Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1688: He hugs her, she hides

"Why are you here?" she asked in a low voice, never daring to look at Meng Xing.

"Come and see you." Meng Xing glanced across her face, and then landed on the car not far away.

It was Fang Jiming's car, he recognized it.

My heart was stabbed, did she go to that man again?

"Why don't you wait for me at home, don't you have the key?" Wang Jiaohua said softly.

Without hearing the sound of a car behind her, she knew that Fang Jiming hadn't left yet, and was very nervous.

"You haven't come back so late, I'm worried."

"Then you can call me."

If he called her earlier, she would have reason not to have dinner with Fang Jiming, and the following things would not happen.

"You shut down."

Wang Jiaohua then looked up at him, and then quickly lowered, pretending to flip the phone.

Take a look, press the power button, "It's out of power, let's go in first."

She really didn't want to stand at the gate of the community to speak, as Jiming at the back just watched.

so awkward.

Meng Xing's lips moved, and if she wanted to ask her where she had been, she still didn't ask.

For Fang Jiming, who was not far away, he didn't even see it.

Don't listen, don't ask, don't be jealous, don't be jealous, don't get angry, think of yourself as deaf and dumb, pretending to know nothing.

I didn't know that she was actually pretending to be another man in her heart, or that she was entangled with her ex-husband.

Is it true that she will not leave him?

Wang Jiaohua lowered her head and walked back. The evening breeze blew her up and lifted her long hair, revealing half of her white swan-like neck.

And, there are several deep hickeys on it.

Meng Xing paused, and suffocated his breath.

No matter how much you say in your heart, don't mind, as long as she stays by his side, your heart still hurts severely.

This hickey, they just...

Take a deep breath, suppress the pain in your heart, don't ask questions.

Don't pierce this layer of window paper, if she is forced to make a choice, and she chooses to leave, what will he do?

When he used it for five years, he didn't want to exchange her for leaving.

The world of love is very unfair. Whoever loves deeply is destined to be the humble one.

And he has humbled into the mud.

Back at the villa, he stretched out his hand, took the bag in Wang Jiaohua's hand, and put it on the shelf.

Turning his head, he saw Wang Jiaohua changing shoes. He walked over and stretched out his hand.

Hugging her waist from behind.

Wang Jiaohua was shocked, and hurriedly dodged the room, knocking the shoe rack over.

The shoes are all messed up.

She was a little frightened, and when she reacted, she felt a little guilty.

They are boyfriend and girlfriend, it is normal for him to want to hug her.

It's just that the body instinctively rejects it.


With only one word, Meng Xing squatted down to clean up the scattered shoes.

Looking silent, Wang Jiaohua felt guilty.

"Brother Star..."

Meng Xing had put away the shoe rack, stood up, and touched her head fondly.

"Scared you? Not next time."

"not me……"

"You take a bath and rest first. Don't drink so much wine next night. I'll go first and bring you breakfast tomorrow."

He left without waiting for Wang Jiaohua's response after he finished speaking.

Walking into the elevator, the whole person seemed to be emptied, with his back leaning against the elevator, his expression was endlessly lonely.

She could turn the clouds and rain with Fang Jiming, but she wouldn't even let him hold him.

This boyfriend is really ridiculous.

Even so, he still didn't want to let go, who made him love her so much.

Fang Jiming did not leave. He drove the car into the shadows, like a beast dormant in the dark, staring at the gate of the community.

He wasn't relieved until he saw Meng Xing's car coming out.