Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1599: A generation of talented queen Jiaohua 1

If she doesn't sign a contract with a company again, it is estimated that those conspiracy theories will wipe her out.

After Fang Lan knew that Wang Jiaohua signed the Fang clan, she almost didn't get angry!

However, Fang Jiming is in charge of Fang's entertainment department now, and if he protects her, she would not do it blatantly.

Fang Jiming originally wanted Wang Jiaohua to raise her baby at home first. As for the company, she would arrange a job for her after she gave birth to the baby and took care of her body.

Anyway, she is now the young grandmother of the Fang family, and she is sure that all the resources are piled on her, and she is not afraid of being overwhelmed.

However, Wang Jiaohua firmly disagreed.

She is accustomed to independence, and does not want to stand behind a man and be a rich man.

Fang Lan already had such big opinions on her now, if she relied on Fang Jiming, it would be even more despised.

A woman, if there is no source of income, she has no confidence to speak.

So a few days after signing the contract, she went to Fang's Entertainment to report.

The name Wang Siming can be described as popular in the entertainment circle, especially in the music world, it can be said to be a queen-level figure.

Therefore, her parachuting Fang Shi will naturally arouse hostility from many people.

Especially Fang's singer, peers and rivals, almost all regard her as an enemy.

From the moment she walked into Fang's family, she had received countless hostile eyes.

The relationship between her and Fang Jiming has not been made public, so the artists under the Fang clan will not give her face, and they are almost united against her outsider.

Wang Jiaohua directly ignored this.

Gao Yang arranged for her a new economic man and assistant, all of whom were personally selected by Fang Jiming.

Fang's ace economic man.

As soon as he entered the Fang clan, he was already treated by a sister, which made countless artists jealous.

Gao Yang excitedly took a lot of resources and walked towards Wang Jiaohua's special lounge.

Now in the entire company, only he knows the true identity of Wang Jiaohua. Of course, he has to use this advantage to please the boss.

Seeing Wang Jiaohua, he was about to hand over all the resources like a reward and let Wang Jiaohua choose.

But I don't want Wang Jiaohua to speak a step ahead of him, "Assistant Gao, you came just right, I have some lyrics and tunes here, you can see which singer is suitable for the company, and sing them for them.

And that's it. The theme song I wrote for the TV series that Fang is currently filming, can you show it to the music producer to see if it fits.

I looked at the company's singer's information. Several of them have potential. I also wrote some songs for them. I don't know if they like Huan...

Assistant Gao, what are you holding in your hand? "

Wang Jiaohua said a lot, only to find Gao Yang dumbfounded, holding some documents in her hand.

Gao Yang finally came back to his senses, "These are all new lyrics and music collected by the company. I originally wanted to show it to you and let you pick some favorites first. I didn't expect you to have so many songs here..."


Suddenly I felt ashamed of myself, and I was just playing an axe at the door of the class.

Wang Jiaohua was taken aback for a moment, and then chuckled, "Thank you Assistant Gao, but no, I usually write songs by myself."

Gao Yang neatly accepted the song in her hand and was stunned.

"You wrote these?"

"Yes, I major in music and like to write songs by myself." Music and dance are her favorites.

I have loved it since I was young.

The biggest dream is to become a music producer and dancer.