Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1738: Night Detective Boudoir

Sitting up with his body supported, he was frightened in a cold sweat by the black muzzle in front of him.

When she saw the woman holding a gun at her, she was actually in love, she subconsciously wanted to scream.

Love directly squeezed the trigger, and the bullet flew out, rubbing Bu Zhiyao's face, and the bullet sank into the pillow behind her.


If it weren't for the pain of bruising on his face, Bu Zhiyao even suspected that the scene just now was an illusion.

Silence gun!

"If you miss, call it." Zhongqing said coldly.

Bu Zhiyao was full of horror, "You...how did you get in!"

Although the security of Bu's house is not as tight as the president, it is also the home of the vice president, so naturally it will not be much worse.

The outside is guarded by bodyguards, how did she get in!

Love did not speak, but aimed at Bu Zhiyao's forehead.

Just go to the waste bodyguards, and want to stop her?


"You...what do you want...what do you want." Bu Zhiyao was frightened in a cold sweat, trembling all over.

The teeth trembled even more.

There was never a moment when death was so close to her.

Madman, the woman in front of me is simply a madman.

No wonder it was muffled during the day, it turned out to be waiting here!

"I'm the daughter of the vice president. Kill me and you can't escape!"

Bu Zhiyao threatened and said that if she didn't speak in love, she couldn't tell what she meant by love.

The gun in love in his hand turned around Bu Zhiyao, occasionally aiming at a point, can scared Bu Zhiyao to death.

As if torturing Bu Zhiyao deliberately, he held the gun and shot her body for ten minutes.

Then take out a roll of transparent glue.

"What do you want to do...Help me..."

Bu Zhiyao was so scared when she saw Zhongqing approaching, she was no longer a threat. She was afraid of death, so she opened her mouth and wanted to call someone.

However, Zhongqing had already taken the lead and sealed her mouth with a transparent wrist.

And wrapped her head twice, tangling her hair together.

It is estimated that Bu Zhiyao wanted to untie it, so he couldn't pull out half of his hair.

What a joke, she doesn't give the prisoner a chance to speak, who can speak.

After tying it up, Love picked up a pot of hot water prepared next to him and poured it directly on Bu Zhiyao.

Moreover, I focus on the places that I don't want to see easily, such as my chest, lower abdomen, and thighs.

Pouring hot hot water like this can take off a layer of skin!

It's more cruel than torture!

Especially after the clothes were soaked, almost his whole body was burned.


Bu Zhiyao's face was distorted in pain, but she wanted to scream, but her mouth was sealed, and she couldn't scream.

This kind of pain is more uncomfortable than killing her.

Can only fall on the bed and struggle desperately.

She wanted to run away, but she was kicked back in love before she got out of bed.

She fell on the bed, and then the hot water poured down again, making Bu Zhiyao dizzy with the pain.

The woman in front of me is simply not a person, but a devil!

What is the difference between pouring boiling water directly on the body and being directly burned by fire? The sweat on his forehead kept rolling off.

Numerous blisters were burned out of her body, and she broke through the struggle, and her skin was open and fleshy, and the pain made her faint.

His body twitched constantly, his eyes rolled up, a bit like a dead fish.

The boiling water mixed with blood water made her pajamas look terrifying.

After pouring a pot of water, I fell in love with it before throwing it away.

Looking at the dying Bu Zhiyao on the bed with cold eyes, "If I dare to speak out, I will use oil directly next time."

After finishing talking about love, he jumped down directly from the window.

Daring to burn her son, it's almost death!