walking back to the room, Zhongqing still did not wake up.

He lay down on her side, then took her into his arms.

The irritable heart just now settled down.

No matter who she is, she will only have one identity in the future, and that is his wife, Tang Fengyang.

This will never change.

Staring at her face for a long while, the more I look at it, the more I feel that she resembles Bu Zhiya.

The thoughts in my heart came out again, ready to move.

Perhaps, in case it is really possible.

Thinking about it, he took out a pair of scissors from the drawer and cut off half of his favorite hair.

It is not difficult to do a paternity test and see how it turns out.

After half an hour, Zhonglove finally woke up.

Her alertness is very high. Generally, after waking up, her consciousness immediately becomes clear.

This is the instinct of worrying about guts for years.

Because of this, she can clearly feel how bad her body is now!


As soon as he moved, the pain of being split and reorganized came from all over his body.

She wants to kill Tang Fengyang!

Nima, when he challenged the number one international killer, was not beaten so badly.

What a great Tang Fengyang, you beast! ! !

"Woke up?"

Tang Fengyang's smiling voice came over his head.

Zhong Qing held a sigh of breath, raised his foot abruptly, kicked him down!


There was a loud sound of heavy objects falling.


It is simply killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred!

Such a big move, and so much effort, made her crazy!

Tears almost burst out, so it's better to stab her twice!

Tang Fengyang really did not expect that the first thing his wife woke up after one night was to kick him out of bed.

He stood up with a dark face, staring bitterly at the woman on the bed grinning.

Darkly thought, it seems that he didn't work hard enough, and he still has the strength to kick him out of bed.

Then you don't have to worry so much next time, let go of it!

He won't believe Tang unless she can't get out of bed!

Uh, it's like he was restrained last night.

He leaned forward, reaching out to hug her.

Love waved his hand and patted his hand off.

This action made her sweat again in pain.

Why is Nima so uncomfortable? This is not a simple pain, but a pain that makes people mad and unable to vent.

"Wife, it seems that I am not working hard enough, you still have the strength to beat others."

Love swept away with a cold eye, "You old man, a lot of young people who are still in need of other people's needs are too shameless."

Tang Fengyang's sharp eyes narrowed dangerously, and he threw on her, supporting her with both hands.

The face turned pale with fright.

"What do you want, don't mess around."

She is really uncomfortable now and can't bear his devastation.

too terrifying.

Tang Fengyang looked at her with a half-smile, his hands walking around her, "Didn't you say that I am old? I want to use actual actions to prove whether I am old or not.

It's not good if you can't satisfy you, right wife. "

Zhong Qing's face changed suddenly, and her hands pressed against his chest, "Not old, not old at all, how can you be old when you are so young, a man with thirty-one flowers, the most beautiful age, really."


"Of course it's true." Zhong Qing said solemnly, almost swearing by heaven.

If you do it again, my old lady's life will be gone.