Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1498: Passionate 1

After brushing the circle of friends for a while, Ling Weifeng retired and ran to chat with Wang Jiaohua privately.

Ling Weifeng: Xiaohuahua, why haven’t you been bubbling lately, nor have you come to play with me [Poor] [Poor]

Wang Jiaohua: I'm busy.

Ling Weifeng: What are you up to?

Wang Jiaohua: Busy dating

Ling Weifeng [Despise]: Come on, you, your senior went on a business trip, who are you going on a date and cheating?

Wang Jiaohua: ...Believe it or not, I tore your mouth! [Shy] [Shy] People fall in love with the senior at first sight, don't talk nonsense.

Ling Weifeng: Oh...

Wang Jiaohua: [Baiyan] I won't tell you anymore, the senior is back, I'm going to pick up the plane.

Ling Weifeng: …the color is more important than friends!

Wang Jiaohua: I'll give you back this sentence too! Wave~

When she arrived at the airport, it was already eight ten in the evening.

Fang Jiming got off the plane at 8 o'clock and was ten minutes late.

She was a little anxious, she should have left early, who knew there would be a traffic jam.

After searching in the crowd for a while, he saw Fang Jiming's figure.

He wore a long white suit jacket. He had a long body and an unparalleled temperament, which was very obvious in the crowd.

Wearing a pair of black sunglasses, pulling a gift box, it adds a bit of nobility and mystery, which attracts pedestrians.

Seeing that her boyfriend is so outstanding, Wang Jiaohua was a little happy, she suppressed her excitement.

Just as Fang Jiming looked in her direction, she raised her hand and was about to say hello.

I saw a happy voice sounded.

"Brother Ming."

Some soft voices made Wang Jiaohua stiff.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a woman wearing a yellow fleece jacket leaping into Fang Jiming's arms and hugging her tightly.

"Brother Ming, I miss you so much."

Wang Jiaohua stood still, raising her hand, and froze in midair.

He stared blankly at Fang Jiming and Bu Zhiyao who were hugging each other not far away.

His head was blank.

Turning around silently, slowly blending into the crowd.

She walked very slowly, hoping someone could catch up from behind.

However, no.

Fang Jiming was lowering his head at this time, looking at the woman hugging him with some surprise.

No existence of Wang Jiaohua was found.

After recovering, he quickly let go of the hand holding the gift box, and then pushed Bu Zhiyao away.

His eyes turned cold.

Bu Zhiyao was a little unbelievable, and a little wronged, he actually pushed her away.

He used to like her hug him very much, never push away.

The eye sockets turned red in an instant, as if he was wronged by Tian, ​​"Brother Ming."

"Why are you here?" Fang Jiming lowered his face.

When he came back today, he only told Wang Jiaohua and asked her to pick up the plane. How did Bu Zhiyao know.

His eyes narrowed slightly, causing a deep displeasure, "Are you investigating me?"

Bu Zhiyao's face changed slightly, then lowered her head, "I...Brother Ming, I have no intentions, I just want to see you."

"Then you see it now, you can go."

"Brother Ming..."

"Miss Bu, you should call me my full name, after all, we are not familiar."

Bu Zhiyao's body trembled fiercely, and two clear tears slipped down her slap-big face. I felt pity.

The beauty is weeping and the body is still trembling. This pitiful look, it is estimated that any man in the world will feel compassionate.

Fang Jiming's eyes sting.

At first, he was aroused by her soft and weak appearance, and then he slowly sank in.