Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1617: she left

At that time, she was so dazzled by happiness that she was completely stunned and called Ling Weifeng to say that she was dreaming.

He remembered that at that time he held her and said to her himself, "Wife, happy newlywed."

At that moment, happiness is so real.

However, it was so short-lived.

It was only ten days, and they walked into this place again, but it was the dividing line of happiness.

Wang Jiaohua was very calm. She lowered her head and looked at the divorce certificate in her hand.

Then close it and put it away.

Raising his head, he gave Fang Jiming a bleak and far-fetched smile, "Senior, goodbye."

Fang Jiming was already numb with pain, but he twitched fiercely.

Looking at the girl who was slowly turning around in front of him, he reflexively stepped forward and took her hand.

Wang Jiaohua was a little dazed, "Is there anything else?"

Fang Jiming's eyes were obsessed, "Jiaojiao, I... I'll send you off."

"No, Xiao Feng will pick me up."

As soon as the words fell, Ling Weifeng's car stopped.

Angrily got out of the car and almost rushed up to fight Fang Jiming desperately!

But Wang Jiaohua stopped him, "Xiao Feng, let's go."

"This **** bullies you!"

Ling Weifeng was almost mad, and Fang Jiming dared to hide it from everyone!

If it hadn't been for Wang Jiaohua to call her just now and ask her to pick up someone from the Civil Affairs Bureau, she wouldn't know that so many things have happened these days!

Fang Jiming didn't move, but he hoped to be beaten by Ling Weifeng, so that Wang Jiaohua would feel sorry for him, would he stay with him?

However, he ultimately did not get his wish.

Ling Weifeng was still stopped by Wang Jiaohua.

At the door of the frequent Civil Affairs Bureau, a young couple walked in with happy smiles, and walked out happily.

Those happiness, set off him so desolate.

Pedestrians hurried, but he was no longer charming.

Walking back into the car numbly, he lay on the steering wheel, his chest suddenly pained like a torn.

The pain of the heart is overwhelming.

He covered his chest with one hand and opened his mouth slightly, breathing heavily.

However, it was useless.

The heart still hurts so much that I can't breathe.

He slammed his head heavily on the steering wheel, again and again, but still could not stop the fatal pain of erosion.

From the dry throat, there was a whimper like a widowed beast.

In the car that no one can see, all the pain can no longer be hidden.

For example, the Yellow River lacks levees and floods.

That night, Fang Jiming went to the bar to buy drunk alone, and was taken to the hospital in the middle of the night, suffering from alcoholism.

I slept in the hospital all night and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

Fang Lan was the only person in the ward.

The last thing he didn't want to see was Fang Lan.

Just as I was trying to rush people out loud, the phone rang.

It was from Assistant Gao Yang, "Master, grandma is gone."

When the phone slipped, Fang Jiming only felt the position of his heart, which was empty.

Without wearing shoes, he pulled out the needle directly and walked out.

Behind him was Fang Lan's anxious call, but he had already walked away.

All the way through the red light, the car drove to the extreme, desperately rushing to the airport.


How could she leave.

How could she leave him behind!

He agreed to the divorce, just to give her time to breathe, but to stabilize her mood.

When will she be allowed to go!

How could she leave him without permission!