Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1417: Not biological 2

When these words came out, Xia Chunlin's face was as pale as paper.

She took a step back, her lips trembling slightly.

Panic and fear flashed across her face, indicating her guilty conscience.

"I...I don't know what you are talking about."

The little nurse on the side understood the key at once.

I was shocked to hear that a rich man was secretive, and he was so scared that he dared not speak out.

Try to reduce your sense of existence.

Just a little anxious, there is an urgent need for blood transfusion, but I dare not urge.

Old man Ling couldn't understand what he said, "What do you mean, type A blood and type B blood, don't hesitate to think of a blood transfusion."

Ling Weifeng was taken aback first, then shocked.

She covered her mouth in disbelief, her eyes fell on Xia Chunlin's panicked face, as if she understood something.

Could it be Ling Mengxi...

Ling Yiyong's eyes became sharper and sharper, and Xia Chunlin's expression had already explained everything.

He was suddenly angry, and felt that for so many years he had been regarded as a fool.

Although he doesn't love Xia Chunlin, she put a green hat on him, which still made him mad!

And for so many years, he is likely to help others raise a daughter.

"What are you talking about!" Elder Ling angrily knocked on the floor with his cane.

Ling Weifeng curled her lips with an expression of watching the show.

"Two people with type A blood will give birth to children who are either type A or type O. It is impossible to have type B."

Ling Yiyong's expression is about to come!

Elder Ling finally understood, he couldn't believe it.

Ling Mengxi is not actually the flesh and blood of the Ling family!

"Bastard stuff!"

The extreme anger and shame made his body tremble.

Holding his chest tightly with one hand, it seems that a heart attack will occur in the next second.

There is such a thing, this bitch!

Just as he was about to get angry, he thought of something. Grandpa Ling turned his head sharply and looked at Ling Weifeng, "What blood type are you."

"AB." Ling Weifeng said, "my mother has blood type AB, and my dad has blood type A."

So she was born with AB blood type and there was no pressure at all.

Unreasonable, unreasonable!

Elder Ling was trembling with anger and might faint at any time.

Regardless of the hospital now, he picked up the crutches and hit Xia Chunlin directly.

Xia Chunlin was in pain, her legs softened, and she sat directly on the ground.

The face was completely ashes.

She didn't even dare to scream in pain, because Old Man Ling's expression was really terrifying.

The little nurse on the side was also shocked.

Unexpectedly, this old man was so cruel that he would hit someone directly with a crutches, such a thick stick, and the muffled sound of hitting it hurts.

In order to prevent death in the hospital, she said quickly.

"Mr. Ling, please calm down first. Although blood type is the standard for judging blood relationship under normal circumstances, blood type may also mutate. Although the probability of mutation is not high, it still exists.

It is best to do a paternity test, in case there is a misunderstanding, it is not good.

There have been such examples before. "

Old man Ling was so angry that he was so angry that he "do a paternity test immediately."

If the paternity test is found, Ling Mengxi is not a child of the Ling family, so let's see if he doesn't kill this bitch!

"No!" Xia Chunlin screamed.

Can't do paternity test, can't do it.

She was panicked and burst into tears, retorting subconsciously.

After the words, I felt that I had too much reaction, and I wanted to cover it up.

So he knelt down directly to Grandpa Ling.

"Dad, Mengxi is the flesh and blood of the Ling family, how can you doubt her like this."