Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1660: Gu Wei Ai Feng 3

Ling Weifeng made a big red face, and gave him a little anger.

There are so many elders, and two children, how does he say such nasty words.

Talking and laughing all the way back to the Xi Royal Palace, when he was at the door, he saw Mr. Ling.

Behind him was the newly hired butler from the Ling family, and two servants, carrying several bags of things.

It looks like it should be a tonic.

Standing at the door craned his neck and waiting, it looked a bit bleak.

After coming here once before the New Year, he knew that Ling Weifeng and Han Ling did not welcome him, so he dared not go in again this time.

The steward of the royal family did not dare to let him in.

Can only wait at the door.

Just now there was a talking and laughing inside the car, and it quieted down.

Everyone looked at Han Ling, only to see Han Ling's face sinking slightly, and then turned away.

Ling Weifeng was also quiet, a little bored.

She looked out of the car. It was cold in the spring and the temperature was still a bit low, especially today it was raining lightly.

Seeing Elder Ling waiting outside like a lonely old man, she felt uncomfortable.

Although this grandfather used to be too unsympathetic to her, he was still her grandfather after all.

It's just that it's uncomfortable, and if Han Ling doesn't forgive him, she won't recognize this grandpa.

If she chooses between Father Ling and Ling, her choice will always be the latter.

The atmosphere in the car was a little embarrassing, and Ling Yiyong was a little embarrassed, "I'll get off the car and have a look, you guys go in first."

After he got out of the car, Du Ruxue laughed dryly, "Let's go in first, Xiao Feng should be tired too."

Du Ruxue didn't say anything about Han Ling's unfeeling. As a close friend, she knew better than anyone how Han Ling came over these years.

Although I think Han Ling has done a little too much, she also thinks it is justified.

Han Ling did not speak, but put the baby into Xihuangzhen's arms, and then turned to look to the other side.

Du Ruxue and Xihuangzhen looked at each other, and they didn't understand what she meant.

Ling Weifeng opened his mouth and stopped talking.

Then he glanced at Prince Xi Gu.

Prince Xi Gu held her hands tightly and touched her head. If anyone in this world knows Ling Weifeng best, it is him.

He could understand what she meant with just one look.

"Dad, Mom, take your child out of the car and take a look. I will take Xiao Feng back to rest first."

Du Ruxue glanced at Han Ling, sighed, but said nothing, got out of the car.

It is estimated that those injuries in the past will take a long time to heal.

"Butler, you have someone put the supplements sent by Master Ling in the warehouse."

Prince Xi Gu spoke to the butler in the passenger seat while observing Han Ling's face.

Seeing Han Ling's expression unchanged, he understood what the mother-in-law meant.

She also acquiesced that Mr. Ling came to see her great-grandson, but those deep hurts do not mean that forgiveness can be forgiven.

As the car drove in, Prince Gu carried Ling Weifeng into their independent villa.

The independent villa is in the northwest corner. It is a bit biased. Prince Xi chose to live in this villa because of its quietness.

But Du Ruxue did not approve of them continuing to live here. It was too biased. Xi Royal was so old that she would have to go a long way to see the children.

The prince Xi Gu Yi rightfully refused, hoping that you will not visit your children and disturb their family of four.

After setting up Ling Weifeng, he went out.

It has been several days since the child was born, so we should get the hukou as soon as possible.