Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1637: Damn it, abuse the dog! 3

"I want to go down too, I'm so tired to lie down every day."

Either the bed or the sofa, she was almost lying down as a corpse.

Xi Prince Gu disapproved of her going downstairs, but thought that she was bored in the room every day, which was indeed very tormented, so he said, "You can go down if you want, but I have to hold it."

Ling Weifeng nodded immediately, she was almost moldy.

The Royal Xi’s kitchen is very large and occupies the first floor of one of the villas. It feels like a royal banquet and is very luxurious.

Unlike the small bar where they lived in Huatai before, there was no place to sit in the Xi Royal kitchen.

It was impossible for Prince Gu to let Ling Weifeng stand, and she refused to wait outside, so she must follow up and see.

He could only bring a leather chair, withered to the height of the glazed platform, and let her look under him.

"What kind of noodles do you want?" he asked.

Ling Weifeng thought for a while, "Spaghetti."

Prince Gu is the best at making pasta, because she likes to eat, he used to make it often.

He frowned. How could she eat the greasy pasta? It might be thrown out again.

However, my wife said she wanted to eat, even if she knew it was dumping, she had to do it.

So he started down very seriously, Ling Weifeng resting his cheeks on both hands, watching very quietly.

The kitchen was lit, and the night watchman thought it was someone. He took a look and immediately retracted.

It was the young master and the young grandmother. In the huge kitchen, the two looked so warm.

They wink and won't bother.

Soon, a plate of pasta was ready.

Prince Xi Gu first put the noodles on the outside table, and then came back and took Ling Weifeng out.

Ling Weifeng looked at such a large portion, licked his lips, and then took out the phone.

Take a photo and send it to Moments.

[Naogong said that I was pregnant, and I made it for me in the middle of the night. 】

It was just sent out, and someone commented immediately below.

Leng Li: Fuck, put poison late at night!

Yin Shunhua: Upstairs was wrong, not poisoning, but dog food.

Tang Fengyang: I knew it was not as delicious as I did. Next time I come to the Presidential Palace, my brother will cook it for you.

Bu Zhiya: Still not sleeping so late? Pay attention to rest, otherwise the baby is not good.

It's rare to care about Yu and he doesn't swear **** for tat anymore, "eat more, you have lost weight recently."

Only Fang Jiming stared at Ling Weifeng's dynamics with his mobile phone in a daze.

His eyes were a little dry suddenly, if his Jiaojiao were still there, if their children were still there, he would be willing to make her a supper in the middle of the night.

However, God did not give him this opportunity.

After editing several times without pressing the text, he suddenly threw the phone and fell on the bed.

When you open your eyes, you can see the picture of Wang Jiaohua on the ceiling like a sky full of stars.

What is she doing now, will she... also think of him.

Probably not, she hates him so much.

Ling Weifeng was a little surprised, it was already half past one, and none of them were asleep.

It is rare that Prince Xi Gu Ken asked her to play with her mobile phone, so she quickly responded one by one and interacted with them below.

Prince Xi's eyes were soft, he hadn't seen her smile for a long time.

Seeing that she was in a good mood, he focused on commenting with those people, so he picked up his fork and rolled a small bite of pasta.

Hand it to her, "Wife, open your mouth."

He used to feed her something like this.

She opened her mouth almost instinctively when she heard the word "opening mouth", and then leaned toward Prince Xi Gu and bit down.

Chew it twice and swallow it.

Prince Xi's eyes widened, she actually ate it.

Seeing that her attention was not on the food, he quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a private message to Leng Li and others.

"Accompany my wife to review comments, not to stop!"