Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1684: You accompany me

Although he doesn't mind being filmed, and even wishing to be featured in the headlines, she probably wouldn't.

Otherwise, he would not dress so low-key.

He respected her choice.

It wasn't until the elevator door closed that the lady at the front desk breathed a sigh of relief, and tears filled her eyes.

Rumor has it that the young grandmother is gentle and considerate, and she really deserves her reputation.

In the western restaurant, Wang Jiaohua lowered her head to eat the steak that Fang Jiming had cut for her, not daring to look up.

Because she felt that the gaze of the opposite man kept falling on her, the hot temperature almost burned her skin.

She couldn't stand it anymore, so she stammered, "You...you don't eat."

"Eat, I also eat." I have been busy with meetings at noon, and I don't have any appetite, so I simply ate two bites of takeaway and hardly eat anything.

Now that I saw her, my appetite improved instantly.

While eating, she never looked away from her face.

How long has it been that they haven't sat down to eat together?

In this way, he can sit together face to face and eat quietly. It is the scene of his heartbreak in his dream for the past five years, and it finally came true today.

A western meal was very quiet, Wang Jiaohua bowed her head all the way, while Fang Jiming was watching her all the way, cutting steak for her.

When he was almost finished eating, Fang Jiming asked, "Jiaojiao, what's the matter for you to come to me."

Of course he hoped that she just came to him for dinner, and came to him because she missed him.

However, this is almost a luxury.

Wang Jiaohua's expression was a little unnatural, she didn't know how to speak.

"Jiaojiao, are you in trouble?"

"No." Wang Jiaohua shook her head, pursed her lips, hesitated again and again before speaking, "Uh...I heard you...have you had a ligation operation?"

Fang Jiming's face became stiff and a little embarrassed. After all, this kind of operation is too detrimental to a man's dignity.

Now that the woman he loves most makes him feel a little embarrassed.

However, the embarrassment quickly faded away, turning a little anger, "My mother is looking for you?"

Only he, the doctor and his mother knew about his sterilization operation.

Wang Jiaohua nodded.

Fang Jiming's face became darker, "What did she tell you, did she bully you?"

"No, no, she just asked me to persuade you to do recanalization."

"You don't want me anymore, what's the point of doing it or not."

This sentence made Wang Jiaohua feel sour and flustered.

She suddenly had the urge to run away.

Just held back.

With her head down and no longer talking, she didn't know how to respond.

Fang Shiming did not speak again, and the two were silent again.

After a long time, he said slowly, "Do you want me to undergo recanalization?"

Wang Jiaohua looked up at him, then quickly lowered her head and nodded, "Yeah."

"Well, I'll go, but I have a request."

"What?" Wang Jiaohua looked up.

"You accompany me."

Except for her, he won't want a second woman, so it really doesn't matter to him whether to have a recanalization operation.

He just...want to buy more time with her.

In the hospital, Wang Jiaohua waited in the reception room.

A very simple operation, it will not take long.

However, Fang Jiming did not return to the reception room to look for her at the first time, but kept dragging her.

Wait until dinner time to come back, so that he can have dinner with her again.

Wang Jiaohua had never had this kind of surgery, so she didn't know how long it would take, so she was abducted by him to eat hot pot.


There is a round of new article promotion. I recommend the girl's new article, the same type of "Hello, Lord God", I hope everyone will support you~