Hello, Mr. School Prince

Chapter 1387: Game of Death 1

Bai Feifei roared again and interrupted Ling Weifeng.

That monstrous hatred, almost condensed into substance.

This accusatory tone made Ling Weifeng's arrow pierced.

She suddenly didn't want to explain what happened back then.

Does the explanation work? Will Bai Feifei believe it?

Yes, hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, everyone will choose the facts that their eyes see, and who will believe what she said.

"You can do it yourself."

Ling Weifeng left a word weakly, turned around sadly, and left.

"What do you want, kill me, or let Zhongqing kill me? Ling Weifeng, you are ungrateful!"

Ling Weifeng turned his head, "I will not kill you, nor will I let love kill you."

As for what the prince Xi Gu would do, it didn't matter to her.

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to herself. She is not stupid enough to leave herself such a big scourge.

Behind him, there was the sound of smashing things, mixed with angry crying.

However, it has nothing to do with her.

Prince Xi Gu raised his wrist to look at his watch, almost counting the time passing by.

Five minutes have passed, and Ling Weifeng hasn't come out yet.

With a gloomy face, he was about to go in to find someone when he saw Ling Weifeng coming out desperately.

She hurriedly greeted her, and when she saw the tears on her face, the position of her heart tightened.

"what happened?"

Her eyes fell inadvertently in the direction she came out, and a vicious murder intent flashed.

Ling Weifeng looked up at him, his eyes a little dull.

"I want to go for a walk." Her voice was hoarse.

Obviously endure the urge to cry bitterly.

"it is good."

He didn't ask what happened, what she didn't want to say, he wouldn't ask.

He half-wrapped her with one hand and opened the door with one hand to protect her into the car.

Standing on the balcony, Bai Feifei looked at the direction the car was leaving, his eyes were like a knife, and he wanted to cut Ling Weifeng thousands of times.

Ling Weifeng, has your conscience eaten by a dog? You betrayed my brother, and you can still be in a double-hearted relationship with other men with peace of mind.

I will never let you go, Bai Feifei, you wait for me!

Silent all the way.

The prince Gu took Ling Weifeng to the park in the Huatai villa area, parked the car and got off.

Accompany her on the dim bluestone trail.

It was late at night and the temperature dropped a little bit.

The cold wind blew her, making her thin body more depressed, as if she would fall down at any time.

Seeing her just lowered her head and walked passively, he felt distressed.

Walked behind her, unzipped her clothes and wrapped her up.

Wrap her small hands with both hands, and then wrap them around her waist, with her chin resting on her heart, following her footsteps.

Her hands don't seem to be warm, they are always cold.

After walking twice along the park, Ling Weifeng didn't seem to have any intention of going back.

Prince Xi Gu distressed, "Xiao Feng, let's go home."

"Don't go back." Ling Weifeng muttered, "Xihuang, let's play a game. If you win, we will go home. If I win, you continue to walk with me."

"what game?"

Ling Weifeng stopped and looked at him sideways, then stretched out a hand and made a fist, "Guessing a boxing game."

Prince Xi Gu turned her body around and stood face to face.

He squeezed her nose with a chuckle, "Childish."

Ling Weifeng smiled. This smile was a little crippled under the mottled moonlight.

The eyes turned cold suddenly, like a poisonous snake, emitting a cold light.

"Is it childish? This is not necessarily true. It will kill you."