Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1639: Love is gone, career set sail

Almost the moment when Wang Jiaohua jumped out, Fang Jiming turned over and sat up, staring greedily at her portrait.

She was online, but she was online.

Since she left, there has been no news, and he thinks she is going crazy!

The hand holding the mobile phone was trembling. I wanted to talk to her, and I wanted to ask her if she was doing well.

But I dare not.

He was afraid that as soon as he spoke, she would be offline.

Ling Weifeng was obviously excited when he saw Wang Jiaohua appear.

@王娇花美美达, your godson said he was hungry, and I was feeding him.

Wang Jiaohua: Are you hungry, little cat.

Ling Weifeng: No no, my son is hungry.

Wang Jiaohua: Don't have two snack products, three snack products in one family, and be careful with the poor young master Xihuang.

Prince Xi Gu: Wife eats whatever you like, I can afford it.

Leng Li: Fuck! Can a single dog survive?

Ling Weifeng smiled and turned his head, and slapped on Prince Xi Gu's face again, "My husband is really nice."

With a click, Prince Xi Gu took the scene just now and sent it to the group.

Prince Xi Gu: The reward just given by his wife.


Leng Yu: Let’s talk first, I’ll make a pack of instant noodles.

Concerned about Yu: What kind of instant noodles to eat in the middle of the night.

Leng Li: Not for eating, but for hanging!

I was so abused that I wanted to commit suicide!

Concerned about Yu: Interesting.

Yin Shunhua: Fortunately, I am not single.

Wang Jiaohua: [Laughing] [Laughing]

Ling Weifeng: Xiaohuahua, why didn't you sleep so late?

Wang Jiaohua: I just finished my ballet, so I will take a break first, all in sweat.

Ling Weifeng: Why did you practice so late?

Wang Jiaohua: The election is about to take place in one month. I have to hurry up and practice.

Bu Zhiya: Huahua is about to fly internationally.

Wang Jiaohua: I'm working hard in this direction. My love is gone, and I want to hurry my career.

It was just sent out, and then quickly withdrawn.

She pursed her lips and almost forgot that Fang Jiming was also in this group.

Fortunately, he is not here now, seeing how embarrassing it is.

What she didn't know was that Fang Jiming had already seen it.

This sentence, like a knife, poked him directly.

He knew that she was a very capable person, whether it was in dance or music, had she not returned to China for him, she would have already flown internationally.

For a person who loves to dance, maintaining a figure is more important than anything else, so the average dancer will not easily have children.

And Wang Jiaohua was willing to give up all her dreams at the beautiful youth of nineteen, stop pursuing career, and have children for him.

This is how deep the feeling can be done.

However, he did not cherish it.

In the area of ​​the heart, there were bursts of tight pain, which made him feel painful.

"Jiaojiao..." She called out this heart-ache to suffocating name in a hoarse voice, he really...

Miss her very much.

The group was quiet for a while because of this episode, and felt full of embarrassment across the screen.

Ling Weifeng seemed to be able to imagine Wang Jiaohua's mood at this time, it must be very bad.

My best friend stopped opening the forest, so she stopped opening the forest, so she couldn't eat anymore.

Prince Xi Gu's heart was raised at once, and he hurriedly said a word in the group.

ice breaking.

Prince Xi Gu: I heard that you plan to run for the white swan in "Swan Lake"?

Seeing Prince Xi Gu Ran asking her about her, Wang Jiaohua was so scared that her phone dropped.

Busy picking it up, quickly reply: Yes, I want to challenge it.

Finally someone spoke, Ling Weifeng had an appetite again, and he was talking while eating.