Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1764: Male character 4

I don't know if there will be domestic violence in the future.

What Tang Fengyang didn't know was, what was it to slap two slaps now, he would grow up when he was domestically abused in the future.

"Sneez." Love sneered, gentle, what is that!

Growing up, she didn't know how to write the word gentle.

Unbuckle the front button, then put the strap to the back, exposing half of your shoulder.

Tang Fengyang began to disinfect her.

She has many abrasions on her body, all coated with medicine, with a strong smell of medicine and disinfectant.

The faint body scent, coming out of the medicinal smell, made Tang Fengyang a little startled.

Shaking his head, concentrated on helping her with medicine.

She took the medicine again and was about to wrap it up with gauze. Without any comment, she saw a deep groove through her slightly opened neckline.

As the clothes are pulled down, the opening of the neckline is a bit wide, and his position is just right...

Such a condescending...

Especially the belt on one side of the underwear was untied, and the half round was about to come out. Tang Fengyang's eyes were straight.

Looking at the white snow, he realized that, in fact, love is also very feminine...

Seeing that Tang Fengyang stopped moving suddenly, but stared straight at himself.

Zhongqing moved his gaze downwards, and without a word, he slapped his fist.



Tang Fengyang screamed and hurriedly covered his left eye, "In love! Don't go too far!"

That's enough, even slapped him twice, now he dare to hit with a fist, really when he has a good temper and just bully, right?

"Dare to take another look, I dug your eyes!"

Tang Fengyang's expression was slightly embarrassed when the behavior just now was pointed out.

However, the President who was beaten again is really angry, he can't beat him back.

The other party is a woman, and also his future wife.

So he could only swallow this breath, but it was really uncomfortable, so he didn't vomit.

"I see what's wrong with my eyes, I have touched it before."

"What are you talking about!" Zhongqing's face was cold, and when you look closely, you will find that after that layer of ice is cold, there is a hint of red clouds.

"Did I make a mistake? I did it all. How could I not touch it? I guess not only touched it, but kissed it all night."

"Believe it or not, I shot you!" Zhongqing's face flushed, and she didn't know if she was ashamed or angry.

He grabbed a gun and pointed it at Tang Fengyang.

"Nobody tells the truth yet." Tang Fengyang muttered, and then went on to help her wrap the gauze.

However, those eyes are not honest, and they always aim at places they shouldn't.

This can't blame him, he is really a man.

He was so angry that he almost shot.

She pulled the quilt and covered the front, shameless, hooligan!

When the welfare was gone, Tang Fengyang retracted his gaze, then looked at her neck seriously, slowly moving down, the collarbone was really beautiful.

Very sexy.

With those green eyes, I wanted to kill someone in love!

Rogue, rogue!


Finally, the bandage was finished, and I loved to slap my uninjured right hand, and wanted to slap it.

Tang Fengyang avoided it with ease.

Then he packed the medicine box seriously, but his eyes were not honest.

Maybe the two have had a relationship before, so when he gets close to her, he has an impulse.

The old virgin is longing for this aspect.

He really didn't have any impression that night, and didn't know what it was like.

I really want to try.

It's just that she doesn't seem to accept him yet, which is a bit difficult.

The future wife is in his bed, but she can only watch and not eat.

No, I can't see and eat. It's really ridiculous to get a punch at a glance.

Tang Fengyang looked in love, and seriously thought, if his overlord slammed the bow, how likely would he succeed.

So a few days later, when the great Mr. President wanted the overlord to take the bow, he was speechless and tearful.

It's too costly to want to overpower a violent wife.