Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1666: Make up for me tonight

He hugged Beibei and kissed her little crystal bun-like face, "Indecent negligence, I don't understand, little villain."

I don't know if Xiao Baozi understood what he said, giggling.

The baby who was lying on the bed also giggled, very cheerful.

The prince Xi slapped the baby's **** with a slap, the little guy looked dumbfounded.

Beat me for the **** horse.

After beating his son, Prince Xi continued to coax his daughter, "Go to bed, don't disturb mom and dad."


Beibei flopped in his arms, her eyes narrowed with a smile.

The baby is constantly patting the quilt with his hands and feet, his small mouth is closed and he does not know what he is saying, his expression is a bit protesting.

No one holds the baby for the **** horse.

The baby is so wronged, but the baby can't tell.

Ling Weifeng poked a head out of the quilt, his small face flushed.

She stretched out a hand and hit Prince Xi Gu on the thigh, "Hurry up and put the child to sleep."

Prince Xi Gu grabbed her little hand, pressed it lightly, and then rubbed it carefully, which was full of hints.

Ling Weifeng blushed thoroughly, because she saw that the baby was opening a pair of **** eyes, staring at the hands they held together.

Then began to slap the quilt again, not to mention too excited.

Ling Weifeng, "..."

She pulled her hand back vigorously, but Prince Xi Gu's grip was too tight to pull it back.

During this tugging, the two little cute babies became more excited.

Especially Beibei, who was held in his arms by the prince Xi, his two small hands shook, suspected to be clapping.

It's just too small now, the bones are still a bit soft, and it looks like it's shaking hands.

Ling Weifeng was embarrassed.

She stretched out a foot and kicked the prince Xi.

"These two are your kind at a glance! As beautiful as you."

The prince Xi Gu was innocent, "Where am I? I haven't had any **** or **** in 20 years?"

"What about after opening the meat, ah? It's so difficult for me to get pregnant. You can put two colors in my belly, I'm ashamed to say you."

"That's just showing you a person, wife, you should be honored."

Ling Weifeng blushed, "Don't say it."

There are two other little ones.

I don't know if this kid can understand, what excitement is there.

Seeing her so shy and infinitely shy, Prince Xi couldn't help it.

So he picked up a child and walked out.

Arriving in the main hall of the main house, the four grand emperors are still watching TV.

All four of them were a little surprised to see him come over at night, with two babies in his arms.

Didn't he dominate the two adorable babies some time ago? Why did he come over tonight?

The prince Xi Gu walked over with a grim face and threw the two adorable babies to Du Ruxue and Han Ling.

"I'll give it to you. Take it one by one and play slowly."

Du Ruxue looked at the joyous little guy in her arms and looked up, "Would you like to send it back to you tonight?"

For such a small child, it is better to sleep with his mother, and it is convenient for breastfeeding.

Prince Gu waved his hand generously, "No, they will sleep with you tonight. If you find it troublesome, just find a corner and stuff it overnight. Don't take it back to disturb me."

He turned around after speaking and went back to sleep with his wife.

Xihuangzhen's expression was faint, "I knew it was going back and doing bad things."

Ling Yiyong's eyes fell on the two little babies and shook his head, "Poor baby, lost by his parents."

"What about the child." Ling Weifeng was a little puzzled when he saw the prince Xi come back empty-handed.

"Throw it away." Gu Yan, the prince Xi, briefly horrified, and then rushed over, "My wife, make up for me tonight."