Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1742: Suspect that Tang Xuan is an illegitimate child 4

He hurried back to the Tang house.

Old Tang was a little surprised when he saw him come back suddenly.

This stinky boy stays in the presidential palace all day, and rarely goes back to his old house to see him as a bad old man.

"Oh, what brought you back today, Xuanxuan, why don't you bring him back with you."

Tang Fengyang didn't pay attention to Father Tang, but simply greeted him, and then went straight to his room.

Seeing him walking in a hurry, Elder Tang also followed in.

"Xiao Tang, what are you looking for."

"Grandpa, where is the photo album from when I was a kid?"

Tang Fengyang flipped through boxes and cabinets, and finally found a somewhat old photo album in the bottom drawer.

There are photos of him from childhood to adulthood. Every year he will take a photo on his birthday to record his growth. There will also be many life photos.

He flipped through the photos when he was six years old, and his mind was shaken.

"What's the matter?" Seeing him with an expression struck by lightning, the old man walked over in confusion.

Tang Fengyang handed over the photo album, "Grandpa, look."

Old man Tang took a look, "Oh, it's cute, why did you look through the album when you were a kid."

"Grandpa, Xuanxuan...exactly the same as when I was a kid."

Old man Tang's eyes sank, "You found it too."

"What do you mean, Grandpa, you've already seen it."

Old man Tang was a little thoughtful, how could he not see it.

Tang Fengyang lost his parents when he was young. He brought up this grandson. How could he not remember exactly what he looked like.

He had long discovered that Xuan Xuan and Tang Fengyang looked alike, but he knew exactly where Tang Xuan came from.

I also trusted Tang Fengyang's character very well. I was not a messenger outside, so I just thought it was a coincidence.

However, as Tang Xuan grew up day by day, Tang Fengyang's shadow became more and more obvious.

The old man Tang's eyes were burning, and he had suspected Tang Xuan and Tang Fengyang more than once.

However, once this suspicion is confirmed, it will have too much influence on Tang Fengyang's official career.

Therefore, he dare not mention it.

"Grandpa, do you think it is possible that Xuan Xuan is really mine..."

"I want to ask you, do you have a son, come and ask me what I do."

"No!" Tang Fengyang replied very positively.

Does he know if he has ever had a woman?

I always liked Ling Weifeng in my heart before, how could I accommodate other women.

Later, he regarded Ling Weifeng as his younger sister, and his boyfriend and girlfriend in name with Bu Zhiya. He had absolute respect for Bu Zhiya.

So there have been no women.

And he is also a self-disciplined person, never messing around with men and women.

How could an illegitimate child appear.

It's just that Tang Xuan's looks really can't explain.

Is it really just a coincidence that people are similar?

Tang Fengyang went back to the presidential palace in some silence. He was thinking whether he should do a paternity test with Tang Xuan.

But it was too ridiculous, because of a few gossips of others, he began to doubt himself.

Would it be too ridiculous.

He has never had a woman, it is impossible to have a son.

When I got home, it was already dark.

He was a little upset and wanted to see Tang Xuan.

In fact, in these years, every time he faced Tang Xuan, he had a particularly cordial feeling, so he treated Tang Xuan very well.

Could it be that blood is thicker than water?

When I walked to the door, I just met the love coming out of Tang Xuan's room.

The two met each other, and both were stunned.

Love is a little guilty, she feels that it is time for her to leave.

Otherwise, things will be revealed sooner or later.

Perhaps, she could consider taking Tang Xuan away. After so many years of getting along, she couldn't let go of this son.