Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1426: Old man Ling was beaten in the face 2

The Royal Building is the headquarters of Xi Royal.

The information and decision-making of all the industries under the Xi imperial family, including domestic and overseas, are gathered in this towering and majestic building every day.

It can be said that this contains the top secrets of the Xi royal family.

Therefore, the security is in place, even higher than the defense of the Ministry of National Defense.

Not everyone can get in.

As soon as Grandpa Ling approached, a circle of infrared rays swept across him.

And all the way to the door, there were infrared probes shooting his body back and forth, seeming to confirm that there were no dangerous items on his body.

Elder Ling deeply felt the gap between Ling's family and Xi Royal.

Xi Royal is worthy of being a master of arms, but these defenses are all military.

At this time, he was extremely proud, almost regarded himself as a Xi imperial person, and regarded all such honors as high above his own.

Hold your head higher than anyone else.

However, his arrogant and complacent expression froze when he walked one meter away from the gate.

Because two security guards stopped in front of him.

"Excuse me, gentleman, may I ask you something."

Elder Ling's face sank suddenly, "Don't you know who I am."

The security guard hurriedly said, "Mr. Ling."

The Ling family is one of the top ten families in China, so Father Ling is also a top-ranked figure in China, and few people don't know him.

"You still dare to stop me if you know who I am." The old man Ling was furious, with a very bad tone.

The security guard looked at the crowd of people hula hula behind him embarrassedly.

If it was only Elder Ling, and there were no dangerous weapons on him, they would naturally not stop him.

But behind him are housekeepers, servants, doctors, bodyguards, and so on, which adds up to nearly ten people.

Bring so many people into the Royal Mansion, they must ask clearly.

This is where the responsibility lies. In case of any accident, no one can afford it.

"Sorry, Mr. Ling, we are just asking routinely."

Seeing that the security hadn't let go, Old Man Ling became even more angry.

"Hmph, don't you know who my granddaughter is? She is the young grandmother of your Xi Royal future, and I am your young master's grandfather!

I came to look for my grandson-in-law, and you dare to stop it.

Believe it or not, I will let my grandson-in-law fire you! "

The faces of the two security guards are also not pretty.

They are just doing business, so why fire them?

Xi Royal is a place that pays attention to rules. They didn't make a mistake, and they didn't believe that the young master would be private.

"Hurry up!"

Elder Ling took the crutches and knocked on the ground hard, showing that he was very angry at this time, "Do you want me to call down my grandson-in-law before you let it go?"

His tone is very determined, it seems that as long as he speaks, Prince Gu will definitely come down.

The two doctors following behind looked a little embarrassed.

How does this feel like making trouble out of nowhere?

The lively gaze around them makes them very uncomfortable.

The two security guards looked at each other, scanned these people again, and carefully checked the medical kit brought by the doctor, and after they were sure that there was no danger, they were released.

Although he has some opinions on this old man, he is the grandfather of the future young grandma after all.

Even if they ignore the loss, they can't really contradict him.

Elder Ling snorted coldly, even more arrogant.

Surrounded by a group of people, he strode in.

However, when I came to the front desk, I was stopped again.