Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1766: Beaten by your mother 2

His heart ached faintly, and felt distressed for her past life of bullets and bullets.

This is so insecure that she would sleep with a gun. Is she afraid that someone will attack her and kill her?

The killer kills, but more people want to kill her.

She had suffered a lot in the past, if she was not forced to be helpless, who would want to be a killer.

Fighting every day.

"Love, I really want to marry you, not kidding."

"Actually, you don't have to be strong everywhere. I will support you in the future and no one will dare to bully you."

After he finished speaking, he sighed, then took a pillow and an air conditioner, and went to sleep on the sofa.

He knew that these words could be heard in love.

The killer's vigilance is very high, it is impossible for him to approach without noticing it.

Just as he left, the eyes that Love had closed when he walked over, slowly opened.

Under the dim bedside lamp, her eyes were shining, as if water was surging.

I have to admit that Tang Fengyang's words still moved her a bit.

Since childhood, no one has ever said to support her.

She who licks blood on the tip of a knife is destined to be alone.

She doesn't even have a friend. When training on Agent Island, friends are often the most dangerous.

Because the training is cruel, dozens of people often go out on missions, and only one can survive.

In the face of life and death, there is no friendship at all.

It was not until later that she met Ling Weifeng that she had her first friend.

However, at that time Ling Weifeng was too weak, and she had to protect her, let alone support her.

And Tang Fengyang was the first person who said he would support her.

It is absolutely false to say that it is not moved, but it is just moved.

Between her and Tang Fengyang, it was destined to be impossible.

When Tang Fengyang woke up the next day, his whole body was sour.

The bent feet even cramped.

He looked at the woman playing with guns on the bed with a murmur, "It's really unconscionable."

Fortunately, he even risked being discovered to rescue her himself.

He was so worried when she had the operation, and the result was.

Occupy his bed, not even a place for him.

It's hard to mention a person who is about 1.8 meters tall and nestled on such a small sofa.

It took a while to relieve the discomfort, first go to wash, and then go downstairs to get the wheelchair up.

Sit up with Zhongqing and push her to the bathroom.

He looked at the toilet, a little embarrassed, "Do you want to help?"

The answer to him was a cup thrown in love.

"Get out!" Zhong Qing was angry.

Tang Fengyang glanced at her, turned around and closed the door for her.

Sure enough, the woman's heart is needled in the sea, and she has a temper for no reason.

She now has injuries to her hands and feet, how to go to the toilet, shouldn't he offer to help?

When she turned around and went downstairs to get her breakfast, she saw Tang Xuan already sitting at the table below and waiting.


Seeing Tang Fengyang come down, Tang Xuan's child exclaimed in excitement.

Tang Fengyang stretched out his hand and touched his head, "Xuanxuan, today we will have breakfast in my father's room."

Love is impossible to come down. She has a serious foot injury now, even if she is holding and moving, it will be affected, so she can stay still and try not to move.

It is impossible for him to let his son eat breakfast alone, so he can only eat in the room.

"Do you want to eat with Aunt Xiaoqing?" Tang Xuan asked. He heard that Aunt Xiaoqing was in his father's room.


"Dad, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Tong Yan Wuji, but Tang Fengyang was embarrassed.

What else, was beaten by your mother!