Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1643: Dragon and Phoenix!

Du Ruxue and Han Ling sorted out all the work that Prince Xi Gu had on hand, and threw them to Xihuangzhen and Ling Yiyong, and then Prince Gu could take care of Ling Weifeng with peace of mind.

The two masters who were enslaved, don't mention too much resentment.

But thinking that this was serving Jin Sun (Grandson Jin), the grievance in my heart was finally reduced.

It's just that, looking at the eyes of Prince Xi, Gu's eyes, it is a cold eye.

In just a few days, the culinary skills of the prince Xi have soared, reaching the level of the super chef!

Almost changed the way to replenish Ling Weifeng's body,

No way, her body was really bad before.

I live on nutrient solution every day, and I have become so thin that I am not a man.

The three-and-a-half-month-old belly, let alone getting bigger, thank God if it doesn't sink.

So the prince Xi made all kinds of medicated diets and various tonic soups for her, three meals a day, afternoon tea plus supper, and several meals a day.

She is now pregnant with two children, and one person eats three people's portions. She would have eaten more.

Before, it was because I couldn’t eat it, but now I can eat it.

It’s strange to say that I vomited so badly before, but now I can eat, but I don’t vomit.

Han Ling and Du Ruxue laughed happily, saying that the baby will definitely be well-behaved in the future.

Han Ling has the deepest experience, thinking that when she was pregnant with Ling Weifeng, she vomited and gave birth to a naughty monkey.

Ling Weifeng's face became more and more rosy, and his spirit was getting better and better.

The cheeks on both sides were originally a little sunken because of being too thin, but now they have recovered, the skin is very white, and finally they have the soft and tender feeling before.

Du Ruxue and Han Ling began to prepare the baby room.

What made Ling Weifeng gasp was that they actually prepared seven baby rooms!

Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Du Ruxue said, “I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl. We have to take all the circumstances into consideration. A double room for two boys, one for two girls, and one for a man and a woman. "

Han Ling said, "Children also have their own space. I don't know if it is a son or a daughter, so I have to prepare four single rooms."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

Haha, I was really thoughtful.

She was speechless, "You can see the gender in a while, so don't worry about preparing the baby room."

Most people can see gender in three months, but her baby develops a bit late and can't see it yet.

However, I was able to watch it for about four months, a few days later.

Han Ling stretched out a finger and shook it. "The baby room must be prepared in advance to see if anything is missing and make it up in time, so as not to be in a hurry."

Ling Weifeng, "..."

It’s too early to leave birth, this is too anxious.

And it's not bad these few days, it's the two of you who are so idle.

Regarding Du Ruxue and Han Ling’s approach, Prince Xi Gu had no objection. Prepare as much as possible. His baby should enjoy the best.

Under the meticulous feeding of the prince Xi Gu, Ling Weifeng's belly was finally a little bigger at four months.

The most advanced medical equipment has already been airlifted to Xi Royal, and a villa has been specially vacated for installation.

So Ling Weifeng does not need to go to the hospital to check his body.

When doing a B-ultrasound, everyone was so nervous.

Although both men and women like them, they can know the **** of the child immediately, and they are still very nervous and excited.

Ling Weifeng was also very nervous, snuggling in the arms of Prince Xi.

She still hopes to have a son and give birth to an heir to Prince Gu.

"Congratulations, young master, congratulations to young grandmother, it's a baby."