Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1690: Then marry me

Where to put him.

"I'm sorry." Wang Jiaohua's eyes were a little moist. "I was drunk last night and he sent me back. I don't know how...but I didn't have the senior...In the end, I was sober and I was really sorry. ."

"Why are you looking for him."

"I..." Wang Jiaohua paused, unable to say.

That kind of surgery is about the dignity of a man, she can't say.

Just said dumbfounded, "I accompany him to the hospital for an operation."

Meng Xing bowed his head and stopped talking. Since she and Fang Jiming are no longer related, why does Fang Jiming need her to accompany him for surgery.

Seeing his apparently disbelieving expression, Wang Jiaohua became a little anxious, "Brother Xing, how can you trust me?"

Meng Xing laughed at himself, how he believed the facts before him.

He suddenly looked up, "Sisi, if you really have nothing to do with him, then marry me."

Wang Jiaohua froze for a moment, and all her words lost her strength.

The light in Meng Xing's eyes darkened inch by inch.

Sure enough, the same result.

In her heart, another man always lived, not even leaving him a place.

Even if he stayed with her for five years.

That's it, it doesn't matter, as long as she stays with him, it doesn't matter if she doesn't have him in her heart.

Maybe it hurts, but it's better than losing her.

Just as he was about to speak, saying that when he didn't say anything, Wang Jiaohua took a deep breath, as if she had made some determination.

Nodded, "Okay, after Xiaofeng's wedding, we will return to City H to get married."

This time it was Meng Xing's turn to be stunned, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

After the reaction, ecstasy!

"Sisi, are you serious?"

Seeing him so happy, Wang Jiaohua nodded again. As for the pain that suddenly surged in her heart, she was suppressed by force.

Meng Xing was very excited and suddenly rushed up and hugged her.

Wang Jiaohua's body stiffened instinctively, and she kept telling herself to relax.

She can't always indulge in the embrace of the past, after all, to adapt to a new life, a new person.

Meng Xing hugged her for a while, let go of her, stared at her lips, and wanted to kiss.

The light in his eyes was so obvious that Wang Jiaohua was flustered, and her heart thumped wildly.

In his mind, Fang Jiming's face appeared unwillingly, and she almost tortured her crazy.

She tried very hard to tell herself to forget and accept Meng Xing, however, seeing his face getting closer and closer, she still escaped.

With a twist of his head, he got out of his arms and sat back at the table, "I'm a little hungry, and my stomach hurts."

Meng Xing was disappointed in his eyes, "Then have breakfast first."

It’s a long time coming, so you can’t rush.

She has now agreed to marry him, which shows that she has begun to walk out of that man's world.

As long as he can wait, she will forget that man.

After breakfast, Wang Jiaohua said she was going to see Ling Weifeng and her godson and daughter, and Meng Xing left.

He is going to prepare a grand marriage proposal and also to deal with today's scandal.

Wang Jiaohua changed her clothes without makeup.

She has good skin and does not need makeup unless she attends important occasions.

Wearing a sun hat and sunglasses, and was about to go out, the phone rang.

Seeing the familiar number, Wang Jiaohua was a little flustered.

Although her cell phone did not store Fang Jiming's phone number, the string of numbers had already rotten in her heart.

She was a little flustered, wondering if she should pick it up.