Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1780: President's wife is so fate 4

Old Tang groaned, if so, then it makes sense.

Zhong Qing is Tang Xuan's biological mother, and she must know that the identification result cannot be released, so she took the risk and stole it.

"What about her." The security system of the military hospital is not a joke, it is guarded by special forces.

Once discovered, the chances of escape are very low.

"It's rescued, it's with me." Tang Fengyang told the truth.

He didn't intend to hide things from Elder Don about what he loved.

After all, I have to talk about him and his love.

"Well, just save it, what's wrong with Xuan Xuan."

"It was an accident. She and I were drugged and we forgot about that night..."

Tang Fengyang said roughly what happened, and the old man was shocked.

But things have passed, and what makes him most gratified is that Tang Xuan is the blood of the Tang family.

There is still a difference between an adopted child and a parent-child, especially when you are old, you just want to watch the younger generations spread out.

"Then what do you plan to do if you fall in love."

After Father Tang was happy, he thought of the key.

Since love is Tang Xuan's biological mother, you can guess her purpose of staying beside Tang Fengyang without thinking.

Just because she gave birth to the eldest grandson of the Tang family, she should make good compensation.

Tang Fengyang sat upright, "Grandpa, I am here today just to tell you about this. I want to marry and fall in love."

"What?!" Father Tang was shocked, his beard curled up, "What did you say!"

"I want to marry and fall in love," Tang Fengyang repeated, extremely firm.

"Do you know what you are talking about."

"I know, very clear."

"Impossible! You want to compensate her, there are many ways, just can't marry her, she is not worthy of our Tang family!"

"Grandpa, your thoughts are too feudal, who cares about so many brothers now."

"It's not that I care about my brother, but that your marriage is not a trifling matter. If you don't have a wife who can assist you, do you know how many detours you have to go and how much you will suffer in the future."

"I'm not afraid, Grandpa, love gave birth to a son for me, and followed me in silence for seven years. I can't be so irresponsible. Is this still a man?"

A girl who has been trained to be a killer since she was a child has to suffer.

Those skills that I love are never innate. What kind of high-intensity training is acquired to achieve that height.

He has also been trained as an agent and knows how cruel it is.

Moreover, ordinary female agents will have training for the seduction of sex, and they will usually be broken before they leave the teacher because they are afraid of scruples in the future.

But I didn't love it. I have maintained my innocence for so many years. One can imagine how much she valued this aspect.

He took such a precious thing, how could he be irresponsible!

Elder Tang said with great earnestness, "Xiao Yang, this matter is not a trivial matter. If you have to be responsible to her, then don't you need to be responsible for our Tang family? Don't you need to be responsible for the team behind you.

Have you ever thought about what will happen in the future if you are pulled down by someone and our Tang family has established so many political enemies?

What will happen to those team elites behind you without your support.

If you move your whole body, your marriage is no longer yours.

There are many ways to compensate her, not necessarily marry her. "

"How to make up? Give money? Grandpa, love is not the kind of vain person, we can't bully people like this."

He never thought of using money to pass love.

"You can find a good husband for her and ensure that she will have nothing to worry about for the rest of her life."


Recommend the girl’s new article, "Hello, Lord of the Gods", which is also a woman disguised as a man, welcome to watch~