Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1757: Proposal failed, too hurt self-esteem 1

The last thing she lacks is money.

As the boss of Fengqing.com, her family is definitely not less than Tang Fengyang.

Isn't it ridiculous to use money to compensate?

Moreover, this is the most insulting practice!

But besides money, what compensation could he give her.

Be responsible to her, marry her?

Haha, this is definitely the biggest joke she has ever heard, a president of a country marries a most wanted criminal.

Tang Fengyang didn't know what to say, he never thought about giving her compensation.

Using money to solve problems is an insult to her or him.

She gave birth to Tang Xuan not for money.

But, besides money, what else could he give her.

"What do you want." He asked in a deep voice.

"I don't need anything. When the injury is over, I will leave naturally."

"Where are you going." Tang Fengyang became anxious when he heard that she was leaving.

Inexplicably panic in my heart.

Although, he didn't know where the panic came from.

"Nothing to do with you."

"Why has nothing to do with me, you are my son's mother, where do you want to go where your son is here."

Looking at Tang Fengyang with anxious face, Zhong Ai suddenly smiled coldly, "You mean to let me stay?"

Tang Fengyang nodded, "I will be responsible."

Zhong Qing finally laughed, but the corners of his mouth were so ironic, "Responsible? How responsible, can you marry me."

Tang Fengyang is speechless.

Can he marry her.

He didn't know that his identity was destined to be an innocent marriage.

"Since you can't marry me, how can you be responsible? Let me be your mistress?"

She loves not so cheap!

Not to mention the mistress, even the President's wife, she is not interested!

Tang Fengyang was silent, gave her a deep look, then got up and walked out.

Behind him, she sneered in love and looked away.

Although it had long been expected that this would be the result, Tang Fengyang could not marry a killer with a dangerous identity.

However, his reaction still made her a little uncomfortable.

Tang Fengyang left, and he did not appear in the ward for the next three days.

On the fourth day, he opened the door and walked in.

Love is a little surprised, thinking that he will keep avoiding her until she leaves, and then the two will be strangers.

Unexpectedly, he would come again.

What do you want to say about compensation?

It's really ridiculous. She gave birth to Tang Xuan voluntarily, not for him. What is guilty about him.

Affectionately watched Tang Fengyang approaching with a blank face, and the two looked at each other.

Having not seen him for three days, his face became haggard a lot.

Now Qingdai is obvious, and people are also a little depressed.

Love with a decisive character and never procrastinate.

She didn't want to get involved with Tang Fengyang, and when her body recovered to the point where she could leave, she would naturally leave.

Tang Fengyang suddenly bent down and tried to pick her up.

Zhong Qing was vigilant and flinched back, full of hostility.

As a killer, he is very vigilant, and generally does not let people approach him, even if she knows this person.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to help you in a different place to recuperate, the air circulation in the basement is not good."

"I will go by myself."

"You have an injury on your leg, so you can't walk around at will." Tang Fengyang said, "You are still afraid that you will not succeed if I eat it."

As far as she is injured now, he wants to eat but can't eat it.

Zhongqing still disagrees, his attitude is a bit tough and he forcibly hugs her up.

Then walk out of the passage.

The passage is a bit narrow and it is very difficult to walk with a person.

He can only lean on his side, then hold her and move forward slowly.

The narrow passage is too cramped, and love has to get close to his arms to barely accommodate it.