Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1474: Hang Sister's Gift 2

Why is it always so strong, endure everything by yourself.

"Where is the medicine box?" he asked in a cold voice.

Wang Jiaohua pointed to the drawer under the TV cabinet, but she was relieved. Fortunately, he didn't ask how it was done, otherwise he didn't know how to explain it.

Fang Jiming brought the medicine box over, carefully disinfected her, and then took the band-aids.

"Don't touch the water."

Wang Jiaohua's lips moved. In fact, this injury was nothing to her.

If she was alone, she wouldn't be able to deal with it at all, it wouldn't hurt anyway.

She is not a daughter of a daughter, and I don't know how many injuries he has suffered.

It's just that it feels good to be cared about.

Especially people who care about themselves are her male gods.

So Wang Jiaohua stared at her hand and smirked.

Fang Jiming squeezed her nose, "What are you laughing at, silly girl."

"The bandage is so beautiful."

Wang Jiaohua smiled and said, only then discovered that the two were very close.

He was sitting next to her, and the fresh breath of his body penetrated into the nose, making her body tense again.

The abnormality in her body became more obvious, which made her feel uneasy.

Breathing is also slightly heavier.

Staring at Fang Jiming's thin **** lips, there was a sudden urge to rush to kiss.

She hurriedly started, afraid to look at it again.

My heart was full of shock, oh my god, when did her self-control become so bad.

The cheeks are getting redder and the body is getting more and more uncomfortable.

In order not to lose her mind, she clamped her legs, and then moved aside.

Try to stay away from his breath package.

Fang Jimin knew that her purple infatuation was working, so he didn't say anything to prevent her from embarrassment.

Seeing her holding back away like this, he frowned, thinking about how to divert her attention and make her feel better.

I saw a square box on the table. It was a gift Ling Weifeng gave her in the underground parking lot.

"What did Xiao Feng give you." He asked

When Wang Jiaohua remembered, Ling Weifeng said that she had made up her birthday present.

When her birthday was originally to be celebrated together, but she just released a new album, which was the busiest time.

She also wanted to find something to do to divert her attention, so she took it.

He opened it and said jokingly, "I don't know, but don't be a prank."

Fang Jiming also sat down, and the two were next to each other.

Wang Jiaohua now focuses all of her attention on gifts, and she doesn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

The box opened, and inside was a photo album and a video tape.

Wang Jiaohua picked up the video tape first, "What is it."

Muttered, then put it on the table.

Pick up the album and open it.

Inside are all pictures of her and Fang Jiming, from the beginning of high school.

Most of them were in the Xihuang restaurant. After all, at that time, the place where she and Fang Jiming most intersected was the Xihuang restaurant.

There are also photos taken during a trip to Waterfall Mountain.

"Oh my God, why does she have so many photos."

Wang Jiaohua smiled. She and Fang Jiming didn't actually have much past, so there were very few photos.

This photo album sent by Ling Weifeng is so heart-warming, I don't know where she got so many photos.

What surprised her most was that she fell down on the night of the masquerade, and there were photos of Fang Jiming helping her up.

The more I look at it, the more I am surprised, how Ling Weifeng did it, this gift is too heartwarming.