Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1595: Go to see the parents

It was originally just a kiss of gratitude, but it gradually changed.

Fang Jiming's breathing became heavier and heavier, and his hands stretched in from her clothes uneasy.

Finally stopped at her lower abdomen, here, there are their children.

He buried his head between her neck, muttering a little desperately.

"The child is really the biggest light bulb."

Tonight is his bridal chamber flower night, but in the end he wants to talk purely under the covers.

It doesn't work if you want to love your wife well.

Fang Jiming was aggrieved.

Hearing his complaint, Wang Jiaohua laughed like a bell.

In order to prevent him from pressing her out of control, he turned over and lay down, letting her press on him.

Raising her hand and squeezing her face, her eyes are full of petting, "You are still smiling."

Wang Jiaohua smiled, her soft lips fell on his slightly cold lips, and they split.

"The doctor said that you can't have **** in the first three months, so I can only work hard for you."

Fang Jiming put his hand on her back and drew circles with his fingertips, "When the child is born, you must make up for me."

Wang Jiao flushed, and bowed her head a little embarrassedly, "I hate it."

The next day, Fang Jiming had someone refurbish the villa, and all Wang Jiaohua's things were moved in.

Considering that she is pregnant and cannot smell the new furniture, there is no major renovation.

Just changed some decorations, it looks more like a home.

Wang Jiaohua is directing the decorators to hang curtains. The previous curtains were too monotonous, she didn't like it.

When Fang Jiming came back, she saw her standing in the middle of the hall wearing a family dress.

Graceful posture, thin and tall.

He walked over and hugged her from behind.

The room was a bit loud, and Wang Jiaohua didn't realize that he was back. She was shocked by him so suddenly.

The body shrank forward and was hugged back by him.

"Why, let go, many people."

There are decoration workers in the house, so embarrassing it is for him to hug him.

Fang Jiming hugged her tighter, stretched his head over, and kissed her on the cheek.

"I hold my wife, why should I let go."

Wang Jiaohua blushed, she still didn't get used to the fact that they were married.

It's too sudden, it always feels so unreal.

After breaking his hand, he could only follow him without breaking it.

"Don't you have to go to work today? Why did you come back?"

"The afternoon trip was cancelled. Go up and change clothes. We will go home today."

Wang Jiaohua was taken aback, "Go home?"

Isn't this their home? Where are they going back to? Is it...

When she thought of going back to Fang's house, her face changed.

Although she hadn't seen the legendary mother-in-law, the rumors all along made her feel an instinctive sense of fear in Fang Lan.

As if seeing through her mind, Fang Jiming turned her body around and held her face to face.

"Don't worry, my mother doesn't eat people."

Wang Jiaohua was a little unnatural, "I'm a little scared."

"Don't be afraid, I am here."

Wang Jiaohua was always very upset when she went upstairs to change her clothes with anxiety.

On the way to Fang's house, she imagined a variety of scenarios and was ready to be insulted or made things difficult.

However, what she did not expect was that there was no insult, let alone making things difficult.

Because she didn't even see Fang Lan's face.

Sitting in the living room of Fang's house and waiting for an entire hour, Wang Jiaohua was uneasy from the beginning, to loss, to numbness.

Not seeing her is more embarrassing than making things difficult.

Fang Jiming's face was getting darker and darker, and his gentle face was clouded.